Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church 
August 2021
The Sound of the Bells

The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the Lord, and when he comes out...
-Exodus 28:35

In the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament, you will never find mention of bells in towers and spires. Instead, tiny bells were worn on the robes of the high priest Aaron in the tabernacle and on the harnesses of horses as they marched through the streets. In both instances, the bells were used to remind the people of the holiness and presence of God. Bells were intended to ring out and to create a sacred space. Only later were they used to mark segments of time.  
As I have visited with neighbors around the church, I have been struck by their frequent words of appreciation for the bells ringing daily throughout the pandemic. Over and over, they have said how the sound of the bells allowed them to stay calm and breathe in the midst of the chaos. Indeed, the bells allowed them to return to a pattern of normalcy and a confidence that all would be well. More often than not, for those in the know, neighbors ask when the new bells will be coming.
Right now, I can say, that the three new bells were emptied from their mold in Annecy, France in July, then polished for their journey and are now on their way across the Atlantic Ocean to arrive in the port of Charleston in South Carolina in the next few weeks. From there they will be transported to Minnesota. Most importantly, I can say that when they arrive there will be sufficient funds committed and collected to pay for them. This leads me to say...
Thank you for your generosity- for all your gifts great and small!  Initially, I anticipated that the funds collected would cover the cost for one bell.  As the Bell Appeal moved forward two families chose to sponsor a bell as a gift to the ministry of the congregation. A third family offered to give a unique additional gift to the church... a clock to be placed on the tower for the neighbors and walkers who look up when the bells toll the hour. The Paccard Bell Foundry has designed a wonderful clock face that will beautifully tie together the green patina of the copper roof, the dark bronze of the metal spouts and the earth tones of the stone wall. Again, it is a wonderful gift of generosity to the church and to the neighborhood.

In the past week, we have received additional financial commitments which will exceed the amounts needed for the three new bells. As we mentioned at the beginning of the appeal in June, any additional funds received will be used for other projects important to the church. In consultation with existing donors, the Church Council has voted to use these new gifts as seed money for stabilizing and rehabilitating the stained glass in the sanctuary. This is a long-deferred and necessary project, and is on the Council's list of improvements needed for the upkeep and maintenance of the building leading up to the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone in 1925. Having the ability to begin this undertaking at this time is quite exceptional. We did not expect to have funds available this year, especially after undertaking needed elevator repairs and replacing the degraded parsonage walkway, but your generosity has made this new project possible. The first step will be to replace the window's exterior protective glass and we hope to then begin rehabilitating the actual stained glass in the large window above the choir loft overlooking the lake.

Several years ago, I met the first Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, Herbert Chilstrom down in Green Valley, Arizona.  I introduced myself as the pastor of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. I was hoping that he would remember his LCA Minnesota Synod connection.  Unsolicited, he said, "Lake of the Isles Church. I remember it well.  The church with the most beautiful windows in the ELCA."  That remark has stayed with me.  It is a reminder of the treasure that has been entrusted to our care.

More details on this project will follow, but the basic concern is that stained glass is fragile, and after seventy-five years of exposure to the elements, the lead used to hold the glass in place has softened and deformed, causing warping of the windows as a whole. Left unaddressed, the windows will eventually fail, but with careful renovation and new, modern materials they should remain in good condition for the next century, which generations of future parishioners will thank us for. The historic Gaytee-Palmer Stained Glass Company in Minneapolis which installed the windows at Lake of the Isles in the 1940's will be contracted to oversee the project.
So where does this lead us?  Perhaps back to the bells on Aaron's robe.  As a church on Lake of the Isles, we have been given a wonderful location, neighborhood and responsibility. We are to proclaim God's presence in the world through our deeds, our actions and through our building. God has been faithful to us throughout the pandemic, and you have been faithful to this congregation through your generous gifts. 
You may continue to give to the Bells-Stained Glass Appeal through the next two months. We will celebrate all of these gifts on the Sunday when we finally bless the bells, and we will honor those who are to be remembered through these gifts in our All Saints Sunday worship service in November. Finally, so you can plan ahead, we will hold a fundraising-thanksgiving event at the home of Bernie and Michelle Riesberg on Sunday, October 10th to thank those who have given to this project and to accept additional funds.
Again, thank you. I simply could not have imagined the generosity and faithfulness of the congregation at Lake of the Isles in this challenging year. I am humbled and proud to be your pastor.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug
Musical Gift
Dennis and Kathryn Johnson of Bloomington have presented Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church with the gift of their handcrafted harpsichord. The instrument was made by the legendary organist Larry Haugen. He was active in the Bach Society of Minnesota and "early music" organizations. Before his death he presented the Johnson's with his beloved harpsichord.

The harpsichord is a keyboard instrument in which the strings are plucked, rather than hit with a hammer (which is the mechanism for the piano, a more recent development). The distinctive sound of the harpsichord creates an almost immediately association with the baroque era. The instrument all but disappeared in the 19th century except for opera recitatives.
Protocol for Worship 
With the lifting of the Minneapolis Mask Mandate, and in compliance with Minnesota Governor's Executive Orders and CDC guidance, we have returned to pre-pandemic worship practices. Registration is no longer required for worship attendance, singing is allowed and encouraged. Coffee and fellowship will follow worship service on the Patio when weather permits and in Fellowship Hall when necessary.
It is important to recognize, however, how quickly our protocol for worship has changed in the past few months, and that not everyone will feel comfortable returning to pre-pandemic practices. Some will continue to choose social distancing over close contact. Others may not feel comfortable sharing the peace or greeting others with a handshake.  Still others may prefer to wear a mask. You will still find the hand sanitizers around the church and signs that say,  Welcome!  We're glad that you are back!  Please note: For the protection of yourself and others...Please wear your mask if you are not fully vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.
You will find some accommodations to the pandemic. We will continue to serve communion with individual cups. Offerings will be received as you go forward for communion. Hymnals have returned to the pew pockets, but we will also print the music in the weekly bulletins. These practices are to help everyone feel comfortable and safe again.
Finally, if you are away or still not able to attend on Sunday morning, we will continue our online ministry indefinitely. It has become an important tool for evangelism, and an equally important connection to our members.
Sunday Volunteers for Autumn

As we reset following our year of Covid-19 Protocols, we are seeking 16 to 20 LOTI members or friends to join one or more of our volunteer lists for September through December 2021.

Our hope is to have large enough lists to schedule volunteers for
one Sunday.

Tasks are as follows:
  • Ushers greet worshipers, provide bulletins and give direction as needed, as well as collect offerings and guide participants to Communion.
  • Readers participate in leading worship by reading the Scripture Lesson from the Lectern.
  • Coffee Hour Hosts prepare coffee and tea, as well as serve, using designated carafes. Instructions are posted for new volunteers. Please note that the church will provide small-bite snacks, so volunteers need only brew coffee and tea, serve on the Patio or in the Fellowship Hall, and clean used kitchen items.
Sign up here or look for a sign-up email in your inbox later this month.
Children's & Family Ministry
Sunday School Registration Time!
We will be opening registration for Sunday School this month. Sunday School will launch on September 12 and is offered to children who are age 3 by September 1 through 6th grade. A link will be available on our website and sent to current families. If you are not on our mailing list and would like to register, please contact Diane LaMere for registration information.
We hope to offer in person Sunday School however our final decision will be guided by the latest CDC guidelines and the MN Department of Health in the coming weeks. Materials will be provided to families who register and opt to remain virtual.
Sunday School Leaders Needed - Can You Help?
We are currently recruiting vaccinated high school youth and adults to assist in leading a Sunday School classroom. We are hopeful that we can offer in person Sunday School starting September 12.
If you love working with kids and would like to help, please contact Diane LaMere.
Training and fun will be provided!
Our Saviour's Housing Meal

Thanks to...
Peter Van Bergen & Cathy Carlson for providing in June
Kathy & Pat Bracken in July.

Carol Kuehn, Vicki Kuehn-Larson, & Rebecca Morell have donated for August 6.
David and Mary Goplen for September 3.

Because of ongoing changes at Our Saviours Housing, we will continue to ask for volunteers to pay for the meals for the rest of the year, instead of preparing food and serving it.

We ask that you let Cheri Moe know if you would like to take a month...October 1, November 5 or December 3.  

We have adjusted the cost of the meal to $200 because the number of residents is low at this time. 

If you are donating for one of the available months, please send your check to the church made out to LOTI and we will then contribute to Our Saviours. 

If you have questions, please contact Cheri Moe or the church office.

Join us 
Saturday, August 7
for a time of camaraderie
on the

There is no membership requirement or time commitment. 
Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours! 
(No knitting skills required)
Fall Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation education for 7th and 8th graders, as well as 9th graders preparing for the
Rite of Confirmation on
Sunday, October 31st will begin on Wednesday, September 8th.  Last year, Confirmation was held from 4:00-5:00 on the Patio. This is negotiable depending on student schedules this fall.  
New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.
Coffee Hour
We're now hosting Coffee Hour after the service on the Patio, weather permitting. Please contact the church office or phone (612) 377- 5095, if you would like to sign up for a Sunday, to brew and serve coffee/tea. 

Summer Preaching Series - The Early Kings
For nearly 3000 years, artists, musicians and scholars have debated the significance of Israel's kings.  Saul, David and Solomon, all play a part in our common understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. Jesus, himself, is referred to as the descendent of the House of David.  So why does the Prophet Samuel warn the people of seeking a king to rule over them when they already have God?  This will be the topic for our Wednesday morning Bible Study, as well the focus of the Sunday morning worship throughout the summer.
LOTI Livestream Worship Services

To view, go to our YouTube channel, or to find the livestream link & worship service bulletin go to loti.org
Prayer Ministry Group
All are welcome to join!
Prayer Ministry continues through the summer and we will meet in person the first Tuesday of the month
at the church. Other Tuesdays it will be by Zoom.

9:15 - 10:00 AM.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
We are delighted that our Wednesday morning Bible Study is in person again! This was our first session after 15 months of meeting virtually.
Pastor Haug leads the morning bible study group in the Library & via Zoom 
10:00AM Wednesdays.
Happy Birthday!
Birthdays for August:
Eric Amann
Alexis Jacoby
Gina Haug
Suzanne Pepin
Phoenix Millar Bruzek
Jennifer Cook
Denise Wilkens
Ivan Haug
Ross Bartels
Benjamin Formell
Mary Abbe Hintz
Larry Moe
Diane LaMere
Beth Morrison
Lizabeth Brown
Henrik Olson
Altar Servers Schedule
August 8

Carolyn & Dave Hagford
August 15

Mary & Dave Goplen
August 22

Kathy Hering & Cathy Carlson
August 29

Linda Nelson, Ruth Lee & Eivor Lund
Ushers Schedule
August 8

Eric Mechels
August 15

Linda Nelson
August 22

August 29

Worship Assistant Schedule

Worship Assistant
Communion Assistant
August 8

Mary SabatkeDebby Pizarro
August 15

Mark DuffMarty Carlson
August 22

Steve HoytKathy Hering
August 29

Marty CarlsonMary Sabatke
Coffee Hour Hosts Schedule
August 8

Don Holzschuh
August 15

August 22

August 29

Heart of Europe Tour Revisited
April 25 - May 7, 2022
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic

Of course, none of us knows what the fall will bring to European travel, and it never hurts to dream. But just in case, Pastor Haug is planning on a possible springtime trip to the Heart of Europe in 2022. The tour will visit many of the great cities along the Moldau and Danube Rivers, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Salzburg, Cesky Krumlov & Prague.  Unfortunately, the Oberammergau Passion Play will not be a part of this trip. More information will be available in September.
In This Issue
Quick Links
Upcoming Events
August 6 -- 5:00 PM
Our Saviour's Shelter Meal
LOTI & Our Saviour's

August 7 -- 9:30 AM
Priscilla Circle 
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world

Virtual & Limited In-Person Worship Service
9:30 am

Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor
Dr Kris Rizzotto -
Director of Music
Diane LaMere - Children's Ministry
Joseph LaMere -
 Worship Technical  Director
Linda Nelson - Office Manager
Michelle McCreery -
Design & Communication Director
Sarah & Trevor Skorburg  
- Caretakers
Sandy Swan - Wedding Manager

(612) 377-5095

Council Members
Pamela Aagaard
Ross Bartels - Treasurer
Martin Carlson- Vice President
Casey Christy
Regan Gusman
David Hagford
Steve Hoyt
Eric Mechels
Chanda Olson- President
Michelle Reisberg
Tori Reisberg - Youth
Jon Sprain - Secretary
Joshua Wilcox
We welcome your input to our newsletter. Contact us if you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.
Follow us