September 2023
Support the Ministry of MLC
at Auxiliary Day, October 7
Auxiliary Day Food Drop
The purpose of the MLC Ladies' Auxiliary is fourfold:

  1. To promote greater interest in Martin Luther College
  2. To promote Christian fellowship among women of WELS and those in fellowship with WELS
  3. To give financial support to MLC by supplying funds for needed projects
  4. To support MLC and its students through prayer
The annual Auxiliary Day will be held on Saturday, October 7. Registration begins at 8:30 am in the Luther Student Center with the meeting starting at 9:30 am.

Morning treats will be available, and lunch can be purchased. Food donations for the MLC Food Shelf will be collected at the registration site. If any groups or individuals are interested in donating quilts or blankets for the Auxiliary Bingo Night, those can be dropped off as well.

Presentations by staff and students will provide attendees with a greater understanding and appreciation of MLC's ministry. One highlight will be a presentation about the new changes on campus and plans for future campus enhancements.

Attendees will also be treated to a sneak peek of Forum's Hello, Dolly!

The closing devotion will begin at 12:15 pm and end with lunch in the MLC cafeteriaa fine way to end a fun morning!

Ample time for fellowship is a part of the schedule at registration, lunch, and worship.

The assembly will prioritize the funding projects submitted by MLC faculty and staff and then will have an opportunity to support those projects. Last year the Auxiliary funded about $20,000 in projects and scholarships.

Finally, all connected to the Auxiliary, finding this their highest honor, will pray for the students, staff, and faculty in both opening and closing worship.

If you are in the area, join us for a day of support for our WELS College of Ministry!
October 7 – Auxiliary Day and More!
Auxiliary Day Gurgel
Saturday, October 7, is Ladies’ Auxiliary Day at MLC. But there are many options for a fun-filled day in New Ulm on the 7th that both wife and husband can enjoy! 

Since Auxiliary Day wraps up at lunch, you can walk over to the gym and take in the MLC volleyball vs. UW Superior or Women's Soccer Parents' Day game vs. Northland at 1:00 pm. The afternoon sports continue with the Men's Soccer Parents' Day game vs. Northland at 3:30 pm.

Oktoberfest will also be in full swing in downtown New Ulm, with music, Biergarten, food trucks, and kids' activities all day!

Come to Auxiliary Dayand enjoy both MLC and New Ulm events!
Auxiliary Projects Support Work
Across MLC Campus
Auxiliary Day fellowship
MLC Ladies’ Auxiliary gathered over $30,000 in the last two years, funding non-budgeted materials for many different departments, including scholarships, outreach programs, student-teacher travel assistance, Spanish immersion trip grants, preseminary pilot programs, and science equipment, to name a few. 

In addition to the many congregational groups who provided generous donations, many individuals funded projects on their own.

All friends of MLC are encouraged to look at the online wish list, which includes all the Ladies’ Auxiliary projects. Consider a contribution to the Auxiliary to help fund the prioritized list, or adopt a project in its entirety.

We appreciate the great support we have received for our projects over the years. See our project list from last year and watch for our updated project list, which will be published after Auxiliary Day.
Contact us today:
