November 2023

Back where we belong, back in Springfield and back in the Capitol!

Our return to in-person Lobby Day was a success thanks to the 18 different local Leagues who participated. League members traveled from across the state to enjoy picture-perfect fall weather and lobby on veto session legislation, with a focus on the planned sunset of the euphemistically-named Invest in Kids Act. League members held in-person meetings and conversations with our state legislators. This is the work League is meant to do!

Thanks to our speakers: Cassie Creswell, Director of Illinois Families for Public Schools, Hannah Meisel, journalist with Capitol News Illinois, and Eileen Lynch, Chief of Staff for Illinois state Senator Don Harmon.

We are already planning for our return trip in the spring, so be on the lookout for future announcements.

Becky Simon, president

Action Alert

Tell your state representative to vote NO on HB4194, a proposed amendment that extends the Invest in Kids private school voucher program. Take action.

Advocacy Continues After Bills Become Law

October was a strong reminder that work of the League is never done. 

You may be aware that LWV of Illinois and our coalition partners successfully lobbied for passage of the evidence-based school funding (EBF) model that strives to create financial equity across schools. Unfortunately, despite passage of the EBF bill, as of 2023 funding is hundreds of millions of dollars below what the legislature is obligated by statute to provide. That’s why the League testified in front of the Illinois State Board of Education this past month asking them to recommend adequate funding for the program and to consider additional funding to make up the growing funding gap. 

Likewise, the SAFE-T Act, which became law about two years ago, contained several little-known provisions for improving the fairness of our justice system. To ensure timely implementation of some of these provisions, in October, LWV of Illinois endorsed a funding request to support pre-trial diversion programs such as day care or transportation needed to allow people to show up for court appointments, mental health and substance abuse support, and general assistance navigating both the courts and support systems. Diversion programs are designed to create safety nets and opportunities for accused individuals to balance the realities of their life situations with their obligations to the courts. Funding and implementation are key to realizing the benefits of the legislation we worked to get passed.

LWV of Illinois appropriately places emphasis on new laws that it believes promote democratic processes, equity, and civil rights. But monitoring the implementation of bills and conducting ongoing education to the public about progress is an equally important part of holding our lawmakers accountable for the commitments they make. 

Election Season is Upon Us

Illinoisans won’t head to the polls again until 2024, but many other states are holding elections this month. Check in with your friends and family across the U.S. to make sure they have a plan to vote!

Meanwhile, the 2024 election season is approaching fast. Illinois’ general primary election will be held on March 19, 2024 and the general election on November 5, 2024. LWV of Illinois is once again preparing the definitive voter guide for every election in the state, the Illinois Voter Guide.

Inside IVG, voters find everything they need to vote informed: registration information; mail-in ballot applications; dropbox locations; polling place locations and hours; candidate profiles; an election day help line; and Spanish and Mandarin translations—sign up to be notified when the guide is available.

Get Informed at League Events

Leagues across the state regularly hold free educational events that are open to the public. Learn more about the issues you care about—sign up to attend an upcoming event!


Your dollars go directly to LWV of Illinois' work to educate, advocate and activate—empowering people to use their voices in our democracy.

Join us on the path toward an equitable future. Support the League.

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