November 2022

Dear Parents,

We have so much to be thankful for. During this month, we would like to appreciate and show gratitude to the wonderful members of our Ladybug family. We hope you can all enjoy the last bits of fall and autumn breeze. With the amazing themes we have planned, we are definitely looking forward to a collaborative month together. 

“November is the month to remind us to be thankful for the many positive things happening in our life." 

318743-Welcome-November-Wishing-You-A-Wonderful-Spell image


Center Closures: Our Centers will be closed on November 11th for Veterans Day, as well as November 24th & 25th for Thanksgiving. 

If you would like the full list of closures for 2022, please click here.

For a list of closures for 2023, click here

Please note we will be closed for Christmas & Winter Break from December 26th to January 2nd. 

Holiday-Closures image

Center Hours: Our Centers are open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Children will not be accepted after 10:00 am as it is disruptive to classroom activities. In addition, there is a late fee of $5 per minute for children picked up after

6:00 pm.

Since we extended our hours, classes will be mixed together during drop-off and pick-up times. However, we will not be mixing floors.

If you need to pick up your child for appointments, please note he or she may only be picked up either before nap time at 12:30pm, or after nap time at 2:30pm. We do not allow pick ups during nap time as it is disruptive to those sleeping. Staff members are also on lunch break during this time and will not be available to attend to you at the door.

Please also send extra snacks with your child if you plan to keep them with us until 6:00pm.

Labelling Belongings:

We would like to send out a reminder that you must label all of your child's belongings. This includes their water bottle, lunch/snacks, sheets, blankets, and any other items that you send with your child. Labelling is a licensing requirement and we appreciate your cooperation with helping us maintain this.

Safe Building Access:

We appreciate everyone for following the safe building access protocols. Please continue to do your part to keep the building safe and secured. If you do not have access to the door yet, please download the Kastle Presence app. 

Please also refer to this safe door access document at your earliest convenience.

We are still in the process of installing Kastle Presence for Ladybug Academy 1. We will keep you posted! 

We appreciate your patience & cooperation!

School Updates:

Fall Progress Reports: 

We hope you had the opportunity to participate in our Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences that were held on October 21st. We thank you for joining. The fall progress reports of your child have been uploaded on Brightwheel. If you have not received one, please reach out to your child's Teacher directly. We hope these reports provided you a general understanding of your child's progress at School. We look forward to achieving more success with them in the upcoming terms. 

We Would Love To Collaborate With You!

We love for the Parents to be involved in our Program and Curriculum. Your participation makes classroom activities more exciting for the children.

We have some fun and engaging themes planned for November. If you know anyone with an expertise in the following fields: Architecture, Farming or Agriculture, and Aviation, please reach out to your Center Director. We would love to have guest speakers visit the children and give them some practical lessons. 

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Halloween Parade:

We had our costume party and halloween parade on October 31st. Children had a lot of fun parading around the Centers collecting treats. We hope everyone had a fun Halloween! 

Image: A collage of our students enjoying the Halloween Parade & Costume Party!

Image: Our Teachers also had a lot of fun on Halloween!

Popular Themes:

Fire Prevention Week:

Fire Prevention week was a success at Ladybug Academy! Children learned about various fire hazards, fire safety, and tools Fire Marshals use. 

To make it more exciting, we had a Fire Marshal as a visitor to our Center! Children were thrilled to see the live demonstration of the steps taken in order to put out fire. They even received cute little fire helmets from our special visitor. Thank you Mike, for making some time for the students at Ladybug Academy. 

Image: Thank you Mike, for visiting our students during Fire Prevention week.

Pumpkin Carving!

We carved pumpkins as a class during our creepy crawlies week. Each class carved a pumpkin together and we're excited to share their creative pumpkin crafts with you. 

Images: Ladybug Academy's own pumpkin patch, carved and decorated by our awesome Teachers & Students!

A Look Into Our Enrichments...

Here at Ladybug Academy, we offer a very comprehensive and hands-on learning Program for children. The Reggio Emilia philosophy that we follow allows us to create Student-Centered lesson plans that are individualized for each student.

We also focus on weekly enrichments that allow students to gather basic knowledge in all subject areas. This newsletter, we would like to present our Language Enrichment. Each Tuesday, we plan several phonemic activities that help build the children's language development. We focus on letters, phonemic sounds, vowels, blends, digraphs, simple reading, and sight words. These enrichments help us prepare the students excel in all subject areas. 

 Image: Our Pre-K students identifying vowels.

Image: Learning about beginning sounds.

Teacher Awards: 

It is a tradition at Ladybug Academy to appreciate and award our precious Teachers. Each month, we choose a category we can award our Teachers in. This time, the Ladybug team has chosen "Attendance & Punctuality". Congratulations to Mrs. Annalisa for winning this award. Her perfect attendance helps us run the Center smoothly. We know we can always rely on her during our busy mornings. We thank her for this dedication! 

Image: Ms. Annalisa winning the Staff Award this month!

An Update on our Arlington Courthouse Location: 

Construction is in progress for our Arlington Courthouse location. Most of the plumbing has been completed and we are currently undergoing framing of the classrooms. 

Enrolment is also increasing on a daily basis. If you know families that are interested in enrolling at this location, please spread the word around. We are so excited to be a part of a growing Ladybug family!

In this month's newsletter, you will find:

  • Reminders & School Updates
  • Special Events - Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • An article on - How to Help Gratitude Grow in Your Kids
  • Our calendar with theme plans for November
  • Biography of Staff Member - Ms. Litzy Salazar 
Pictures of the Month

Thanksgiving Gesture

Thanksgiving Food Drive:

During this month of thankfulness and showing gratitude, the Ladybug Team would like to organize a food drive. We had one for the holidays last year and it was a huge success because of our wonderful Ladybug families. 

Ladybug Academy will be collaborating with Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). We will have a donation box located at the main door for those that are interested in donating food. Some food items you may donate are low sodium canned tuna, beans, soup, low sugar cereal, and packaged pasta or rice. We will be collecting these food items between November 1st to November 18th.

If you would like more information on AFAC, check out their website here.

How to Help Gratitude Grow in Your Kids 

"How do children learn to be grateful? Child development research explores ways that we can support this process."

Understanding gratitude begins from the early stages of development. It is crucial to discuss perspectives with children during their preschool years. 

At Ladybug Academy, we closely listen to the child's needs and encourage them to be understanding of others' as well. Our social/emotional development activities help children foster growth in this area. 

Since November is all about being thankful and showing gratitude, we think it's a great idea to share an article highlighting this aspect.  

Coming Up...

Weekly Themes Calendar for November

Along with showing gratitude and being thankful, our November themes have a lot more to offer. We will learn about some famous architectures, harvesting & agriculture, aviation, and work on thanksgiving projects. After all, being thankful begins with being aware of everything that surrounds us!

Our catering menus are now available for October 2022 through September 2023. We also offer information on our portions and ingredients.

Click the links below for access to the menus:

Lunch Menus

Lunch Portions

Lunch Ingredient List

Breakfast & Snack MenusBreakfast & Snack Portions,

Breakfast & Snack Ingredient List

Staff Spotlight

Litzy Salazar

2.5 Lead Teacher

Hello Ladybug Families! My name is Litzy and I’m the Lead Teacher for the 2.5 Classroom at Ladybug Academy 2. I was the Assistant Teacher for the Toddler Classroom, which has allowed me to work closely with the children who are now in 2.5! I would like to say I am pretty out-going; I play volleyball and love learning through others. I believe that there will be a lot to learn in the classroom, certainly a lot more to learn from the kids themselves. I’m excited to see their minds begin to piece things together as they make new discoveries. LadyBug Academy 2 has been a fundamental support in my process of brand new experiences and opportunities. My time with them feels very rewarding and so enjoyable since there is never a dull moment. I am excited to watch all the kids grow and to create an environment that will allow them to feel cared for and respected in.

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