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Democracy Works Dinner
October 25 5:30-8:00 pm
Steve's Pizza 714 Main Street
$19 per person
Please RSVP to
Laura at 530-668-0345. Designate vegetarian or chicken entree.
Please leave a message if no answer.
Woodland League of Women Voters
Candidate Forums
The LWV Forums were well attended this past month at the Woodland Community and Senior Center. They were very informative to the community. Currently the City Council candidates can be viewed on Wave, Channel 21.
You can find the WAVE listing in the Programming Guide in the Daily Democrat every Saturday. The forum for the Woodland City Council candidates and for the Woodland Joint Unified School District candidates are also available for viewing at
Your vote counts, so please check out these presentations to be an informed voter and share the information with your neighbors,especially if you live in District 1 or 3 for the City Council contested races; and/or Area 1 or 7 for the School Board contested races.
Recent Losses in the LWV Community
Pat Murray was a founding member of our LWV who served the cause of Democracy Works in
so many different roles. We will gather to remember and celebrate her life at the Leake room of our Library
Saturday Oct, 13 from 2pm to 4pm. Hope you can come. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the LWV in Woodland, and
bring a dessert to share.
Betty Eileen Racki died on July 23 , 2018
She was city clerk of Davis for 20 years and a long time member of our LWV.
She shared her expertise in local government her and her love of life enriching others. We in the LWV and her
family live a loss in our lives.
(click following links to read...)
LWV-CA Voter Recommendations
Voter Guide
The Easy Voter Guide is now available, providing you with information on the 11 California State Propositions in this November election.The Guide can be viewed on line at
California LWV Voter Guide or picked up at the Woodland Public Library, Senior/Community Center and Mary Stephens Library in Davis. Call Gil Walker for other locations or if you need additional copies for members of your associations, (530-661-6449).
Money in Politics
Elections should be about the voters not big money interests. It's time to limit SuperPACs and secret donors to protect representative democracy.
We fight to increase voters' access to the polls, including expanding early voting, automatic and online voter registration.
Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population. We oppose partisan and racial gerrymandering that strips rights away from voters.
ballot in this primary election than ever before, a trend we are seeing nationwide in 2018.
September Mixer
The Woodland LWV held the annual membership mixer on September 19 at the home of Karen and Ramon Urbano. Jesse Salinas, Yolo
Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters and Evelia Genera, Voter Services and Schools, spoke about the past Youth Empowerment Summits. The next one is scheduled for March 2019.
Where do My Dues Go?
You may not be aware that a significant portion of our dues go to the National (
and California (
) Leagues. Check these websites to learn about the work of the national, state and local leagues and to follow their advocacy and studies. The local Woodland League may increase the membership dues in 2019.
Have you received your Woodland League of Women Voter renewal letter? Did you misplace it? Here is your chance to fill out a membership application and send it with your check right away using the
Membership Form
I know you just forgot to do it. Every member counts.True, our name says women voters, but our membership extends to all concerned about the vitality of our democracy and especially about ensuring voting rights.
As women won suffrage nationally nearly one hundred years ago -- and earlier in progressive California and other like-minded states -- gratitude must go to the enlightened male voters who were necessary to make women's enfranchisement possible.
The League of Women Voters welcomes men to membership as we study policies and share work to protect democratic institutions and encourage all eligible citizens to vote.
Student Voter Registration Res
Evelia Genera
reports the following registration data:
24 Presentations were made at
Pioneer, Woodland and Cache Creek High Schools
Presenters: Maurie Rasmussen, Stephen Ruggiero, Karen Urbano, Ramon Urbano, Judy Simas, Joanne Bowen and Evelia Genera
Support Members: Joanne Bowen, Gil Walker, Sheila Gwaltney, Tom Hudspeth and Maria Lago
Total number completed registrations delivered to the Yolo County Elections Office: 232
October 2018
13 Celebration of Life - Pat Murray
25 Democracy Works
14 Holiday Mixer - Evelia Genera
February 28 2019
Community Luncheon
March 19 2019
Youth Empowerment Summit
June 5 2019
5 Annual Meeting
Board of Supervisors
2nd & 4th Tuesday (9:00 AM)
Woodland City Council
1st & 3rd Tuesday (6:00 PM)
WJUSD Board Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursday (6:30 PM)
Transparency is important and must be documented.
If you can attend school board meetings, or other local government meetings, contact President Janet Ruggiero
( to receive an observer badge and template for taking notes.
Visit the City of Woodland
website for meeting times, and agendas and think about your interest and strengths.
We welcome League members to join us at Woodland City Council Meetings as observers, first and third Tuesdays, 6PM. Meetings are cordial, informative, about Woodland, and often feature special presentations. Public commentary is typically welcomed.
A primary function of observers is to determine how League policies are affected by Council votes.
In the Fall, some City Council members will stand for reelection; some have already filed for candidacy. For additional information, contact Gil Walker, 661-6449
If you want to review our positions, help to update them, or participate in our next study, contact Janet ( or, even better, attend the board meeting which takes place at 2:00 pm on the second Monday of the month. All members are welcome.
Call Laura at 530-668-0345 to confirm the location.
(Click link for more information)
League of Women Voters -- Woodland
Maria Lago
Judith Simas
Voter Services & Forums
Gil Walker
Voter Services & Schools
Maria Lago
Evelia Genera
Co-Chairs Community Luncheon
Kathy Harryman
Lucinda Talkington
Committee to Review Positions
Observer Positions (Open)
All members are welcome to attend board meetings.
Phone 530-668-0345 to confirm date, time & location.