Welcome back to another year of League activities!
With elections coming up this fall and in the spring, our League will be busy. Keep track of all events by reading our weekly communiques that come out Monday mornings at 11:00am. In future newsletters, the President's Letter will be written by one of our Vice-Presidents, Michelle Mbekeani-Wiley.
Remember that your League membership needs to be renewed ASAP. The directory will be mailed out in a few weeks and you need to renew your membership to be included.
Please take time now to either mail in your check or go online to our website
to pay using PayPal. Your League needs your membership!
Do you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve our monthly newsletter or Week in Preview emails? Please contact
Peggy Kell with your input.
How to Get and Stay on the Ballot
 On Tuesday, August 30, learn
"How to Get and Stay on the Ballot." Attorney Gregory Smith, from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, will share information on how to go about running for local office and getting on the ballot. With municipal elections coming in April, 2017, now is the time to learn all the ins and outs of the process. Have you ever thought of running for local office? Do you know of a neighbor or friend who has impressed you with their potential? Please tell them about this event. It will be held from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Oak Park Township Meeting Room, 130 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Spread the word!
Sarah Shirk, Heather Cunningham, Ann Bolan, and Peggy Kell continue to work on developing our new website.
We are using a platform called Weebly. Two other Leagues use it now. Check them out and see what you think: LWVCook County and LWV Lake Michigan. There is still time to share your ideas with us. The committee's next meeting will be August 11.
What do think is essential when you visit websites? What features make it easy to navigate?
What do you value on our website, LWV OPRF, that you would like to see kept?
You can still send your feedback answers
to Peggy Kell.
State of the Villages Luncheon
Our biannual fundraiser, "State of the Villages 2017", is
scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2017, from 1:00-4:00 pm, at Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park. So we have the date and place, we now need
your involvement to begin work on invitations, promotion, ads, and theme. The first meeting for the committee will be Thursday, August 25, from 7:00-8:30 pm at the house of committee Chairperson, Mary Walsh, 827 Linden, Oak Park.
Remember, many hands make light work! Please RSVP
Mary Walsh with your attendance or contact her if you have any questions.
There is still time to sign up for the LWV CC's August 11 Lunch & Learn. Print out the flyer and mail in your
registration fee ASAP. Lunch & Learn Flyer
Mark your calendars now for our Fall Kick-Off on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. Our Membership Committee is inviting all current and prospective members to hear about referendum questions on the November ballot. Leaguers Pris Mims will be presenting on the question, "Cook County Recorder of Deeds should be eliminated and assumed by the Office of County Clerk" and then Jan Goldberg will be updating us on the Independent Maps Redistricting Amendment. Starting at 6:00 pm, a light supper will be served followed by the presentations. Please RSVP your attendance to Marilyn Cantisano. Remember to invite a friend or neighbor! |