Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church August 2019
And All the Prophets

Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, (Jesus) interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures
St. Luke 24: 27

Visitors to orthodox churches are often surprised by the iconostasisor icon wall which stands in the front of the church. This was certainly true for our group at Lake of the Isles when they visited a Russian orthodox monastery in St. Petersburg for the Easter vigil. They wondered why the priests kept disappearing behind the doors of the iconostasis, and what the icons represented. The altar itself is actually hidden behind the icon wall and is only visible when the royal doors, the center doors, are open.

Of course, there is an order and meaning to all the icons on the iconostasis. They depict the great events in Christ's life, the feast of the church, and one icon is always there to illustrate the name of the church. Perhaps, surprising to all the Protestant Christians is that all the Old Testament prophets are portrayed with a halo above their head. More frequently it is a disc of light. The prophets are also referred to as saints. (Please note the icon of Jonah and the Great Fish.)  For the Orthodox Church, the icons present an unbroken chain of holiness from the Old Testament into the New.  
Throughout the summer we have been meditating on the Old Testament prophets in our worship. This has included occasional readings from the three major literary prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and the twelve minor prophets. In the ancient Jewish tradition, the Minor Prophets or simply Twelve Prophets, were all included on one scroll. The term "Minor" relates to the length of each book (ranging from a single chapter to fourteen); even the longest is short compared to the three major prophets. It is not known when these short works were collected and transferred to a single scroll, but the first extra-biblical evidence we have for the Twelve as a single collection is 190 BC. There is, however, a common theme in the words of the prophets. They focus repeatedly on the acts of sin, and the challenge of a resolute new life. In the New Testament, we are reminded by Jesus himself, that he is the fulfillment of these words. It is an unbroken chain of God's action.
There is one more month of stories to hear. Don't worry if you missed a Sunday or two. They are always available on the LOTI website. Join us as well, after church on Sunday, August 11, as fellow Lake of the Isles members, share their favorite stories of travel in Russia and the Baltic States.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug

Join us 
Saturday, August 3
for a time of camaraderie
at the home of John Bergford
2218 Mount View Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle. 
There is no membership requirement or time commitment. 
Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours! 
(No knitting skills required)

Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meals
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together! 

Thanks to Ellie Holmquist, Anita Duder, Eivor Lund, & Linda Nelson  for serving on July 5.

Consider October!

Contact  Cheri Moe or phone (952) 431-5226.
2 Marty Carlson, Mark Duff, Mary Knoblauch, Michelle McCreery donation, Cheri Moe serving
6 Mary Flynn & Family
1 Women's Bible Study
6 Cheri Moe & Family
Recipes are provided. 
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. For those who are Thrivent members, but are not able to make the meal, please consider applying for this grant in advance (4-6 weeks lead time) for other volunteers' use to serve. 
If you have not served the meal, feel the cost is more than you can comfortably contribute, or would like to work with others, contact Cheri Moe or Linda Nelson. You will be connected with  others for a shared, enjoyable experience. oscs-mn.org

On Sunday, August 11th , you will have a chance to hear stories and view photos presented by members of the congregation who went to Finland, Russia and the Baltic countries this spring.  Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join us in the Christy Room at approximately 11:00 am

For more information about the Baltic States visit mfa.gov.lv
LOTI Pickup Choir

The pickup choir will sing on August 11th and 18th. Singers, please meet in the Sanctuary at 9:00am.
LOTI Pickup Bell Choir

The pickup bell choir will rehearse on August 18 at 11:00am.
LOTI Choir
Weekly rehearsals resume on 
Wednesday, August 28th at 7:15.
Choir will sing on 
Rally Sunday, September 8th.
New singers are welcome! Join us!
Children's Ministry

Sunday School Registration is Open!
It's time to register for Sunday School!  We are looking forward to starting Sunday School on  Rally Sunday, September 8. We ask that all families register their children for Sunday School. Register online
Sunday School is offered for children who are age 3 by September 1 through those entering 6th grade.  
If you have any questions, please contact Diane LaMere  or call the church office at  612-377-5095 .


Sunday School teacher training  will be held on Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30pm.  This is geared towards new teachers for the coming program year. Previous teachers are welcome, but not required to attend.
Fall Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation education for 7th & 8th graders, 
as well as 9th graders preparing for the 
Rite of Confirmation on 
Sunday, October 27th will resume on
Wednesday, September 11, 7:00 - 8:00pm 
i n the Christy Room. 
New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.

Women's Bible Study

Our 2019-2020 Sessions will begin Thursday, September 19. 7:00pm in the Church Library.
Text TBA 

LOTI Book Club
You're Invited
to Read with Us! 
Gatherings are held at the
 Home of Debra Gilroy 

Our selections for 2019-2020 meetings are:
September 27
Lynn Austin,
Gods and Kings
October 25
Lauren F Winter,
Girl Meets God
November 22
Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver,
& Priscilla Warner
The Faith Club: 
A Muslim, A Christian,  A Jew: 
Three Women Search for Understanding
January 24
Geraldine Brooks,
People of the Book
February 28
Mary C. Neal,
To Heaven and Back
March 27
Anne Lamott,
Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

September's Selection...
Gods and Kings (Chronicles of the Kings, #1)
Though born the second son of King Ahaz, Hezekiah is not protected from his father's perverted attempts to gain the favor of the idol Molech. Terrified and powerless at the foot of Molech's altar, Hezekiah encounters for the first time the one true God of his royal ancestry, Yahweh.

But his journey to the Holy One is riddled by influence from an assortment of men: Zechariah, a grandfather of noble standing who has fallen into drunkenness; Uriah, the High Priest whose lust for power forces him to gamble the faith he proclaims; and Shebna, the Egyptian intellectual who guides Hezekiah's instruction.

For the two women who love Hezekiah, the meaning of love--and its sacrificial essence--will direct the course of their lives and help shape the young prince's future.

Snacks and beverages are shared.
Contributions are welcome, but not required.
praying hands

Prayer Ministry Group
We welcome all who would like to join us on 
Tuesdays  from  9:15-10:00 am in  the Christy Room. 
Questions?  Contact  Janna Haug Debra Gilroy   or  LInda Nelson
Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Join us on Wednesdays at 
10:00am for Bible Study. The informal study explores the Letters of St Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning. 
Camp Amnicon   
Make Your Summer Plans Now!
Open-Enroll Wilderness Adventures!
There is a place in this canoe for YOU!
Good news! Amnicon is offering open enroll opportunities in 2019 for all of our most popular wilderness trips! That means you can sign up as an individual. You don't need to get 9 friends together before you come with us on the adventure of a lifetime, but you will have at least that many friends when your adventure is done. Included in your trip is food, gear, campsite reservations, daily devotions and Bible study, professional wilderness guides, and a whole lot of adventure.
Pricing is flexible. Space is limited. Call to reserve your spot in the canoe! (715)364-2602
There are still trips to choose!
Apostle Islands Voyageur Canoeing, August 4-9 
Our signature wilderness experience for ages 15 and up, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore on Lake Superior offers unmatched beauty you have to see to believe as you camp on the islands and paddle between them in a 34' Montreal Canoe with up to 14 other people! A true north country experience in the oldest traditions of Lake Superior travel.
Women's Glamping, August 22-25
For adult women only. Camp Amnicon is offering for the first time ever a more comfortable and sophisticated camping experience. We'll still sleep in tents, but they'll be huge canvass tents with real mattresses and bed frames. We'll still cook and eat outside, but with a style and quality rarely associated with the outdoors. We'll still hike, swim, and paddle, but only as far as we'd like to, because camping can be glamorous after all.
See you at camp!
Hannah Damon, Associate Director
8450 E Camp Amnicon Rd
South Range, WI 54874
(715) 364-2602
Fellowship Hall Exhibition


Louise Gillis is a classically trained painter of all mediums. For over twenty-five years, she has achieved notoriety as both a painter and instructor. Her knowledge of impressionist color theory sets the stage for portraiture, still life, interiors, landscape and murals in oil, watercolor, pencil and charcoal. This versatility allows Louise to focus on the needs of her subject matter and create the vibrancy and depth of each individual painting.
She is pleased to exhibit her paintings at beautiful Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. 

( 612)865-2728
Pastor Arden's 2020 Tour is half filled...

Featuring the Oberammergau Passion Play as well as
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany 
& the Czech Republic
June 21- July 3, 2020

August Birthdays
Peter Fjelstad
Eric Amann
Alexis Jacoby
Suzanne Pepin
Finn Miller Bruzek
Jenny Cook
Ivan Haug
Denise Wilkens
Ross Bartels
Ben Formell
Mary Abbe Hintz
Diane LeMere
Beth Morrison
Henrik Olson
August  4 Linda Nelson & Andrea Nyhusmoen
11 Kuehn Family
August 18 Ben Guengerich & Lauren Huffman
25 Mark Duff & Don Holzschuh
Altar Servers
Linda Nelson
August 11
Kuehn Family
August 18
Pauline Haug
25 Dave & Mary Goplen, Kathy Hering
Worship Assistants
August  4 Steve Hoyt
August 11 Michelle McCreery
18 Mary Sabatke
August 25 Marty Carlson
Coffee Hour Hosts
 4 Eric & Naomi Mechels
Ross Bartels & Brenda Weigel  
18 Marty Carlson & Mary Knoblauch
25 Linda Nelson & Mary Flynn
In This Issue
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Upcoming Events
August 2
Shelter Meal
LOTI & Our Saviour's

August 3 - 9:30am
Priscilla  Circle
Home of Carol  Arent

August 11 - 11:00am
Baltics Tour Presentation
Christy Room

August 28 6:30pm
Sunday School Teacher Training
Christy Room

August 28 7:15pm
LOTI Choir Resumes
Fellowship Hall
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world

Worship Service: 9:30 A.M.
Coffee Hour: 10:40 A.M.

Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo u.

Staff Members

Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor
Kenneth Q. Vigne Organist
Dawn Allan - Choir Director
Diane LaMere - Children's Ministry
Linda Nelson Office Manager
Dane Peterson - Facilities
Sheridan SweeNursery Attendant
Sandy Swan - Wedding Manager

(612) 377-5095

Council Members
Ross Bartels - Treasurer
Martin Carlson - President
Casey Christy 
Jenny Cook
Ross Formell - Vice President
Debra Gilroy
Reagan Gusman
David Hagford
Kathy Hering
Chanda Olson
Jorgen Olson, Youth
Jon Sprain - Secretary
Joshua Wilcox

Michelle McCreery - LOTILink, Website, & Social Media

We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.