Hi Calvary Family,

During the next three Sundays, we will learn what the Lord has to say about our attitude towards the past, the present, and the future. The title of this three-week series of messages based on Philippians 3:7-15 is “Forward Focused.” In this passage, Paul expressed the importance of being forward-focused when he wrote:

“...I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”


I believe that the truth in these messages is always vital for Christians, but it is especially relevant during this time of year when we reflect on the past and pray to receive God’s direction and purpose for us in the coming year. Come on out this Sunday, ready to rejoice in our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, and receive his guidance. I hope to see you all at 9 am or 11 am!

-Pastor Randy


Whether you have been a Christian for one day or twenty years, "KNOW JESUS" is a class that will help you grow in your understanding of who Jesus is, what he has done for us through his death and resurrection, and what he will do for us in the future. In addition to deepening your own understanding of Jesus, this class will help equip you to explain to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who Jesus is and what he has done for them.


Pastor Randy will teach KNOW JESUS on three consecutive Wednesday nights: Jan. 15, 22, and 29. The class will be held in the Welcome Center at Calvary, but a Zoom option is available for those who would like to join the class online. Each attendee will receive a copy of the KNOW JESUS curriculum, so please sign up HERE! Please sign up by Tuesday, January 14!



If you are new to Calvary Church, our staff would like to extend an invitation to you to join us for our next Connect lunch on Sunday, January 26, following the 11 am morning service. We host this lunch to give you and our pastors the opportunity to get to know each other while sharing a meal together. The casual atmosphere of our Connect lunch is designed to help you feel more at home and connected here at Calvary. Please sign up as soon as possible. You will find the registration under “events” on the Calvary app or by going to calvarywyncote.com. We hope to see all our new people on January 26, 2025!



Calvary Women's Ministry Presents MOVIE NIGHT!!

Looking for a time to chill, enjoy a movie, and hang out with some cool folks? Calvary Women's Ministry has you covered. 

Join us for a movie afternoon on Saturday, January 25th, from 4-7 pm at Calvary in the Welcome Center. There will be pizza, salad, popcorn, and sweet treats.



Married couples, make sure you clear your calendar now and make plans to join us February 21-22 (Friday evening-Saturday) for a special couples weekend at Calvary Church.


Family Life has created a new “Art of Marriage” seminar. “Art of Marriage” is masterfully designed to inspire and equip today’s couples to reconnect and thrive together. Creatively presented as videos, spoken word poetry, animations, group discussion questions, date night challenges, and more, the six aspects of God’s powerful and perfect love can be understood and applied immediately. Couples in every life circumstance will feel understood and equipped by biblical wisdom and authentic stories from many wise marriage mentors.


The cost for this Friday night – Saturday event is only $50/ couple. Be watching next week for all the details!


The death of a spouse brings a unique kind of pain. Losing a spouse means more than just losing a loved one; it is also the loss of one's entire lifestyle. Join us for a 2-hour seminar on Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 am.



Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Griefshare support group is a safe, welcoming place where you will find comfort, support, and healing for your loss. Join us for the next 13-week session beginning on Monday, January 20th at 7:00 pm.


Join Our Team as a Pre-K Teacher at Son Shine Early Learning Center!

Are you a passionate and reliable caregiver looking to make a difference in the lives of young children? We are seeking an enthusiastic person to join our team of dedicated professionals! We are looking for a group supervisor for our pre-kindergarten classroom. The hours are Monday through Friday from 9:30-5:30. Contact Ken Liples at ken@calvarywyncote.com.


In order to keep growing in our faith, it is vital that we SHARE our spiritual gifts, abilities, and time with the rest of the body of Christ and make a contribution to the body’s growth. As we do that, we grow personally. One way you can do that is by joining one of our SHARE teams.


We have several teams right now that are in need of additional team members. Calvary Kids Ministry

Ignite Youth Ministry

Facilities Team (cleaning & organizing)

Worship Team,

Outreach Teams (Food Pantry, Homeless Ministry, Life Turning Point).

Connections Team (Greeters/Barista’s)


Fill out a NEXT STEP card online to find out more about joining a Share Team.



Join us for our Facebook LivePrayer and the Word” on Mondays and Thursday mornings at 6:30 am. We begin with a brief SOAP (Scripture/Observation/Application/Prayer). Then we spend time in praise and prayer. Presently we are reading through the Psalms.

Your support is so important! Thank you for your faithfulness in giving!

Give here!
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