Happy St. Patrick's Day - Slainte
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Join us for CHOICES Annual

2022 Ladies' Spring Brunch & Fundraiser!

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Handsome Baby Boy Born!

A Big Heartfelt Congratulations to CHOICES' newest Mommy!!!

Sweet Mommy Jasmin with adorable Baby Boy Damien

Happy Client Advocate Rachel

holding Baby Damien


Nurse's Corner

Look What's New At CHOICES!

CHOICES Pregnancy Center has truly been blessed! We have received a donation for a brand new ultrasound machine for our clinic. This new ultrasound machine is capable of producing 3D/4D images. These images will better enable the abortion minded woman to see, in detail, the miracle of life she holds inside and thus, choose life!

I will be needing some additional training with the new technology. Thankfully, the company providing our machine will also be providing the training and support. I will be needing some pregnant volunteers to help me. Ultrasound is very safe for mom and baby. The ultrasound tech has many years of experience so I feel confident our volunteer moms will get the best of care.

Please call CHOICES Pregnancy Center at (909)444-2999 and give your name for our list and we can schedule an appointment the week of April 4th. Thank you so much and a HUGE thank you to our donor!

In addition, we will be having our Annual Ladies' Brunch & Fundraiser on May 7th at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. I will be heading up the auction basket's assembling team. This year we would like to have more high end baskets but fewer. Some ideas for donations are an experience gift such as: dinner for two, hotel stay, or spa day! For tangible items it could be jewelry, gift card tree, or anything nice and new for the home. We will be putting the basket together, or if you enjoy doing it, feel free to use your talents. If you want me to shop for you, I will be happy to do that as well. Donations will be accepted too! Please drop an email to [email protected] of your intention, then visit: www.partnerwithchoices.org/donate and click FUND/2022 Ladies' Brunch...with your donation amount. You can also drop off auction items at CHOICES. For questions, please call the center at (909) 444-2999. Deadline for these item donations will be April 15th.

I am sure this years auction will be lots of fun! It will help us to earn additional money for our expansion of facility and services.


Sue Cornwell, Nurse Manager / pictured above: Ultrasound Rep Zoe & Sue Cornwell

2022 BABY BOTTLE Campaign:

Heaven's Cents!!!

Thank you to the churches and individuals involved in the Jan/Feb CHOICES' Baby Bottle Campaign. Your generosity and support has been HEAVENLY!!!

This annual fundraiser is a huge help to the life-saving work of CHOICES. WE TRULY ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU ENCOURAGEMENT through "Heaven's Cents!" God bless you all!

Pictured Left:

CHOICES Volunteer,

Cori Shuster A.K.A the "Counting Queen,"

has been a phenomenal help with baby bottle returns! We truly THANK GOD for you girl!!!

Meet Abby Merritt, Intern


Introducing Abby - Our current intern from Life Pacific University. Abby is about to graduate with a degree in Human Development and Psychology from LPU and has loved becoming more familiar with CHOICES and the amazing ministry that comes with it! Abby has been involved in ministry since she was in high school, and she dreams of one day moving to the nations as a missionary to do counseling work, specifically with women. Being from Colorado, Abby is a lover of Jesus, people (BABIES), the mountains, and good food!


"What an honor it has been, becoming familiar with CHOICES and the amazing work they are doing! Shadowing each client-advocate is an opportunity to invite God to use me in the ways I get to listen, sit, and pray with the clients. This is really the work of the Kingdom of God, and CHOICES is a beautiful mosaic of every client's story having God meet them right where they're at. What a blessing it has been getting to become more familiar with CHOICES, treasuring the impactful and formative moments where a client has chosen life. This organization supports women, desiring to see breakthrough in their lives through a means of practical love. The women who work here are such a joy, and I am so thankful that I have gotten this unique and transformational opportunity to catch a glimpse of God truly moving through CHOICES in such mighty and beautiful ways." - Abby Merritt, intern, Life Pacific University



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