Join us on Feb. 16 at 8:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p.m. PST) as we announce the details of a landmark federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Sacramento against the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), Verizon Wireless, the Tahoe Prosperity Center, Inc., and a South Lake Tahoe property owner. 

The suit was brought in November by South Lake Tahoe resident Monica Eisenstecken, and three environmental nonprofit organizations, including Environmental Health Trust. The suit seeks to prevent the looming proliferation of 5G-enabled “small cell” antennas and cell towers throughout the Tahoe region until rigorous environmental reviews of the proposed infrastructure have been completed by the TRPA as mandated by its own rules.

Ms. Eisenstecken, who is electrosensitive, first considered a lawsuit after she was notified that her neighbor was seeking to install a 112-foot-tall wireless cell tower just 150 feet from her residence! Installation of the tower in its proposed location would make Ms. Eisenstecken's home uninhabitable to her. 

Major News Coverage of the Lake Tahoe Case

Please register on Tuesday Feb. 16, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p.m. PST
The Swiss Expert group BERENIS recently released a summary of their scientific report on oxidative stress. Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for Environmental Studies, this important evaluation documents the scientific evidence confirming that low-level non-ionizing radiation can lead to serious health problems, especially for children and the elderly. The findings strongly reinforce our warnings on 5G and other sources of radiofrequency radiation.
China Bans Cell Phones in Schools

China's Ministry of Education issued a directive this month to bar all primary and secondary school students in China from bringing mobile phones to school. If a child is caught playing on a phone at school, the teacher is to confiscate the student's phone and return it when the semester ends. Schools must not assign or ask students to do homework via cell phones. Schools must set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students!
Video Premiere: Wi-Fi Removed From Archbishop Makarios Hospital

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Archbishop Makarios Hospital eliminated Wi-Fi, reducing radiation exposure to their most vulnerable patients. Cyprus also has a directive to remove Wi-Fi from elementary schools, support a strong educational campaign to educate children and families about cell phones and wireless radiation. The new video premiered at the EMF Medical Conference 2021.