August 31, 2022
Festival of the Arts is 10 Days Away!
September 10th & 11th | Along Broadway from Belmont to Hawthorne
The Lakeview East Festival of the Arts showcases more than 120 juried artists featuring paintings, sculpture, photography, furniture, jewelry and more. These original pieces are for sale in a wide range of price ranges. In addition to the art, the Festival has become a center of activity for the weekend with live demonstrations, entertainment stages, family activities and a garden oasis.

For more than 17 years, the Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce has presented one of the most unique and popular art festivals in Chicagoland. Every aspect, from artists to musicians to vendors and everything in between, is specifically selected by the Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce in order to bring the best to the heart of Lakeview.

Want to see what's in store? Click any of the pictures of artists' features to see which artists will be showcased at this years festival!
Volunteer for the Festival of the Arts!
Want to be a part of Lakeview East Festival of the Arts? With over 120 Artists, Local Food Vendors, a landscape oasis, family activities, 20+ Musical Performers, we need the community's help to make this one of the best festivals of the year! We are looking for volunteers for artist relief, bartenders, kids area volunteers, and floating help! Click the button below to sign up!
Join us the weekend of October 1st through October 2nd for the First Annual Oktoberfest!
Prosted and Hosted at Our Lady of Mount Carmel at 708 W. Belmont Avenue, this action-packed weekend is one you won’t want to miss! Throw on your best lederhosen, this is your Wiesn to party! Enjoy a weekend full of live music, tasty local food, and brew-tiful Oktoberfest activities! The morning will be family-friendly, with activities for the whole family! There is plenty of fun for the adults with beers and pretzels starting at 11 AM… What’s the Wurst that can happen? At night is when the party starts and you can enjoy a lively night filled with the best festive music that will make you think you’re in Munich!
World Chicago Brings Global Entrepreneurs to Lakeview East & Wrigleyville
World Chicago brings 30 International Business & Local Leaders to the Neighborhood!
WorldChicago and a group of visitors from the International Visitor Leadership Program came to our office to learn about our local economy and business district! This program welcomes emerging leaders and high-profile visitors from around the world to the United States. With leaders from across the globe, as far as Morocco, South Sudan, Mauritania, Ghana and many more incredible places, we were excited to share our community and have a candid discussion of neighborhood building from a different perspective.
In their goodie bags, the Chicago Cubs donated hats for them to wear to the game that night, so even though they were only in Chicago for a short period of time, they'll always have a piece of the neighborhood! We wish them safe travels and hope their experience in the US is filled with new insights they can take back to their home communities!
Steven Strauss Way Dedication
Eddy Street Memorialized as Steven Strauss Way in Memory of Late Slugger's Owner
Slugger's has been family owned and operated for over 40 years. Steven Strauss opened Sluggers when the neighborhood looked much different, and his impact has been felt within the neighborhood and it's changes ever since they opened their doors. After passing away early this year, he was forever memorialized at the corner of Clark and Eddy, with a newly dedicated street Honorary Steven Strauss Way.

As you wander down Clark Street, you'll see his face looking over the crowds, as Steven always loved to do after every Cubs game from the Slugger's rooftop. We are thankful for his time and impact within our community, and his legacy will live on for years to come.
Recent Grand Openings
Mini Donut Factory | 3151 N. Broadway
They say good things come in small packages and Mini-Donut factory has mastered the art of bite-sized decadent donuts! Warm, freshly made mini donuts pair perfectly with one of their hot or cold coffees. Whether you’re a classic glaze kind of person or looking to try something a bit different like their toasted coconut donut, you’re sure to get your sweet tooth fix. At their grand opening, folks got free samples of their bite sized donuts! Be sure to stop by to welcome them to the neighborhood!
X Golf Wrigleyville | 3551 N Sheffield Ave.
Yesterday X Golf officially opened their doors! Continuing the brand’s expansion with its first urban location, X-Golf Wrigleyville is celebrating its official Grand Opening on Wednesday, August 31 at 5pm. Conveniently located steps away from the Addison Red Line Station at 3551 N Sheffield Ave, directly across the street from Wrigley Field. Some might recognize the building as the old home to Harry Carays and Hi-Tops. To celebrate their Grand Opening, X-Golf Wrigleyville is offering half-off of golf simulator rental fees and other drink specials all day long for 8/31 & 9/1! Be sure to stop by and welcome them to the neighborhood!
Upcoming Grand Openings
Coffee, Hip Hop & Mental Health Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting | September 7th | 11AM | 1051 W. Belmont
Coffee, Hip Hop & Mental Health is opening their flagship store on Belmont next week! Their mission is to normalize therapy, particularly in Black neighborhoods, where therapy is stigmatized and considered taboo, and where disparities and injustice have long-been the standard. Whilst supporting the community, they also aim to educate and inform their counterparts and allies. We are excited to welcome them to their new home and we hope to see you at their grand opening ribbon cutting on Wednesday, September 7th!
Beat Back to School Woes with Our Local Shops!
Go Back To School in Style
Summer is coming to an end and class is back in session! Whether you’re sending your little one back to school, or you’re looking for college supplies to match your aesthetic, here is where you can go to make sure the first day back in class is an A+.
Lakeview East & Wrigleyville's Must-Try Patios
With summer coming to an end, how many of these local patios have you tried?
Hot days and chilly nights are around the corner. It's easy to have a favorite patio in the neighborhood, but Lakeview East and Wrigleyville are home to over 100 outdoor dining spots! From our captivating cafes to our sunny streetside patios, our radiant rooftops and our party patios, and even our tucked-away terraces, we've compiled the best of the best patios in the neighborhood! Whether you're looking for a quick bite and to enjoy the sun for a bit or you're looking for an intimate date night spot on a hidden patio, we're sure you will find your new favorite spot to enjoy the last of this beautiful summer weather!
New Business Alerts
Stay in the know by following our Wrigleyville Web Page
News and Recent Happenings
The Lumineers are Coming To Wrigley Field on Saturday
The Lumineers are set to play at Wrigley Field Saturday, September 3, 2022. The show at the Friendly Confines is part of the band’s BRIGHTSIDE World Tour 2022 and features special guests Caamp and James Bay.
Alderman Tom Tunney Announces Retirement
Lakeview & Wrigleyville's long time Alderman Tom Tunney has announced his retirement! In 2003, Alderman Tunney made waves as the first openly gay Alderperson and has continued to make waves during his 19 years of dedicated service to our community. We have been thankful to work with him over the years on making the neighborhood one that over 100,000 people call home. From his innovative ideas to his care for his community, we have been honored to come to the table and work on bettering our neighborhood with Alderman Tunney.
Photo: LVECC Archives
See the Upcoming Games At Wrigley Field
Lakeview East Job Board
Job Board on the Lakeview East Website is now active!
Are you looking for a new opportunity? The Lakeview East Job Board is open! Our 500+ members can post their open positions directly to our website!

If you would like to become a member to post jobs and events to our website, please email
Wrigleyville's Newest Bar is hiring all positions! Join the hottest new spot in Wrigley and their incredible team. Reach out to to apply!
Monkeypox in Chicago
Monkeypox in Chicago
What You Should Know
  • Monkeypox is spread through close contact with body fluids, sores, shared bedding or clothing, or respiratory droplets (kissing, coughing, sneezing).
  • Common symptoms:  Rash or unusual sores that look like pimples or blisters on the face, body, and genitals, fever, chills, head or muscle aches, or swelling of lymph nodes.
  • Avoid close contact (touching sores, kissing, sex) with anyone who has a rash or symptoms of Monkeypox.
How It Spreads
Monkeypox (MPV) spreads from person to person in different ways. The main way it is currently spreading is through direct contact with a rash or sore on someone infected with MPV. It can also spread through clothing, bedding/linens, or other materials used by a person infected with MPV, or through respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact.

Spread can occur during intimate activities, including:

  • Oral, anal, and vaginal sex.
  • Hugging, kissing, and cuddling.
  • Contact with bedding or other items that have the virus on them during or after intimate activity.
Civic & Business Updates in Lakeview East
Register Your Camera with The City Of Chicago
The City of Chicago has launched a free and voluntary camera registration program open to anyone who lives or operates a business in Chicago. If you have a private security camera that captures the public way and you are interested in assisting in an investigation in the event of a crime in your neighborhood, you can register your camera with the Chicago Police Department.

By registering your camera, you are simply allowing the Chicago Police Department to contact you in the event of a crime in your area. The Chicago Police Department will not have direct access to your camera system and cannot access camera footage without your consent. There is no requirement to provide footage at any time.
Upcoming Promotions
The Alley Brings Movie Batmobile Car for their Odd in Avondale Event on September 4th from 12PM-6PM
The Alley Chicago, known as one of the oddest places in the city continues its tradition of
bringing odd collector cars in for events. The Tim Burton Batmobile will be in the store's
parking lot. In front of the store will be 2 children's’ rides inspired by the 1960’s original
Batmobile from the TV Show. Store wide sales, and giveaways of 3 motorcycle jackets
among other items will take place. A number of Curiosity/Oddity vendors will be present
courtesy Chicago Hardcore Hearse Club. These cars are from the Klairmont Kollection.

The Alley was a beloved Lakeview business for decades and we hope you visit them at their new location just down the street for their incredible Odd in Avondale Event!
Author Deep Dive - Ted Lasso (Season 1)

Do you love Ted Lasso? Or do you have a friend who loves the show and they can't stop telling you, "Seriously, you need to watch it right now!"

Starting Tuesday, October 11th, we're hosting a 6-week class called "Author Deep Dive" where we'll focus on Season 1 of Ted Lasso. We'll go through the first season, point out and analyze moments of especially great writing, and have a group discussion.

We're holding these classes every Tuesday night at Barrel (2831 N. Broadway) at 8 pm. Cost is $99 for the 6 weeks. If interested, email

Two last things - Not required, but this class is especially helpful if you're a writer or interested in writing. We'll offer examples and exercises to take into your own writing. And there's equal value if you're someone new to the show vs. someone who has already seen Season 1. 
Explore the Lakeview East Dining Guide
Live Music Returns to the Neighborhood
954 W Belmont Ave
Sluggers Dueling Pianos
3540 N. Clark Street
Metro Chicago
3730 N Clark
The Vic
3145 N. Sheffield
Monsignor Murphys
3019 N. Broadway
Drew's On Halsted
3201 N Halsted
Uncommon Ground
3800 N. Clark
Business & Government Affairs
Check out all the BACP Webinars here!
Friday, 9/2 Webinar at 9:30 AM
Business Licensing 101 
Presented by the City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
Attendees will learn the process to obtain a business license and how to access free resources and support for your business.

Wednesday, 9/7 Webinar at 3:00 PM
City Inspections - Ask Questions, Get Answers
Presented by the City of Chicago
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Buildings will provide insight on how operate a compliant business in the City of Chicago. Topics covered will include how to prepare for inspections, building permits and sign display requirements, food inspection overview and necessary certificates, and zoning review procedures. Learn how to operate safely and avoid common setbacks.

Thursday, 9/8 Webinar at 10:00 AM 
Business Licensing Series: Shared Kitchen User
Presented by City of Chicago Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
Learn about Shared Kitchen User Licensing requirements including how to apply, required documents and inspections, frequently asked questions, and more. This presentation will include comments from the Hatchery, a Shared Kitchen Host that will provide learnings from real-world experience about what it’s like to operate in the shared kitchen space.
Part of the BACP business licensing webinar series
For recordings of past BACP webinars, please click here
Upcoming Community Meetings
CAPS Meetings - Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy
Are you, or anyone you know, looking to open a business to Lakeview East? View Storefront Opportunities on our website here!
Interested in joining the Chamber? The Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce is here to help promote, assist and grow your business!

If you would like to be included in the next newsletter, 
please send your promotion/event and optional image to

Please edit your copy points for inclusion!