Lake of the Isles Lutheran  Church  

March 2019

The Book of Psalms, or the Psalter, has inspired men and women for centuries. As a young Augustinian monk in Erfurt, Germany, Martin Luther would pray and chant the entire 150 psalms every month. He grew to know and love the psalms and described them as, "A Little Bible, wherein everything contained in the entire Bible is beautifully and briefly comprehended."
Only a few years later, with the continent of Europe in upheaval, Luther found great comfort in the soul-lifting truths of the Psalms. Specifically, in 1527, Luther faced one of the greatest difficulties of his life as the Black Plague swept across Germany and much of the European continent. During this time, Luther's son almost died and his own body was fainting under the mounting pressure. In the midst of this personal conflict, Luther found himself contemplating the promises of Psalm 46, an encouraging psalm of trust in the invincibility of the Lord. Gaining new strength from this old song, Luther composed what is arguably his most famous hymn, A Mighty Fortress. Amid such adversity, found God to be his"bulwark never failing."
In the midst of his own imprisonment in World War II, another great Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "Whenever the Psalter is abandoned, an incomparable treasure is lost to the Christian church. With its recovery will come unexpected power."
Throughout the season of Lent, we will focus our midweek worship and meditation on the Book of Psalms, and specifically, the psalms appointed for the Sunday in Lent. This coming Sunday, a devotional book from Augsburg Fortress Lasting Hope will be available for you to take and keep. The book contains daily devotions on the psalm designated for the week. This same psalm used as the Call to Worship in our Sunday worship service will be used as a part of our noontime and Wednesday evening Lenten services as well.
Join us as we begin our Lenten Journey on Ash Wednesday, March 6th at 11:00 in the morning or at 7:00 in the evening meditating on our Lasting Hope in the Psalms.  
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug

Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meals
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together! 
Thanks to Cheri Moe & Family  for serving on February 1.
Sign up now for 2019 Events!
Contact  Cheri Moe or phone (952) 431-5226.
1 Julie & Scott Gallop
5 Confirmation Class
3 Mary Flynn & Family
6 Cheri Moe & Family
Recipes are provided. 
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. For those who are Thrivent members, but are not able to make the meal, please consider applying for this grant in advance (4-6 weeks lead time) for other volunteers' use to serve. 
If you have not served the meal, feel the cost is more than you can comfortably contribute, or would like to work with others, contact Cheri Moe or Linda Nelson. You will be connected with  others for a shared, enjoyable experience.

Join us 
Saturday, March 2
for a time of camaraderie
in the 
Christy Room

If you or a friend are interested, please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle. There is no membership requirement or time commitment. Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours! (No knitting skills required)


                              In the days before Ash Wednesday people traditionally celebrate by enjoying special foods and customs.The word Carnival which means "farewell to meat" and Mardi Gras or Greasy Tuesday offer a hint at the foods that were once forbidden by the church during the penitential season of Lent. In the English tradition, people were encouraged to use the fat and eggs to make pancakes before Ash Wednesday. In Central Europe, people eat jelly filled doughnuts, and in Scandinavia families eat Lenten buns. Often these are made with fresh cardamom and filled with whipped cream and marzipan.   
In Denmark there is a special children's party tied to the Sunday before Lent known as Fastelavn Sunday. Of course, everyone eats the special Lenten buns, but the children also try to break open a wooden barrel filled with chocolates and sweets. They arrive at the party dressed in costumes, so nobody knows who is hitting the wooden barrel with a wooden stick. But the one who wins, is presented with a crown. In the middle ages, black cats were associated with the devil, so a cat was placed inside the barrel. After being attacked from all sides, the cat escaped from the barrel and was never seen again taking all the evil with it. (Fortunately, Danes don't have a cat in the barrel anymore, but it is always painted on the side.)
Join us for Fastelavn Sunday, March 3rd, before Lent begins.

and Wednesday Midweek Lenten Services
Throughout the Lenten season, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 6th, there will be two midweek services held on Wednesdays. The morning service will be at 11:00 in the church library and will follow a Service of Reflection and Healing. The morning service begins immediately following the morning Bible study. The 7:00pm evening service will follow the order of Holden Evening Prayer. Both services will feature a meditation based on the psalm for the week. The evening Ash Wednesday service will be held in the sanctuary.

Children's Ministry
Sunday School Service Day

Our annual Sunday School Service Day will be on 
Sunday, March 3. Thank you for supporting our kids doing important work with your financial support. We raised $280 from our Valentines-themed fundraiser!!

The kids will be assembling snack pack kits and individual laundry soap containers for families receiving services from The Tubman Center. They will also be supporting the ELCA global ministries to help fight hunger and change lives for families around the world by giving the gift of animals (ie: chicks, hens, goats, honeybees etc).  

will be celebrated after worship in Fellowship Hall on March 3. Kids are welcome to bring their own costumes or use the ones provided after worship for some fun festivities. Bring your strong arms to try and break open the "kitty." Candy is sure to follow!

Tom Klein Visit  
We look forward to our annual visit from Tom Klein on  March 17. Tom will give a demonstration of his uilleann bagpipe to the children during Sunday School!

Summer Camp Sunday 
It is time to start thinking about summer camp! Joel Legred, Executive Director of Luther Park in Danbury, WI will be coming to LOTI on March 24 to share the fun summer plans for our youth Grades 1-12.

Women's Bible Study
Our Spring 2019 Session begins this month. 
The text is Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus: a Study for Joy-Thirsty Women
by Angela Donadio.
We all walk through seasons when joy plays an unwelcome game of Hide and Seek. Disappointment, worry, and adversity blur our lens on life, sabotaging our ability to develop the meaningful relationships we long for and realize our worth in Christ.
Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus will help you choose contentment regardless of circumstance, transform faulty thought patterns through the truth of God's Word, and persevere when life is unraveling.
We meet at 7:00pm in the Library. 
Remaining Spring Sessions are:

Growlers & Theology
growlers Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug leads the informal study of  theology and "adult beverages," twice monthly at the Parsonage. This month's gatherings are
March 14 & 28 at 7:30pm

Irish Music for St. Patrick's Day Worship

Many Roman Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate the life of St. Patrick as a missionary to Ireland. At sixteen, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland. He himself admitted that up to this point he cared little for God. He escaped after six years, returned to his family in southwest Britain, and began to prepare for ordained ministry. He later returned to Ireland, this time to serve as bishop and missionary. He made his base in the north of Ireland and from there made many missionary journeys with much success.
We will celebrate the missionary life of St. Patrick in our morning worship service on Sunday, March 17th. Irish music will be performed by Tom Klein, a master uilleann piper. The uilleann pipes are a unique Irish bagpipe. Instead of standing and playing, performers sit and pump a bellow with their elbow. He will perform for the Sunday School as well.

Worker Speaker Series
Working is the theme of an ongoing speaker series in which people associated with our congregation talk about what they do all day and how they feel about the work they do.
The next session will be Sunday, March 17 th  and the guest speaker will be John Madson.
Many of you know John because you've heard him play clarinet at church with his band, The Starry Night Quartet. But you might not know that John is also trained as an architect. He began his architecture degree in the fall of 1940 at the University of Minnesota. His studies were interrupted by WWII where he flew with the 353rd fighter group based out of England. When the war ended, John was finally able to return to school and graduate with a Bachelors of Architecture in 1950. After graduation he worked nearly 40 years as a partner with the architectural firm of Patch, Erickson, Madson, and Watten and later, as a consultant on independent projects.   
John's talk will take place in the Christy Room after a brief coffee break following the Sunday morning service.
If you are interested in sharing your Working story, contact Janna Haug

Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day!

Sunday,  March 17
12:00 noon
A variety of Breads & Hard Tack and Butter
Green Herb and Garlic Herring
Rosemary & Lemon Herring
Herring in Sweet Dill Mustard Sauce
Boiled Fingerling Potatoes
Three kinds of Swedish Cheeses
Eggs topped with Mayonnaise and Greenland Shrimps
Smoked Salmon served with Cold Basil & Spinach Sauce
Cold Smoked Ham
Creamy Broccoli, Bacon & Almond Salad
Pickled Cucumbers
Pickled Beets
Fresh Fruit Platter
Jansson's Temptation - a creamy potato dish
Swedish Meatballs and Lingonberries
Swedish Sausages and Mustards
Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage
Roasted Pork Loin served with Creamy Rosemary Sauce
Homemade Chocolate Mousse topped with 
Whipped Cream and Raspberries
$27.00 adults, all inclusive 
$12.50 children 5-12 
Free of charge, under 5

RSVP here 
Confirm your reservation with payment  here 

The monthly smorgasbord not only offers an opportunity for LOTI friends and neighbors to gather for fellowship and enjoy genuine Scandinavian hospitality, but the meals also support the benevolence work of our congregation.  Proceeds are directed towards those less fortunate in our immediate community.  Through the proceeds of the monthly smorgasbord, LOTI supports Joyce Community Food Shelf, Our Saviour's Housing and Community Emergency Services.

Women's Book Club
March 29 at 4:30pm we meet at the home of Debra Gilroy to discuss The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis.
We'll share snacks and beverages. 
Bring something to share if you like.
The Screwtape Letters is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below." 
At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation-and triumph over it-ever written. 
Questions? Contact Debra Gilroy
Torsk Dinner
The annual torsk dinner will be held on Saturday, March 30th at 5:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The Norwegian Glee Club will again entertain us with their music. More information will follow. Make your reservation here or call the church office at (612)377-5095. A sign-up sheet will also be available in Fellowship Hall, in the coming weeks.
Prayer Ministry Group
We welcome all who would like to join us on Tuesdays from 9:15-10:00 am in the Christy Room. Questions? Contact  Janna Haug

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Join us on Wednesdays at  10:00am for Bible Study. The informal study will explore the Letters of St Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning. 
6 Hand Chime Players Needed

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has access to a 3 octave set of hand chimes- unfortunately, they are seldom used. We are presently looking for 6 curious musicians who would like to experiment with these chimes. No experience is needed, and you can learn to read music as you learn to play. The time commitment is limited to five Wednesdays in Lent beginning March 13th, at 6:15pm. Let Pastor Haug know if you are interested.

 LOTI Choir
Weekly rehearsals are 
Wednesdays, at 7:30 during Lent. 
New singers are welcome! Join us!
As our beloved director tells us...
 You don't have to have a great voice, to make great music.

New Exhibition in the Fellowship Hall
Artist Todd Miller was born in Duluth, and after graduating from Control Data Institute in 1984, he moved to Minneapolis. From a beginning in the electronics field, he attained a Liberal Arts degree in French from the University of Minnesota. He eventually gravitated to photography.
His images, with bold colors and unconventional compositions, will be featured in the Fellowship Hall for the next 3 months.

Camp Amnicon
Make Your Summer Plans Now!
Open-Enroll Wilderness Adventures!
There is a place in this canoe for YOU!
Good news! Amnicon is offering open enroll opportunities in 2019 for all of our most popular wilderness trips! That means you can sign up as an individual. You don't need to get 9 friends together before you come with us on the adventure of a lifetime, but you will have at least that many friends when your adventure is done. Included in your trip is food, gear, campsite reservations, daily devotions and Bible study, professional wilderness guides, and a whole lot of adventure.
Pricing is flexible. Space is limited. Call to reserve your spot in the canoe! (715)364-2602
There are many trips to choose from!
Wilderness Discovery, June 30-July 3
A trip for all ages! No camping experience at all? No problem! Join us for our Wilderness Discovery trip and see what time in the woods is all about. (Very young campers may need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Call for details.)
Namekagon Scenic Riverway, June 16-21 
For ages 11 and up, and perfect for any experience level, the Namekagon and St. Croix Rivers have something for everyone. Beautiful wildlife, remote campsites, and a peaceful meandering river. Travel with us beside quiet waters, and restore your soul.
Flambeau River Ramble, June 23-26
An intermediate paddling route for ages 11 and up, the Flambeau River Ramble is great for those who would like to try their first forays into white-water canoeing. Master basic paddling skills, and then put them to the test! Bring home memories of wild days on the river, and peaceful nights beneath the stars.
Apostle Islands Voyageur Canoeing, August 4-9 
Our signature wilderness experience for ages 15 and up, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore on Lake Superior offers unmatched beauty you have to see to believe as you camp on the islands and paddle between them in a 34' Montreal Canoe with up to 14 other people! A true north country experience in the oldest traditions of Lake Superior travel.
Women's Glamping, August 22-25
For adult women only. Camp Amnicon is offering for the first time ever a more comfortable and sophisticated camping experience. We'll still sleep in tents, but they'll be huge canvass tents with real mattresses and bed frames. We'll still cook and eat outside, but with a style and quality rarely associated with the outdoors. We'll still hike, swim, and paddle, but only as far as we'd like to, because camping can be glamorous after all.
See you at camp!
Hannah Damon, Associate Director
8450 E Camp Amnicon Rd
South Range, WI 54874
(715) 364-2602

February Birthdays
Robert Long
Kristi Brownson
Beryl Waldeland
Emilia Gustafson
Patricia Nortwen
Debra Gilroy
Lee Wilson
Wesley Bartels
Jill Gruys
Sam Reisberg
Henry Arent
John Fitch
Cody Wilkens
Charles Jacoby
Spencer Reisberg
Eivor Lund
Jennifer Lundblad
March   3 Linda Nelson & Ellie Holmquist
March 10 Carol Kuehn & Rebecca Morell
March 17 Jon & Allyson Sprain
March 24 Eric Amann & Mark Duff
March 31 Lars & Chanda Olson
Altar Servers
  3 Pauline Haug and Linda Nelson
10 Carol Kuehn & Vicki Kuehn-Larson
17 Phyllis Dahl and Carolyn Hagford
24 Mary and Dave Goplen
Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee & Eivor Lund
Worship Assistants
March   3 Michelle McCreery
10 Marty Carlson
17 Mary Sabatke
24 Kathy Hering
March 31 Michelle McCreery
Coffee Hour Hosts
March   3 Carolyn & Dave Hagford
10 Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee & Eivor Lund
17 Linda Nelson & Anita Duder
(Smorgasbord Sunday)

24 Ross Bartels & Brenda Weigel
March 31 Marty Carlson & Mary Knoblauch
In This Issue
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Upcoming Events
March 1
Our Saviour's Shelter Meal
LOTI and Our Saviour's 

March 2 - 9:30am
Priscilla Circle
Christy Room

March 3
Sunday School Service Day

March 3 - 10:40am
Fellowship Hall

March 6 - 11:00 am
Ash Wednesday Devotion

March 6 - 7:00pm
Ash Wednesday Worship

March 7 - 7:00pm
Women's Bible Study

March 10 - 11:00-11:45am
Working Speaker Series
Christy Room

March 14 - 7:30pm
Growlers & Theology

March 17 - 9:30am
Saint Patrick's Day Worship

March 17 - 9:30am
Tom Klein Visit
Sunday School

March 17 - 9:30am
Working Speaker Series
Christy Room

March 17 - 12:00pm
March Smörgåsbord
Fellowship Hall

March 21 - 7:00pm
Women's Bible Study

March 21 - 7:00pm
LOTI Council Meeting 
Christy Room

March 22 - 4:30pm 
Women's Book Club
Home of Deb Gilroy 

March 24 - 9:30am
Summer Camp Sunday
Sunday School

March 28 - 7:30pm
Growlers & Theology

March 30 - 5:30pm
Torsk Dinner
Fellowship Hall

Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world

Worship Service: 9:30 A.M.
Coffee Hour: 10:40 A.M.

Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo u.

Staff Members

Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor
Kenneth Q. Vigne Organist
Dawn Allen - Choir Director
Diane LaMere - Children's Ministry
Linda Nelson Office Manager
Dane Peterson - Facilities
Sheridan SweeNursery Attendant
Sandy Swan - Wedding Manager

(612) 377-5095

Council Members
Ross Bartels - Tresurer
Martin Carlson - President
Casey Christy 
Jenny Cook
Ross Formell - Vice President
Debra Gilroy
Reagan Gusman
David Hagford
Kathy Hering
Chanda Olson
Jorgen Olson, Youth
Jon Sprain - Secretary
Joshua Wilcox

Michelle McCreery - LOTILink, Website, & Social Media

We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.