League of Women Voters of Scarsdale
May 2020

The League of Women Voters of Scarsdale (LWVS) is a volunteer, nonpartisan political organization that promotes political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government.  The League is nonpartisan in that it does not support or oppose any candidate for public office; it is political in that it takes positions on selected governmental issues after serious member study and consensus.  
In This Issue

May 2020
  • 5/8, Friday: 
    • 9:30 a.m. Annual Meeting via Zoom
  • 5/19, Tuesday:
    • 7:00 p.m. Republican Primary Candidate Forum for CD-17 via Zoom
  • 5/21, Thursday:
    • 7:00 p.m. Democratic Primary Candidate Forum via Zoom for CD-17 via Zoom
June 2020
  • After 6/1, TBA:
    • School Budget Vote and Board of Education Election
    • Village Election
  • 6/10, Wednesday:
    • 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Elaine Weiss via Zoom
  • 6/15, Monday:
    • 9:30 a.m. Joint Board Meeting via Zoom
  • 6/23, Tuesday:
    • Primary Election for Congressional District and County District Attorney's Office 

Message from the President

I cannot believe how much the world has changed these past several weeks. As always, I hope that this note finds you well during these challenging times.  During the month of April, the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale has been busy monitoring our local portfolios of School and Village Budget, as several changes and updates have occurred.  As you know, we have issued League Board statements on both the School and Village Budgets. In these statements, the Board offers comments and recommendations, and we include relevant language from past consensus statements.  However, the League Board is reserving official position statements for when we have the ability to have our membership weigh-in, as during our consensus meetings.  

Our Voter Service chairs are closely monitoring all election changes related to the COVID-19 health crisis.  
We have been continually updating our website and as information changes, have been sending out more regular Voter Information e-blasts in order to share updates on our School Board/Budget Vote and Village Trustee Election, both of which were postponed from their original date until after June 1.  

In addition, our Voter Service chairs have been monitoring NY State updates to absentee ballot voting, which is now widely allowed for any election on or before June 23, 2020.  The LWVS has also been jointly involved in planning various Candidate Forum events scheduled for late May and early June, including for Congressional Primary candidates and Westchester District Attorney Primary candidates. Stay tuned to our e-blasts as details of these events will be communicated to our membership. I hope that you will join us at these virtual Candidate Forum events, which will serve to help you make an informed choice in your vote.

We are also planning an exciting virtual speaker event on the evening of June 10. The LWVS is thrilled to welcome Elaine Weiss, author of The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote . Elaine Weiss will join us via Zoom for a conversation on the complicated struggle over many decades to win the right for women to vote. 

Coming up soon is our Annual Meeting, during which we will vote on our Proposed Annual Budget for 2020-21, our Proposed Local Program 2020-21, and our Proposed Slate of Officers, Board Members and Off-Board Nominating Committee Members for 2020-21.  Please join us for this virtual business meeting on Friday, May 8 at 9:30 a.m.  This year, we do not have a speaker event connected to the meeting and will only be conducting our annual business.  Please note that you have to be a current year member in order to vote.

It is a tremendous honor to serve as President of the Scarsdale League, such a dynamic and strong local organization. I am so proud of the work that we do and am continually inspired by my fellow Board members, League members and the community members with whom we partner throughout the year. 

Next year, 2020-21, we will celebrate our League Centennial. The League of Women Voters of Scarsdale was founded in 1921, though local suffragists were working tirelessly for many years prior to the LWVS founding, in order to ensure that women would win the right to vote. The League Board looks forward to offering special programming next year to celebrate this extraordinary milestone.  

At this time of year, I fill various committee chairships for the 2020-21 League year.  Please contact me if you would like to learn about volunteer opportunities and ways to become more involved in the LWVS.  

Please note that our Membership Drive for 2020-21 will take place in early September.  We welcome our entire community -- any local resident who is interested, to join the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale. You may email me with any questions about League membership.

This issue of the bulletin includes a new section called " Student Voice , " and includes a submission by Scarsdale High School senior Gabriella Rub. I plan to include other articles in our "Student Voice" section throughout the next year.

Please join us for our Upcoming Events:
  • Friday, May 8, 9:30 a.m., Annual Business Meeting via Zoom
  • Tuesday, May 20, 7:00 p.m., Republican Primary Candidate Forum for Congressional District 17; via Zoom and archived for future viewing.
  • Thursday, May 21, 7:00 p.m., Democratic Primary Candidate Forum for Congressional District 17; via Zoom and archived for future viewing.
  • Stay Tuned for details on the Candidate Forum for Congressional District 16 and the Westchester District Attorney Primary; via Zoom and archived for future viewing.
  • Wednesday, June 10, 7:30 p.m., Special Event featuring Elaine Weiss via Zoom
Wishing all of you well.

Warm regards,
Leah Dembitzer

Voter Service

Voter Service Update on Elections and COVID-19

The Scarsdale League of Women Voters has been closely monitoring Governor Cuomo's Executive Orders, and there have been several voter and election updates in the past few weeks.  The most effective way for you to stay informed is by visiting our voter service page where we will provide timely updates as soon as they become available. You may also visit the NYS League of Women Voters website .  The NYS League also provides a texting service to keep voters up to date on voting changes: text VOTENY to 474747.

Following are a few highlights of recent changes to election laws:
  • A significant change mandated this past week is that all registered voters will automatically receive in the mail an absentee ballot application to vote in the June 23, 2020 primary elections.  This change is in addition to Governor Cuomo's earlier order allowing voters to choose "temporary illness" (due to fear of COVID-19) as the reason for applying for an absentee ballot.
  • As of the date of this publication, the NYS Presidential Primary has been cancelled.  The Republican Presidential Primary was cancelled in early March; the Democratic Presidential Primary was just cancelled on Monday.  There is some news that the recent cancellation of the Democratic Presidential Primary may be challenged.  We will keep you updated if anything changes.
  • The primary for our Congressional District and the County District Attorney's Office will take place on June 23, 2020.  The Scarsdale League, along with our neighboring Leagues, is coordinating virtual Candidate Forums for contested primary elections.  The forums for Congressional District 17 will take place on Tuesday, May 19 (Republican Party) and Thursday, May 21 (Democratic Party).  We will update the community when a date is scheduled for Congressional District 16, and the information will also be available on our website at LWVS.org.
  • On the local level, the Scarsdale Village election and the School Board and Budget election that were postponed have not yet been rescheduled.  The Village and the School District are awaiting guidance from the State and the only mandate is that the elections must take place after June 1.  With respect to absentee ballots that were previously submitted for the Village election, they are valid and will be counted in the upcoming Village election, on its rescheduled date.  When the new dates and specific voting procedures for these local elections become available, we will update the community, and this information will also be available on our website at LWVS.org.  
If you have any questions regarding voting, please contact the League of Women Voters, voter service at: [email protected] .  We know that the ever-changing rules can be confusing and are happy to answer any questions. 

Stay safe,

Ronny Hersch
Beatrice Sevcik
Voter Service Co-Chairs
League of Women Voters of Scarsdale



League Board Statement
Village Budget 2020-21

The League of Women Voters of Scarsdale has issued a League Board statement on the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Proposed Village Budget.  As the League was unable to hold its annual general membership and consensus meeting on the Village Budget due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the released comments reflect the views of the League Board.

At the April 28, 2020, Village Board meeting, the Board of Trustees voted 6-1 to adopt the General Fund Fiscal Year 2020-21 Village Budget, which includes a tax levy increase of 1.46%, a $95 increase per home for the average Scarsdale homeowner ($1,510,000 of assessed value).  Please note, that initially as filed on March 20, 2020, the Tentative Budget had called for a 1.986% tax levy, or a $128 increase for average Scarsdale homeowner; however, as of the April 14 Board of Trustees' meeting, following public comment on the Budget, the Board proposed reducing the levy to 1.46%; reducing the budget by $210,000. 

At the March 31 Village Board meeting, the Village Administration presented two scenarios by which revenue could be impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis. The League Board recognizes that there are many potential impacts to revenue as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis; and we understand that as per the Mayor, the Village Administration and Board will continue to evaluate and look at the budget as the year progresses. The Village Board has the ability to modify the current fiscal year budget as necessary throughout a given fiscal year. 

Please read the full League Board Statement .

Please read League Questions and Village Responses . The Adopted FY 2020-21 Village Budget may be viewed  here .

School Budget 2020-21 Update

At the April 20 Board of Education (the "Board") Budget Study Session and Forum, the Administration revised its  Preliminary Proposed 2020-2021 School Budget (the "Budget"), reducing the proposed Budget, initially set in February at $166,850,850, to $162,508,332. This latest revision represents a budget-to-budget increase of 1.07% and a tax levy increase of 2.15%.

The Administration's updated preliminary proposed Budget includes all but one of the $3.7 million dollars worth of spending reductions presented at the March 23 Board meeting. The early payoff of a computer lease is the sole potential Budget reduction proposed on March 23, which was not included in the current proposal. However this possible reduction would have served merely to defer, not eliminate, a cost. 

Key among the reductions is a deferral of the $1.9 million High School auditorium renovation. Other significant Budget reductions include the deferral of: 
  • security gates/bollards work, 
  • phase 2 of glass mitigation, 
  • the installation of ceiling fans in elementary school gymnasiums, and 
  • the installation of LED lighting in school hallways. 
The Administration's presentation explained that a variety of factors associated with COVID-19 will reduce the school district's expected revenues in the coming year. Most notably, significant state aid reductions, caused by New York state budget deficits, are expected. The updated Budget assumes a $920,000 reduction in state aid, based on the reductions made after the last large statewide budget deficits experienced in 2011-12. The updated Budget also makes assumptions regarding losses related to lower interest rates and sales tax revenue.  

Conversely, the Administration detailed certain cost savings which have resulted this year, in part, from school closure. Lower than expected expenditures for salaries as well as oil and gas use were favorable financial consequences related to school not being in session. In addition, the Administration estimates savings in health insurance expenditures because of recently realized and projected prescription plan rebates and a decrease in health insurance claims.

The Board plans to finalize the Budget on May 4 and adopt the Budget on May 11, although it is reserving May 19 as a possible additional budget hearing should it be necessary. Governor Cuomo has delayed the School Board Election and Budget Vote to June 1 at the earliest.

The League Board of Directors has released two statements thus far in the budget process: our  March 23 Board Statement  and our  March 30 Board Statement . We continue to monitor the school budget process and will release further League Board comment as the Budget is finalized. 


2019- 2020


Provided year-round voting and registration information to the LWVS bulletin, LWVS website and social media sites and through e-mail distribution. Over the summer, assisted in preparation of the county-wide general election Voters Guide and the use of the Vote411.org website. Distributed Voters Guides to Village Hall, and the Scarsdale Public Library as needed. Responded to questions from membership regarding voter registration and absentee ballots, and election results.  Organized a Candidate Forum for Village Trustee; video can be viewed here .  Has been working with other local Leagues to organize Candidate Forum events for Congressional Primaries. 


Monitored the 2019 Village Election and related issues arising during the campaigns for Village Trustee in the context of the Non-Partisan System. Monitored the subsequent activities of the Procedure Committee (PC) and the public portion of the CNC's annual organization meeting. Communicated with the PC chairperson and vice chairperson throughout the PC's season to obtain information and updates on the internal functioning of the PC, any proposed changes to the policies, procedures, and the governing resolution, its recruitment of candidates for the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC), and its efforts and expenditures associated with its operation. Organized and conducted the League's separate Information Session and General Membership Consensus Meeting to evaluate the process and results of the CNC election. Provided League recommendations to the outgoing and incoming chairs of the PC. Publicized aforementioned meeting and resulting Consensus Statement in the Bulletin, through e-blasts, in press releases to local print and online media, and on the League website.

Monitored the activities of the Joint Committee (JC) and Administrative Committee (AC). Communicated with the chairperson of the JC regarding proposed changes to the SBNC Resolution; submitted questions to the JC.  Organized and held an Information Session and Consensus Meeting regarding proposed changes to the SBNC Resolution.  Produced a League Consensus Statement on the SBNC Resolution Amendments.  Communicated with the chairperson of the AC throughout the AC's season to obtain information and updates on the internal functioning of the AC and its efforts to recruit candidates for the School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) and to run the SBNC election. Publicized reminders to vote in the SBNC elections, and notice of the League's General Membership and Consensus Meeting to evaluate the SBNC election process in the Bulletin, through e-blasts and on the League website. Conducted Information Session and Consensus Meeting to evaluate the SBNC election process and provided recommendations to the outgoing and incoming chairs of the AC.

Attended budget-related Board of Education (BOE) sessions open to the public. Posed information-seeking questions on behalf of the League at the BOE Budget Study Sessions. Updated the League Board regarding the development of the budget. Prepared statements by the League Board, read at the BOE meeting on March 23, 2020; and March 30, 2020.

Attended budget-related Village Board and appropriate Village Board committees' meetings open to the public. Reviewed Village budget documents in preparation for attending budget briefing sessions conducted by Village officials.  Prepared statement by the League Board, read at Village Board meeting on April 14, 2020.


County An LWVS Board Member served as liaison between the LWVW and the LWVS. Attended LWVW board and consensus meetings and reported to LWVS members at board meetings and through Bulletin articles. These LWVW-sponsored activities included the printed Voters' Guide and online voting information on www.vote411.org and evaluating the Westchester County annual budget proposal.

OtherReported news from other levels of League to members at board meetings and through Bulletin articles and e-blasts. Publicized LWVUS, LWVNYS and LWVW initiatives and events. Sent LWV representatives to U.S. citizenship naturalization ceremonies at White Plains Courthouse on a bi-annual basis. LWVUS Convention is still scheduled for June 25-28 in Washington, D.C.  If it goes forward as planned and the COVID-19 concerns are alleviated, LWVS will attend.  LWVS plans to follow all happenings related to the LWVUS Convention. 


Students Inside Albany: Coordinated with LWVNYS, Scarsdale High School teachers and administrators and local media to promote the Students Inside Albany conference in May. The committee engaged an independent judge to select two Scarsdale High School students to attend the conference. **Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 concerns, the SIA conference 2020 was cancelled.  The LWVS thanks all of the students who applied to the program and encourages their continued engagement with politics and government.

Scarsdale Middle School Mock Election: Coordinated two mock elections with Scarsdale Middle School Social Studies Department to bring LWVS volunteers to participate and help facilitate a Mock Election with the entire student body's participation.


Bulletin Edited submissions to and created monthly editions of the LWVS Bulletin for 2019-20, and arranged for distribution according to a schedule predetermined by the President. Worked with President to ensure comprehensive and timely Bulletin editions. Electronic copies of every bulletin are also available on our website, www.lwvs.org .

Publicity: Wrote press releases for League activities. Took photos of speakers and attendees at events. Sent press releases and selected photos to website chair, social media chair, other relevant board members,  The Scarsdale Inquirer, and  Scarsdale 10583.

Social Media : Continued to manage Twitter and Facebook accounts for LWVS and regularly posted information about local, county, state and national League advocacy work, events and related news. 

Website: Updated the website on a regular basis with posting of all League activities, including upcoming meetings and events, voting information, League consensus statements, League committee reports and statements and Bulletins. Added information about county, state and national Leagues with links to their respective sites. Continued PayPal capability for online payment of dues and donations and purchase of LWVS event tickets.


Finance Drive : Prepared and distributed a letter to solicit funds from targeted list, comprised of past donors and League members. The drive raised $16,085 for LWVS and the LWVNYS Education Fund. Contributions help defray the cost of LWVS activities including youth programs, voter education and advocacy. A letter of thanks was sent to all of our contributors.

Luncheon: Organized fall "Food for Thought" luncheon featuring speaker, Ryan Goodman, NYU Professor and founder and editor of Just Security . Professor Goodman spoke on the impeachment process.  Unfortunately, the Spring Luncheon was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.

Managed efforts to recruit new members and to retain current members. Conducted membership outreach at League events. Provided membership materials to new residents. Organized our fall informational coffee hosted by a board member. Professor Vanessa Merton, co-founder of the Immigration Justice Center in White Plains, spoke to our membership on the current state of immigration in the U.S.  

Maintained database of current and lapsed LWVS members for local use and reporting to LWVUS and presented regular reports delineating membership by categories and membership-related donation levels.

PROGRAM:  Prepared calendar for all board meetings and League events and reserved rooms for such. Held and conducted general membership consensus meeting on state, county and local programs. Made recommendations and suggestions to County, State and National Leagues on their programs. Prepared packet for Annual Meeting, including this summary of activities.

BOOK GROUP: Presented League Board with several options for book group selections. Hosted a January book group discussion on two books with alternate points of view on immigration,  Melting Pot or Civil War? by Reihan Salam and  Tell Me How it Ends by Valeria Luiselli.

FALL EVENT:  Co-Hosted an event with Scarsdale Public Library and the Scarsdale Forum with local Scarsdalian Mimi Rocah, who spoke on the current state in U.S. Politics at Scarsdale Woman's Club.

Upcoming LWVS Events

AnnualMeetingLeague of Women Voters of Scarsdale
Annual Business Meeting

Friday, May 8, 2020
9:30 a.m.

This meeting will be held via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 679 632 676
Password: 023885


(Click on blue links to view relevant document)

Call to Order & Welcome to All
  • Introduction to Parliamentarian
  • Introduction to Secretary
  • Adoption of Order of Business
  • Motion to have Annual Meeting minutes adopted by the LWVS Board

II Treasurer's Report

III Budget Presentation 2020-2021

IV Local Program Presentation 2020-2021 (No Non-Recommended Items)

Nominating Committee

VI Directions to the Board

VII Other Business

VIII Adjournment

Guest Speaker: Elaine Weiss

Wednesday, June 10
7:30 p.m.
Zoom link TBA


Elaine Weiss is a Baltimore-based journalist and author, whose feature writing has been recognized with prizes from the Society of Professional Journalists, and her byline has appeared in many national publications, as well as in reports for National Public Radio. Her long-form writing garnered a Pushcart Prize "Editor's Choice" award, and she is a proud MacDowell Colony Fellow. 

Weiss's most recent book, The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote (Viking/Penguin) has won critical acclaim from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, and The New Yorker, hailed as a "riveting, nail-biting political thriller" with powerful parallels to today's political environment. The Woman's Hour was a Goodreads Readers' Choice Award winner, short-listed for the 2019 Chautauqua Prize, and received the American Bar Association's highest honor, the 2019 Silver Gavel Award. 

Steven Speilberg's Amblin production company is adapting the book for TV, with Hillary Rodham Clinton serving as Executive Producer.

(Photo credit for author photo: Nina Subin)

StudentVoiceStudent Voice

You and I Will Change the World

Scarsdale High School Senior Gabriella Rub writes about the experience that sparked her interest in governmental issues and advocacy.

"You and I will change the world," is a sentence that represents my passion for advocacy, and it is also the anthem of my summer camp, Camp Tel Yehuda. I had the experience of finding my voice, in a political sense, during a program called Hadracha (Leadership) at Camp Tel Yehuda. Campers were divided into "Tikkun Groups," derived from the Jewish concept of "Tikkun Olam," meaning to repair the world. Each group explored a different social issue:  political advocacy, human trafficking, gun control, and women's rights, to name a few. 

I chose the Women's Rights advocacy group because I wanted to learn about the sociocultural issues affecting women in a trusting and comfortable environment. In a group of all women, led by female facilitators, we unpacked women's issues in the United States; ranging from healthcare to conflict in the workforce. Our group took what we learned at camp to Washington, D.C. and expressed our concerns to members of Congress, namely Representative Rosa DeLauro and staff of Senator Susan Collins, days after the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh came to the public. It was an eye-opening experience that taught me my values as a woman, and how I wanted to become more involved in advocacy in the future. 

After returning to Scarsdale, I decided I wanted to become involved with nearby organizations with which I shared similar values. I began working with a friend at Planned Parenthood of Stamford, volunteering with a youth group on providing women's health education. These opportunities have taught me to speak up for what I believe in, and speak out against opposing issues. I wanted to pursue this further with the Senior Options' internship, a program the 12th graders at Scarsdale High School participate in towards the end of the year. My plan was to split my hours between the League of Women Voters and the office of NYS Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, who both focus on encouraging participation in government as well as the influence of public policy through advocacy. Although due to the current COVID-19 health crisis, the means of completing this experience has shifted, students are actively taking measures to transform Senior Options into a digital learning experience. I hope to work with the League and to find ways to integrate high school students into community events. 

Although the future seems blurry and confusing, optimism can be felt from voice and thought. As I embark on a new journey at Lehigh University in the fall, I know I will use past teachings and values acquired along my journey of advocacy towards global growth, learning not just to say "You and I will Change the World," but making it a reality. 

Other Announcements

In Memoriam:
Jane Nusbaum, Past President

The League of Women Voters of Scarsdale is sad to share the passing of beloved past President Jane Nusbaum.  Jane was an active and engaged League member for many years. She graciously and generously hosted a past annual event called the "Strawberry Festival," a meeting that she held in her home for League convention attendees to report to the Board and Membership.  At Jane's event, strawberry treats were served to all attendees.  She provided thoughtful input in our many League discussions and made sure to attend all League luncheons for many years. The League is deeply saddened by her passing and we extend thoughts of comfort and love to her family and friends.

League of Women Voters of Scarsdale
2020-2021 Membership Drive Will Take Place This Fall

Our annual membership drive for the 2020-2021 year will take place in early fall.  Please look for renewal information that will be sent out in September.  

Next year LWVS will be celebrating its centennial and we look forward to an exciting year including some special events.  We encourage and welcome all local residents to join the League!  

We hope that you will join us!  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].


The League is grateful for the support of all of its donors. Please note that the annual updated listing of our many generous supporters for 2019-2020 will appear in the 2020 June Bulletin.


The LWVS thrives with the hard work and dedication of a community of volunteers. I would like to extend thanks to the League volunteers who contributed much time and energy during the month of April.

Thank you to Voter Service co-chairs, Ronny Hersch and Beatrice Sevcik, who have been monitoring all voting and election changes related to the COVID-19 crisis; have been informing League members and the community of these changes and have also spent much time involved in planning our various Candidate Forum events.  Thank you to Alissa Baum and Elissa Ruback for all of their continued work on School Budget.  Thank you to Diane Baylor for keeping our website up-to-date.  Thank you to Joan Bowen for all of her work updating Social Media and for her joint work with Erika Rublin on Students Inside Albany.

Thank you to Dana Matsushita for her highly detailed and hard work on the LWVS Bulletin.  Thank you to Anne Lyons and Karen Brew for all of their thoughtful advice and Board work.  Thank you to Renée Baylor for being our liaison to the LWVW.  Thank you to Kitt Rosenthal for her sound and thoughtful advice and kindness.  Thank you to Amy Cooper for staying on top of event publicity and e-blast communications.  

I would like to give special thanks to Debbie Miller , who is leaving her longtime position of Treasurer.  Debbie , you are an incredible source of League history and are always there to give support and advice.  

I would like to give special thanks to Joanie Frankle , who is leaving her longtime position of Recording Secretary. Joanie , you are an incredible Board member, community member and friend. You have worked tirelessly for the League Board for many years and I will miss your thoughtful input and kind presence at the Board table.

I extend special thanks to Ronny Hersch , longtime Voter Service co-chair who is coming off-Board.  Ronny , I did not know you before we met on the League Board three years ago. You are a patient and kind Board member, always supportive and thoughtful. The League and the community are richer for your intensive dedication to Voter Service in Scarsdale.  I will miss you at the Board table, Ronny.

I extend special thanks to Cindy Dunne , longtime Programming chair, who is coming off-Board.  Thank you, Cindy, for your years of creative and thoughtful work on the League Board -- you are a brilliant Board member and you will be missed.  

I would like to give special thanks to Amber Yusuf , who is now off-Board.  Thank you, Amber , for all of your hard work and dedication to the League Board, and the deep thought and attention toward your complex portfolio work -- you were a patient and kind voice at the Board table and you are missed! 

Thank you to the LWVS Nominating Committee: Pam Rubin (chair), Dara Gruenberg, Claire He, Amber Yusuf, and Erika Rublin for their work on the 2020- 21 slate.   Thank you as well to the Budget Committee: Nancy Michaels (chair), Debbie Miller (Treasurer), Erika Rublin, Diane Baylor, Anne Lyons, Karen Brew, and Suzie Hahn for their work on the 2020- 21 budget.

I look forward to all of the positive work that lies before us!

All my best,

Leah Dembitzer


Village of Scarsdale

As of April 2020



Marc Samwick, Mayor
   Term ends April 2021
Jane Veron, Deputy Mayor
   2nd term ends April 2020
Justin Arest
   1st term ends April 2020
Lena Crandall
   1st term ends April 2020
Jonathan Lewis
   1st term ends April 2021
Seth Ross
   2nd term ends April 2021
Rochelle Waldman
   1st term ends April 2021

* 2020 terms to be extended as per Governor Directive 

Pamela Fuehrer, President
   2nd term ends June 2021
Alison Tepper Singer, Vice President
   1st term ends June 2021

Karen Ceske
   1st term ends June 2022
Carl Finger
   1st term ends June 2022
Christopher Morin
   2nd term ends June 2020
Ronald Schulhof
   1st term ends June 2022
Scott Silberfein
   2nd term ends June 2020

** 2020 terms TBD

League of Women Voters of Scarsdale


President: Leah Dembitzer

First Vice President: Elissa Ruback

Second Vice President: Anne Lyons

Recording Secretary: Joan Frankle 
Corresponding Secretary: Amy Cooper

Treasurer: Debbie Miller

Committee Chairs

Advocacy: Alissa Baum* and Elissa Ruback*

Audit: Jacqueline Irwin

LWVS Budget: Nancy Michaels

School Budget: Elissa Ruback*

Village Budget: Leah Dembitzer*

Bulletin Editor: Dana Matsushita*

Eblast/Publicity: Amy Cooper*

Social Media: Joan Bowen*

Website: Diane Baylor*

Finance Drive: Anne Lyons*

Winter Fundraiser: Diane Greenwald

School Election: Amber Yusuf*

Village Election: Diane Baylor*
Environment/Sustainability: Deb Pekarek

Hospitality: Kitt Rosenthal* 

Luncheons: Anne Lyons* 

LWVW Liaison: Renée Baylor* 

Membership: Erika Rublin* 

Membership Statistician: Diane Baylor*

Nominating Chair: Pam Rubin

Planning & Zoning: Deb Pekarek

Program/Education: Cindy Dunne

Voter Service: Ronny Hersch* and 
Beatrice Sevcik*

Youth Engagement: Elissa Ruback*
Students Inside Albany: Joan Bowen* and Erika Rublin*

* Board members