Look for our next weekly newsletter on May 4, 2017
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!
Labour Market Snapshot: 3 Things you Need to Know about Hamilton's Labour Market
Workforce Planning Hamilton is pleased to announce that we'll be providing Labour Market Snapshots on a quarterly basis, replacing the monthly Labour Market Snapshots.
By releasing this information quarterly we'll be able to roll out EmployerOne, Vicinity Jobs, Labour Force Survey data, and useful information about both job seekers and employers in one easy to understand report.
3 Things you may not know about the local labour market during January - March 2017
The unemployment rate remains low (5.9% in 2017 Q1 as compared to 6.2% in 2016 Q1)
Jobs within the Construction industry continue to increase
Employers had a difficult time finding truck drivers
Occupations that are growing in our area include:
Technical occupations in health
Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations
Middle management occupations in retail and wholesale trade and customer services
Occupations that are declining include:
Professional occupations in education services
Processing and manufacturing machine operators and related production workers
Service representatives and other customer and personal service occupations
Access the full report to discover industry information, results of the EmployerOne Survey, the unemployment rate in review and much, much more!
Are you currently recruiting to fill full-time, summer, part-time or volunteers, positions? Join the McMaster Online Career and Hiring Fair on Thursday, May 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Connect with highly engaged and qualified Liberal Arts and Health Sciences students and alumni without leaving your office. It's that easy.
This event is a great opportunity to:
Brand your company: Online booth designed with your company's image or logo
Advertise available jobs, presentations, videos and more
The gig economy is where hundreds of millions of people around the world are making their living. The gig economy is popular because it allows for flexibility and nimbleness for employer/client and employee/contractor.
But it's also eroding the essential role that companies and big public and non-profit organizations play as community builders by providing long term stable employment, benefits and the dignity of consistent work.