Rally Sunday
September 8, 2019
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger
who announces peace, who brings good news,
who announces salvation,
who says to Zion, "Your God reigns."
Isaiah 52:7
Throughout the summer I have been preaching a series of sermons based on the lives and words of the Old Testament prophets. Often we imagine, the prophets offering only gloom and doom, and the fervent call to repent. And that is true, but there is another side of the prophets' message as well. For those who return, there is "good news." The most common phrase in the Old Testament to describe this good news is...it is good to return and to be reminded again of God's "glad tidings." It is when people return to the Lord to enjoy his word and ways, and to be blessed by his holy presence.
That is really what Rally Sunday is all about. After a long summer of activities, travels and distractions, it is good to return and to be reminded again of the goodness of God. So join us on Sunday, September 8th as we recommit ourselves to the mission of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church. Come and celebrate Dixieland music with the Starry Night Quartet AKA the Madson Family. Enjoy fresh pie, ice cream and cake. Register for Sunday School. Join the choir or prayer group. There are many ways you can enjoy God's holy presence.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug
Parsonage Raise the Roof Fundraiser
As most of you already know, we've reached the point where the parsonage roof needs to be replaced. While we knew it had been on the way out for several years, last winter's weather and the resulting ice dams and water intrusion sealed the deal. The council has already authorized the replacement of the roof, and work may be starting as soon as September. To pay for the work, estimated to cost around $20,000 total, we are hosting a fundraiser on October 6, at the home of Bernie and Michelle Reisberg, who have generously offered up "the Mary Tyler Moore house" as a venue once again.
So... last year we Cut the Rug to raise money for carpeting the sanctuary, and this year we'll Raise the Roof to keep our pastor and his family dry. The response to last year's event was wonderful - you can see the result every time you walk into the sanctuary - and we're hoping for a similar outpouring of support for this project. While we always strive to show our hospitality to visitors, it is important to remember that our hospitality obligations extend to our pastors and their families as well, and we don't want them scrambling about the parsonage with pots and pans to catch leaking water! So, please join us on October 6th, and to the extent you can financially support this project, please give the matter your thoughtful consideration. We've already received a leadership gift from a generous member of $4,000, and if you too wish to give a gift in advance of the actual event, please feel free to approach either me or Pastor Haug. Thank you - let's raise the roof!
In peace,
Marty Carlson
A Great Big Thank You!
We are grateful to those who helped take down the old fence & erect the new one last weekend!
Isaac Carlson, Henry Arent,
& Marty Carlson
John Bergford & Pastor Haug
Brad Anderson & David Goplen,
not pictured.
Dane Peterson, Reagan Gusman,
& Susan Melbye
August Baptisms Three infants received the Rite of Holy Baptism in August...
Audra Beatrix Williams
Daughter of
& Erika Williams
Baptized on August 18
Lilyana Aidyn Morell
& Erytreia Rafe Morell
Daughters of
& Shannon Morell
Baptized on August 25
Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meals
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!
Thanks to
Marty Carlson, Mark Duff, Mary Knoblauch, Michelle McCreery for donating and Cheri & Larry Moe; and Dave Goplen for serving on August 2.
Volunteers for Autumn 2019
6 |
Mary Flynn & Friends
4 |
Cathy Carlson & Peter Van Bergen: Dave & Mary Goplen |
1 |
Women's Bible Study |
6 |
Cheri Moe & Family |
Cheri Moe or phone (952) 431-5226 for more information.
Recipes are provided. Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. For those who are Thrivent members, but are not able to make the meal, please consider applying for this grant in advance (4-6 weeks lead time) for other volunteers' use to serve.
If you have not served the meal, feel the cost is more than you can comfortably contribute, or would like to work with others, contact Cheri Moe or Linda Nelson. You will be connected with
others for a shared, enjoyable experience. oscs-mn.org
Join us
Saturday, September 7
for a time of camaraderie
Please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle.
There is no membership requirement or time commitment.
Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!
(No knitting skills required)
LOTI Choir Weekly rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:15. Choir will sing on Rally Sunday, September 8th. New singers are welcome! Join us! |
Pie & Ice Cream Social
The annual pie and ice cream social will be held on
September 8th at 10:45am.
We will need pie donations (sweet or savory) as well as help with setup, serving, and cleanup.
Linda Nelson or phone
(612) 377-5095 to volunteer.
Or sign up during coffee hour.
Please deliver pies sliced and ready to serve.
Children's Ministry Sunday School begins September 8!
We are looking forward to the start of Sunday School, offered for children who are age 3 (by September 1) through those entering 6th grade.
We ask that all families register their children for Sunday School.
Questions? Contact Diane LaMere or call the church office at 612-377-5095
Key September Sunday School Dates
September 8
September 15
1st day of Sunday School Bible Presentation in worship (for 3 year olds, 3rd graders and new families) |
New Members to be Received New members will be received into the congregation on Sunday, September 22nd during the worship service. A one hour meeting of preparation will be held on Sunday, September 15th at 11:00 in the Christy Room after the worship service. Contact Linda or phone 612 377-5095 if you would like to join.
Fall Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation education for 7th & 8th graders,
as well as 9th graders preparing for the
Rite of Confirmation on
Sunday, October 27th will resume on
Wednesday, September 11, 7:00 - 8:00pm
in the
Christy Room.
New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.
Growlers & Theology
The informal study of theology and "adult beverages" will resume this fall. Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug will lead a twice monthly gathering at the
Parsonage. The first meeting will be
Thursday, September 12th at 7:00pm
. Please note the new time. The second meeting will be
September 26th.
Women's Bible Study
Our 2019-2020 Sessions will begin Thursday,
September 19. 7:00pm
in the
Our group meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays.
Text TBA
The International Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on September 21.
Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.
LOTI Hosts UN International Day of Peace Observance
Saturday, September 21
, 9:30am
The commemoration by the local United Nations Association, Harold and Ester Stassen Minnesota Chapter will feature music, testimony by a peace activist and survivor as well as prayers by Pastor Haug. The commemoration will conclude with a Walk for Peace around Lake of the Isles. Coffee and treats will be provided. All are welcome!
LOTI Book Club
You're Invited
to Read with Us!
Gatherings are held at the
Home of Debra Gilroy
Our selections for 2019-2020 meetings are:
September 27
Lynn Austin,
Gods and Kings
October 25
Lauren F Winter,
Girl Meets God
November 22
Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver,
& Priscilla Warner
The Faith Club:
A Muslim, A Christian,
A Jew:
Three Women Search for Understanding
January 24
Geraldine Brooks,
People of the Book
February 28
Mary C. Neal,
To Heaven and Back
March 27
Anne Lamott,
Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith
September's Selection...
Though born the second son of King Ahaz, Hezekiah is not protected from his father's perverted attempts to gain the favor of the idol Molech. Terrified and powerless at the foot of Molech's altar, Hezekiah encounters for the first time the one true God of his royal ancestry, Yahweh.
But his journey to the Holy One is riddled by influence from an assortment of men: Zechariah, a grandfather of noble standing who has fallen into drunkenness; Uriah, the High Priest whose lust for power forces him to gamble the faith he proclaims; and Shebna, the Egyptian intellectual who guides Hezekiah's instruction.
For the two women who love Hezekiah, the meaning of love--and its sacrificial essence--will direct the course of their lives and help shape the young prince's future.
Snacks and beverages are shared.
Contributions are welcome, but not required.
Light Globe for Prayer and Meditation
Bruce Sabatke Memorial
In 1968, the World Council of Church,
an ecumenical organization of
churches from more the 120 countries gathered in Uppsala, Sweden for a general assembly. For the gathering the Swedish artist Olof Hellström created a sculpture he called the Tree of Atonement. It was a large metal tree with candles for branches which were lit during the time of prayer. The response to this new piece of religious art in the church was immense. In a short time, the tree of lights had evolved into a globe of lights, with Christ the light of the world, symbolically presented as the central light of the sculpture.
The purpose of the light globe is two-fold. First, it is part of a long ecumenical tradition which links lighting candles to offering prayers. Second, the globe itself represents a visual and symbolic expression of God's kingdom bearing light in and around the world. In an increasingly secular world, churchgoers and curious visitors appreciated the opportunity of lighting a candle in the quiet of an empty church sanctuary during the weekdays. Within years, the use of the light globe in churches quickly spread across Scandinavia. People stop by churches all the time to offer prayers, to reflect and to light candles.
That same sort of secularization has caused many people in America today to search for new forms of meditation as well. Our location along the lake, as well as our beautiful building attract many curious visitors. The question has always been how to offer a welcoming, spiritual open door and sanctuary for those who stop by throughout the week. The new light globe given as a gift by Mary Sabatke and family in memory of Bruce Sabatke is timely. It was shipped from Denmark and just arrived at church. It will be used as a centerpiece for the UN International Day of Peace observance. We will find ways to use it as a part of our regular Sunday worship service, as well as a place where visitors are welcome to meditate throughout the working hours of the week.
The light globe will be blessed as a part of our All Saints Sunday worship service on Sunday, November 3rd, a day before Bruce's birthday. The church choir will perform Haydn's Missa Brevisfor the worship service.
Prayer Ministry Group
We welcome all who would like to join us on
9:15-10:00 am
the Christy Room.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Join us on Wednesdays at 10:00am for Bible Study. The informal study explores the Letters of St Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.
Fellowship Hall Exhibition
Louise Gillis is a classically trained painter of all mediums. For over twenty-five years, she has achieved notoriety as both a painter and instructor. Her knowledge of impressionist color theory sets the stage for portraiture, still life, interiors, landscape and murals in oil, watercolor, pencil and charcoal. This versatility allows Louise to focus on the needs of her subject matter and create the vibrancy and depth of each individual painting.
She is pleased to exhibit her paintings at beautiful Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church.
Pastor Arden's 2020 Tour has 10 places remaining...
Featuring the Oberammergau Passion Play as well as
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany
& the Czech Republic
June 21- July 3, 2020
September Birthdays
Magnus Skold
Erin Wilcox
Jacob Hovda
Taylor Rondestvedt
James Vigne
Heather Jacoby
Katherine Bracken
Charlie Gruys
David Hagford
Sheridan Swee
September |
1 |
Ellie Holmquist & Linda Nelson |
September |
8 |
Allyson & Jon Sprain |
15 |
Dave & Carolyn Hagford |
September |
22 |
Casey Christy & David Ackerman |
September |
29 |
Ross Bartels & Brenda Weigel |
Altar Servers
September |
1 |
Linda Nelson & Pauline Haug |
8 |
The Kuehn Family
September |
15 |
Ellie Holmquist & Ruth Lee
September |
22 |
Dave & Mary Goplen, Kathy Hering
29 |
Carolyn & Dave Hagford
Worship Assistants
September |
1 |
Debby Pizarro |
September |
8 |
Marty Carlson |
September |
15 |
Steve Hoyt |
22 |
Debby Pizarro |
September |
29 |
Michelle McCreery |
Coffee Hour Hosts
September |
1 |
Mary Flynn & Linda Nelson |
8 |
Rally Sunday & Pie Social
15 |
Chris & Vicki Hovda |
22 |
Anita Duder & Linda Nelson |
29 |
Marty Carlson & Mary Knoblach |
Upcoming Events
September 6
Shelter Meal
LOTI & Our Saviour's
September 7 - 9:30am
Christy Room
September 8 - 9:30am
Rally Sunday
September 8 - 9:45 First Day of Sunday School Classrooms
September 8 - 10:45am Pie & Ice Cream Social Patio
September 11 - 7:00pm Confirmation Resumes Christy Room
September 12 - 7:00pm Growlers & Theology Parsonage
September 15 - 9:30am New Bible Presentation Sanctuary
September 15 - 11:00am New Member Preparation Christy Room
September 19 - 7:00pm Women's Bible Study Library
September 21 - 9:30am UN International Day of Peace Fellowship Hall
September 22 - 9:30am New Members Recieved Sanctuary
September 26 - 7:00pm Growlers & Theology Parsonage
September 27 - 5:00pm LOTI Book Club Home of Deb Gilroy
October 6 - 5:00pm Raise the Roof! Home of Michelle & Bernie Reisberg |
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world
Worship Service: 9:30 A.M.
Coffee Hour: 10:40 A.M.
Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo
Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor Kenneth Q. Vigne - Organist Dawn Allan - Choir Director Diane LaMere - Children's Ministry Linda Nelson - Office Manager Dane Peterson - Facilities
Tori Reisberg-
Nursery Attendant
(612) 377-5095
We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.