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La Alma Lincoln Park becomes Denver’s 57th historic district and the city’s second historic cultural district
La Alma mural
Community members and residents, in partnership with Historic Denver and the city’s Landmark Preservation staff, have worked to designate the La Alma Lincoln Park neighborhood as a historic cultural district. Last night, Denver City Council voted to approve this landmark designation.

The La Alma Lincoln Park Historic Cultural District is now the 57th historic district and the second historic cultural district in the City and County of Denver. The first was the Five Points Historic Cultural District which was established in 2002 as the Welton Street Corridor and updated and renamed in 2015 to recognize the importance of Five Points within the Black community. 

Through a year-long community process, the city’s Landmark Preservation staff created customized design guidelines that appropriately reflect the layered history and culture of the La Alma Lincoln Park neighborhood. These design guidelines will be reviewed and adopted by the Landmark Preservation Commission at meetings on August 3 and September 7.

Latino/Chicano Historic Context project: Submit your story using the Storyvine guided video app
Preserving Denver's Latino and Chicano history
Denver’s historic fabric comes from the stories of the diverse persons and groups who comprise its vibrant history. Led by Denver’s Landmark Preservation staff in partnership with the city’s I Am Denver storytelling project, this first-of-its-kind initiative in Denver will uncover and share the deep history and historic places of Denver’s Chicano and Latino communities.

I Am Denver is producing a mini-documentary film of the city’s Chicano and Latino communities. They will both collect oral histories and empower Latino and Chicano residents to record their own stories of family and community in video. Download the Storyvine guided video app to record your story about that cherished location or building. Selected stories may be featured at, on social media or in the mini-documentary to be released later this year.
Landmark Preservation webinar series
Screenshot of the Discover Denver webpage with a black border
We're answering all of your Landmark Preservation questions.

Each session will be held at 12 p.m. via Zoom.

Here's what's coming up:

About Landmark Preservation
landmark marker
Landmark preservation is an important function of Denver Community Planning and Development. Denver City Council enacted the Denver Landmark Ordinance in 1967 to foster the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures and districts of historical, architectural, geographic and/or cultural significance.

Staff in our Landmark Preservation office and two landmark commissions carry out that mission through design review, historic surveys and landmark designations. Staff also assists owners of historic properties by providing guidance and resources for preserving, maintaining and rehabilitating historic buildings and properties.

Learn more about Denver's preservation efforts at