LVHA Calendar of Events for the remainder of 2023
Thu., Nov. 2 – LVHA Exec. Cmte meeting at museum 6:30 pm
Sat., Nov. 4 – City of LV Harvest Hoedown along Chihuahua Street - LV Museum open 4-7 pm
Sun., Nov. 5 - *Museum open Noon to 3 pm
Tue., Nov. 7 – LVHA Membership Meeting at GVEC
Sat., Nov. 11 – Veterans Day Ceremony at 11 a.m. at LV Veterans Memorial in City Park
Sun., Nov. 19 - *Museum open Noon to 3 pm
Thu., Nov. 30 – LVHA Exec. Cmte meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the museum
Sun., Dec. 3 - *Museum open Noon to 3 pm
Tue., Dec. 5 - LVHA Membership Mtg. and Christmas party at 6:30 p.m. at GVEC Community Room
*Museum open dates are subject to change, depending on the availability of volunteers.
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