Empowering Voters/
Defending Democracy
 Scroll on down and find what interests you.

Wouldn't We Like to Know?

Is there a significant relationship between the businesses that receive procurement contracts from various governmental agencies (school districts, for example) and the political support those businesses provide to the governmental agencies?

AZ Mirror reporters discovered that, " Three large architecture firms, three large general contractors and three prominent subcontractors collectively won more than half of all school construction contracts in Maricopa County between 2013 and 2016. Those same companies also heavily financed ballot measure campaigns for school districts to issue bonds – paid for by higher property taxes – to fund school construction . . . "

Imagine what we could learn with an online searchable database of procurement contracts for all governmental entities in the state.

A paint-by-number portrait of Arizona’s nebulous independent voter
Joseph Garcia Blog, Morrison Institute, March 20th

This is an interesting blog selection that essentially paints the independent voter as important to campaign outcomes, but somewhat flakey, who sometimes votes and sometimes doesn't.

As of Jan. 1, there were 3,782,218 people registered to vote in Arizona, and about 1/3 of them chose to register as "no party designated" -- in other words, as independents. That's slightly fewer than those registering as Republicans and slightly more than those registering as Democrats.

HOWEVER: Only 10 percent of those independents voted in the 2016 primary election, compared with 31 percent of registered Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans. And that's a shame, because as Garcia notes in the blog, "In essence, in 20 to 22 of Arizona’s 30 legislative districts, whomever survives the primary will be the likely and sometimes virtually guaranteed winner in the general election."


The Environment
League Submits Amicus Brief in  Juliana v. U.S.

Twenty-one youth filed their constitutional climate lawsuit , called Juliana v. U.S. , against the U.S. government in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in 2015.

Their complaint asserts that, through the government's affirmative actions that cause climate change, the government has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property , as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources.

LWVUS and LWVOR submitted an  amicus brief  in the case, arguing that it is the job of the federal government to protect children from the damaging effects of climate change. The courts should allow the claims of this politically powerless cohort to proceed to the trial process.

The President himself is no longer being sued.
Will the case ever go to court? Read this analysis, HERE.

AZ Capitol Times Morning Scoop - HEALTHCARE
Tuesday, March 26th, 7 am
Alexi's Grill, 3550 N Central Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85012

Opioids, Medicaid, health plans and health access - there's a lot to talk about. Join policymakers and experts who will explore the biggest health issues facing Arizona today.

Attendance is free. Continental breakfast is provided. Seating is limited.

Movie Screening:
"Backpack Full of Cash"
March 27, 5:30 pm

Mesa Community College
Navajo Room, Building KSC-35S
1833 W Southern Ave
Mesa, AZ 85202

Special Notes: There will be catering for the event, so food will be provided for all attendees.
RSVP! Room for 300 people!

BACKPACK FULL OF CASH is a cautionary tale about how, in cities like Philadelphia, privatization and funding cuts have had a devastating impact on public schools , and the most vulnerable children who rely on them. The film also showcases a model for improving schools – a well-resourced public school system in Union City, New Jersey, where poor kids are getting a high quality education without charters or vouchers.
Arizona Spring Events
Around the State
March and April -- act quickly!
Tucson, Flagstaff, Phoenix  Click HERE.
Arizona Education "College Bowl"!

The Northwest Maricopa County League is inviting all interested in education to join them in a spirited, interactive game similar to the old T.V. College Bowl.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

         5:30 p.m. -- Martha Thompson's delicious homemade pizza,
salad, cookies, beverages
Please RSVP for this part, to ( Bonniesaun@aol.com )
no later than Tuesday, March 26th

         6:00 p.m. -- Questions on education to competitive teams
Buzzers, bells, whistles or noise-makers are involved!
Can your team be the big prize winner?
Questions asked by Joye and John Kohl, education experts

Where:    Unitarian Universalist Church, 17540 N. Avenue of the Arts, Surprise
National Conversation Week starts April 5th!

Are you curious about how others see things?
Do you believe that civil discourse has become downright uncivil?
Are you tired of avoiding those "other" people? 
Do you aspire to learn how to be a better listener and communicator?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, join us! 
No prior experience, training, or expertise is required,
just a genuine interest in bridging divides through conversation.

Over 95% of people who have a Living Room Conversation
want to have another!!!

Friday, April 5:
Saturday, April 6:
Sunday, April 7:

And everything you need to host your own conversation in person is  right here .  Or  join  a conversation organized by colleagues participating in NWOC!
Save the date!
LWVAZ Convention!
May 18th and 19th

Residence Inn Marriott
3599 Lee Circle
Prescott, AZ

The League of Women Voters Central Yavapai County is hosting the bi-annual state convention in Arizona's territorial capital, Prescott.
League leaders and League delegates come together to discuss, caucus and decide what will be the program focus for the next 2 years, the statewide budget for the organization and the League leadership for the statewide organization. There will also be a variety of workshops to attend on current issues and leadership development along with organized outside outings.
If you are interested in attending as a voting delegate , please contact your local League president. You are also welcome to attend as a guest - also contact your local League president.
A registration form for convention will be sent out by April 1, 2019. 
News from Local Leagues around the State

Greater Verde Valley: http://lwvverdevalley.com/calendar.html Northwest

Thanks for being
an involved citizen!

Please consider a donation to support our advocacy and education efforts.