Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church March 2020
Lenten Services at Lake of the Isles
Wednesdays at 11:00 and 7:00 in the Library
Lent 2020 Philippians 2.5

The season of Lent is time for reflection and growth. The word Lent itself comes from the Old English word to lengthen or grow longer. It was a descriptive word to define the lengthening of the days. I would like to suggest Lent also refers to the lengthening and deepening of our faith. During the season of Lent, our midweek, Wednesday worship services will focus on an early Christian poem which St. Paul included into his Letter to the Philippians. 
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,
who, though he was in the form of God,
    did not regard equality with God
    as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
    taking the form of a slave,
    being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
    he humbled himself
    and became obedient to the point of death-
    even death on a cross.
Therefore God also highly exalted him
    and gave him the name
    that is above every name,
so that at the name of Jesus
    every knee should bend,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue should confess
    that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.
The poem offers many thoughts on the nature of Christ's work in this world, and each week we will meditate on the startling claims of the poem. On Wednesday, March 4th we begin with the opening phrases of Christ emptying himself and taking the form of a slave. This must have been challenging for the early church in Philippi to contemplate. Across the Roman Empire, slaves made up more than half of the population. Slaves had very few rights compared with Roman citizens. How could the privileged Roman citizens consider a slave to be their Lord? In similar ways the poem challenges the church even today to be of the same mind as Jesus. 
Join us on Wednesdays in Lent at 11:00 in the morning or 7:00 in the evening in the Library.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug

A Season of Hope
Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits

This Lent, we're joining Lutheran World Relief in 
A Season of Hope  to announce to the world the HOPE of Christ. Each week,  we'll collect a different item that we'll use to assemble Personal  Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in  life's most challenging situations and provide assistance  for struggling families in fragile corners of the world. 
An insert will be included in the Sunday bulletin. Copies will also be available at the sanctuary entrances. 

Our goal is to assemble 75 Personal Care Kits.
Contributions can be made in two ways:  
  • Cash donation to support purchasing in bulk.
  • Items may be purchased by individuals. Here's our collection schedule:
    • March   1 - Bars of Soap 
      • 4 to 5 oz, any brand, in original wrapping 
    • March   8 - Bath Towels
      • lightweight, max 52" x 27", dark color
    • March 15 - Toothbrushes
      • adult size, in original packaging
    • March 22 - Combs
    • March 29 - Nail Clippers
      • metal, attached file optional
    • April 5, Palm Sunday - Bars of Soap

We will assemble the kits and prepare them for shipping oSunday, April 26, at 11:00 am.  Each kit will include:
    • Two or three bars of soap 
    • One bath towel
    • One toothbrush
    • One comb
    • One nail clipper

Important Guidelines  
  • Be sure to shop for light or medium-weight towels in darker colors, which are easier for kit recipients to hand wash and air dry, take up less storage space and are considerably less expensive than the fluffier towels we may prefer. 
  • Please give new items only.
  • Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or a group's name.
  • Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage.
  • Please do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed.
  • All items should be new.
  • Do not enclose kits or any contents in plastic bags.
Contact Linda Nelson with questions or to let us know that would like to help.

Children's Ministry

March at a Glance
MAR   1
Camp Sunday - Luther Park visit
MAR 15 Tom Klein, uilliean piper visits Sunday School
MAR 22 Sunday School Service Day
MAR 29 No Sunday School (spring break)

Summer Camp Sunday 
luther park
It is time to start thinking about summer camp!   
Joel Legred, Executive Director of Luther Park in Danbury, WI will be coming to LOTI on Sunday, March 1 to share the fun summer plans for our youth Grades 1-12.  Scholarships are available for our LOTI youth.

Tom Klein Visit

We look forward to our annual visit on Sunday,  March 15.  Tom will give a demonstration of his uilliean pipes to the Sunday School children during Sunday School on this day!


Sunday School Service Day 
Our annual event will be on
Sunday, March 22.
Thank you for supporting our kids doing important work with your financial support. We raised $300 from our Valentines-themed fundraiser!!
The service day will focus on projects to support youth and families in need of services at Lutheran Social Services
8 Hand Chime Players Needed
Wednesday Evenings at 6:15

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has access to a 3 octave set of hand chimes- unfortunately, they are seldom used. We are presently looking for 8 curious musicians who would like to experiment with these chimes. No experience is needed, and you can learn to read music as you learn to play. The time commitment is limited to five Wednesdays, 6:15 pm in Lent beginning March 4th. Let Pastor Haug know if you are interested.
Women's Bible Study
Our group meets  1st and 3rd Thursday s. 
Our next meetings are 
Thursdays March 5 & 
March 197:00pm in the Library. 
This session's text is 
Numbers: Learning Contentment in a Culture of More 
by Melissa Spoelstra.
Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meal

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together! 

Thanks to Rick Gripentrog, Hans Madland, Janna & Arden Haug for serving on February 7.

Sign up to volunteer for an event in 2020!

Mechels &
Amann Families
AUG 7 Cathy Carlson &
Peter Van Bergen
APR 3 Mary Knoblauch &
Marty Carlson
MAY 1 Chanda &
Lars Olson
DEC 4 Cheri Moe &

Contact  Cheri Moe or phone (952) 431-5226 for more information.
Recipes are provided. 
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. 
Donation of the grant by Thrivent members, who are unable to make the meal, is much apprecitated! (4-6 weeks lead time) 
If you have not served the meal, feel the cost is more than you can comfortably contribute, or would like to work with others, contact 
Cheri Moe or  Linda Nelson. You will be connected with others for a shared, enjoyable experience. 
Join us 
Saturday, March 7
for a time of camaraderie
in the
Christy Room

Please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle. There is no membership requirement or time commitment. Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours! 
(No knitting skills required)
Daylight Saving Time

Get ready to lose an hour of sleep, but gain an extra hour of daylight. Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 am on Sunday March 8, 2020. That's when we'll move our clocks forward by one hour to 3:00 am.
Isles Ensemble Concert
March 8, 2020 at 2pm

General Admission $20; Students $10
cash or check at the door


String Trio No. 5 in C minor, Op. 9 No. 3 (1797-98)
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sarah Grimes, guest, violin
Tom Turner, viola
Tom Rosenberg, cello

Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano (1925)
Carl Frühling 
David Townsend, guest, clarinet
Laura Sewell, cello
Horacio Nuguid, guest, piano

Romanian Rhapsody No. 1 in A major, Op. 11 (1901) 
for String Quintet and Piano
Georges Enescu 
David Leung & Stephanie Arado, violin
Tom Turner, viola
Tom Rosenberg, cello
Laura Sewell, bass
Ivan Konev, piano

The audience is cordially invited to a post-concert reception  in the Fellowship Hall!
Growlers & Theology

The informal study of  theology and adult beverages continues. Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug leads a twice monthly gathering at the Parsonage. 
The next meetings are 
Thursdays, March 12 & March 26, at  7:00pm.
Irish Music for St. Patrick's Day Worship

Many Roman Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate the life of St. Patrick as a missionary to Ireland. At sixteen, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. He himself admitted that up to this point he cared little for God. He escaped after six years, returned to his family in southwest Britain, and began to prepare for ordained ministry. He later returned to Ireland, this time to serve as bishop and missionary. He made his base in the north of Ireland and from there made many missionary journeys with much success.
We will celebrate the missionary life of St. Patrick in our morning worship service on Sunday, March 15th. Irish music will be performed by Tom Klein, a master uilliean piper. The uilliean  pipes are a unique Irish bagpipe. Instead of standing and playing, performers sit and pump a bellow with their elbow.  He will perform for the Sunday School as well.
Serving Outside the Church
Second in a Series

Mike Lloyd, Executive Director of Community Emergency Service (CES) is the next speaker in the Serving Outside the Church series on Sunday, March 15th.
CES is a non-profit crisis relief and empowerment community outreach that extends God's love to those in the inner city of South and North Minneapolis. Inspired by the philanthropy of Russel Lund, Sr (of Lund's Foods) and the vision of Pastor William Berg, CES was organized in 1971 as an outreach of Augustana Lutheran Church of Minneapolis. It began with the purpose of offering a one-stop, personal approach for crisis aid for the inner city's poorest residents. CES staff and its 1,000 volunteers are on the frontlines of providing hope and compassion to multi-generational, multi-cultural, low-income residents of Minneapolis.
Mike's talk will take place at 11:00.  After a brief time of fellowship, you can bring your coffee and snack to the Christy Room for Mike's presentation from 11:00 - 11:45.
Celebrate a Scandinavian St Patrick's Day!
Sunday, March 15, 12:00 noon

A Variety of Breads & Hard Tack and Butter
Creamy Basil and Lime Herring
Herring in Mustard Sauce
Matjes Herring & Potato Bites with Chives and Red Onion
Boiled Fingerling Potatoes
Three Scandinavian Cheeses
Eggs topped with Creamed Caviar
Herb Baked Salmon with Cold Lemon Sauce
Cold Smoked Ham
Creamy Potato Salad with Red Onion, Capers & Apples
Pickled Cucumbers
Pickled Beets
Fresh Fruit Platter
Jansson's Temptation - a creamy potato dish
Swedish Meatballs & Lingonberries
Swedish Sausages & Mustards
Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage
Slottstek - thinly sliced beef roast - with Cream Sauce 
Red Currant Jelly
Flourless Chocolate Torte, Whipped Cream, & Strawberries
$27.00 adults, all inclusive 
$12.50 children 5-12 
Free of charge, under 5

The monthly smorgasbord not only offers an opportunity for LOTI friends and neighbors to gather for fellowship and enjoy genuine Scandinavian hospitality, but the meals also support the benevolence work of our congregation.  Proceeds are directed towards those less fortunate in our immediate community.  Through the proceeds of the monthly smorgasbord, LOTI supports Joyce Community Food Shelf, Our Saviour's Housing and Community Emergency Services.
Dennis Staples: This Town Sleeps

Birchbark Books is delighted to welcome author 
Dennis E. Staples for an evening celebrating his new novel, This Town Sleeps, on Thursday,  March 19, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Set on an Ojibwe reservation in far northern Minnesota, This Town Sleeps explores the many ways history, culture, landscape, and lineage shape our lives, our understanding of the world we inhabit, and the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of it all.
Louise Erdrich calls it a tender, suspenseful, irresistible first novel.
We haven't seen this much praise and excitement since Tommy Orange's There There!
Dennis will be signing books after the reading, available for purchase at the event.
Free and open to the public, so don't miss it!
Birch Bark Books
LOTI Choir
Weekly rehearsals are 
Wednesdays at 7:45 pm 
in the Library.
We are preparing weekly anthems as well as looking ahead to music for
Lent and Easter.
Pickup Choir is March 15 at 9:00 am
New singers are welcome!
Join us!
Prayer Ministry Group
All are welcome to join us on Tuesdays  from 9:15 - 10:00 am  
in the Christy Room
Questions? Contact  Janna HaugDebra Gilroy , or  Linda Nelson
Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Join us on Wednesdays at 10:00 am for Bible Study. The informal study explores the Letters of St Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning. 
Fellowship Hall Exhibition

Louise Gillis is a classically trained painter of all mediums. For over twenty-five years, she has achieved notoriety as both a painter and instructor. Her knowledge of impressionist color theory sets the stage for portraiture, still life, interiors, landscape and murals in oil, watercolor, pencil and charcoal. This versatility allows Louise to focus on the needs of her subject matter and create the vibrancy and depth of each individual painting.
She is pleased to exhibit her paintings at beautiful Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. 


Pastor Arden's 2020 Tour has 4 places remaining...

Featuring the Oberammergau Passion Play  as well as
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany 
& the Czech Republic
June 21- July 3, 2020
March Birthdays
Kristi Brownson
Beryl Waldeland
Emilia Gustafson
Patricia Nortwen
Debra Gilroy
Lee Wilson
Wesley Bartels
Jill Gruys
Sam Reisberg
Kris Rizzotto
Andrew Schwarm
Henry Arent
John Fitch
Charles Jacoby
Spencer Reisberg
Eivor Lund
Jennifer Lundblad

Happy Birthday!
MAR   1 Linda Nelson & Anita Duder
  8 Mark Duff & Casey Christy
15 Don Holzschuh & David Ackerman
22 Andrea Nyhusmoen & Ellie Holmquist
29 Eric & Dominik Amann
* We are in need of more volunteers to usher.  If you can        help, contact  Linda Nelson Initially, you will be scheduled    with an experienced volunteer.
Altar Servers
MAR   1 Pauline Haug, Mary Flynn and Linda Nelson
MAR   8 Mary and David Goplen
15 Carolyn and David Hagford
22 Kathy Hering
29 Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee and Eivor Lund
Worship Assistants
MAR   1 Michelle McCreery    4 Michelle McCreery
  8 Marty Carlson  11 Marty Carlson
15 Al Aakre  18 Al Aakre
22 Kathy Hering  25 Kathy Hering
29 Michelle McCreery 4/1
Coffee Hour Hosts*
MAR   1 Don Holzschuh
  8 Eric & Naomi Mechels
15 Mary Knoblauch & Marty Carlson (Smörgåsbord)
22 Carolyn & David Hagford
29 Michelle McCreery & Mark Duff
* We are in need of more volunteers for hosting coffee hour     If you can help, contact  Linda Nelson Initially, you will be    scheduled with an experienced volunteer.
In This Issue
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Upcoming Events

March 5 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Women's Bible Study

March 6 - 5:00 pm
Our Saviour's Shelter Meal
LOTI & Our Saviour's

March 7 - 9:30 am 

Priscilla Circle
Christy Room

March 8 - 2:00 pm
Isles Ensemble Concert

March 12 - 7:00 pm 
Growlers & Theology

March 15 - 9:00 am
Pickup Choir

March 15 - 9:30 am
St Patrick's Worship Service

March 15 - 11:00 am - 11:45 am
Serving Outside the Church
Christy Room

March 15 - 12:00 noon
St Patrick's Smörgåsbord
Fellowship Hall

March 19 - 7:00 pm
Dennis Staples, Author

March 19 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Women's Bible Study

March 22 - 9:45 am 
Sunday School Service Day
Sunday School

March 26 - 7:00 pm 
Growlers & Theology
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world

Worship Service: 9:30 am
Coffee Hour: 10:40 am
Midweek Lenten: 7:00 pm

Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo u.

Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor
Dr Kris Rizzotto - Director of Music
Dawn Allan -  Choir Director
Diane LaMere - Children's Ministry
Al Aakre - Seminarian
Linda Nelson - Office Manager
Tori ReisbergNursery Attendant
Sandy Swan -  Wedding Manager

(612) 377-5095

Council Members
Ross Bartels  -  Treasurer
Jenny Cook - Vice President
Chanda Olson - President
Jorgen Olson ,  Youth
Jon Sprain  - Secretary
Joshua Wilcox 
Michelle McCreery  - LOTILink, Website, & Social Media
We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.