Dear Parents/Guardians,

Next Tuesday, May 9th, our students in JK - Grade 8 will be heading on a trip to the Farm (Pleasant Creek Stables) to celebrate Lag Baomer.


The day will be filled with fun programming including sports activities, crafts, team building games, as well as a BBQ hot dog lunch!


Students will leave for the park by school bus immediately following morning drop off and will return to the school in time for regular dismissal. Students will be outside for the duration of the trip, so please ensure your child is dressed according to the weather as well as our Trip Dress Code for Grades 1-8;

School Dress Code for Trips

  • Grade 1- 8 Boys may wear either knee-length baggy shorts or sweatpants. 
  • Grade 1-8 girls may wear skirts, knee-length baggy shorts, or sweatpants.  
  • No sleeveless or low-cut tops, tight pants, or inappropriate t-shirt logos. 
  • Please make sure to check the weather and dress accordingly - bring a hat, sunscreen, and a shirt that you don't mind getting dirty.

The grounds are quite muddy this time of year so please make sure to pack extra pants and socks for your child. Please also send your child with a water bottle, extra snacks (snacks must be nut, sesame and dairy free; this includes items that are dairy equipment), as well as any allergy medication/EpiPen needed for the day.

Click the button below to express permission for your child to attend HHA's Lag Baomer Picnic. Permission forms must be submitted by Sunday, May 7th. 

Click Here to Submit Your Permission Form!

Looking forward to a fun and exciting Lag Baomer day together at the Farm!
