  • Google Classroom and Zoom can run off of a variety of devices.  Apple products, such as iMacs, MacBooks, and iPads are all fully compatible, as well as the Microsoft/Windows devices.
  • We provided a few recommendations for low-cost devices for those who need to purchase technology for their student. We did not intend to persuade Apple users to purchase Microsoft devices. If you are an Apple family and wish to stay that way, or prefer to purchase products outside what we recommended, that is fine by us. We only ask that you ensure that the device can access the internet, and that the Chrome browser and Google Classroom App can be installed.

NOTE: While most are compatible, Smart Phones are not sufficient devices for students to effectively engage with Great Hearts Distance Learning

Google Credentials
  • Some families did not receive Google credentials for their students. Visit the Great Hearts Family Help site to submit your students information. Assuming your contact information (email/phone) is correct, the process should take about 24 hours.

  • Uniform shirts will be required required when on zoom calls/synchronous sessions.

Books and Supplies
  • We encourage families to purchase Classics to Keep, but it is not required. If you are unable to purchase books, Lakeside will provide a school copy. Just like a textbook, it must be returned to the school in good condition.
  • We will begin the year with the following classics.
  • Kindergarten: Reading classics begins second semester.  
  • 1st Grade: Read aloud selections
  • 2nd GradeCourage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
  • 3rd GradeLittle House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • 4th GradeThe Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum
  • 5th GradeGrimm’s Fairy Tales by Jakob Grimm and Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis

  • Curricular supplies provided by the school will be distributed on Monday, August 17, as will any 1st Day School Supply bundles that were ordered and shipped to the school.

  • Please see the separate email for more detailed information on the Supply Pick-Up

Face Coverings
  • Students may wear a fanny pack to store their mask when not in use. Fanny packs need to be a solid color and devoid of pop culture references.

  • Click here for a more detailed explanation of our face covering policy.

Free and Reduced Lunch
  • Great Hearts Lakeside will provide free and reduced lunch for those who qualify. The application has already been sent out. If you are having trouble accessing the application, please email