Municipality of Lambton Shores
COVID-19 Update, June 18, 2020

Please continue to watch for frequent updates on our website, Facebook and Twitter accounts to keep you informed of what is happening in Lambton Shores during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Message from the Mayor

Hello everyone,

Earlier this week, the province announced that Lambton County will be moving to Stage 2 of the “re-opening” on Friday, June 19th. This means re-openings for many of our businesses and services, as well as some recreational and outdoor spaces. With these re-openings, safety remains the top priority and we must all continue to follow public health advice and accept personal responsibility for our own actions. Please consult with the Province’s Reopening Plan to fully understand what Stage 2 means for you.

The beach will not be open this weekend (June 19-21). Staff are now working on appropriate COVID protocols, signage and training in order to welcome visitors as early as next week. Assuming that there are no policy changes from the Province, I hope to see the beach closed signs removed in the coming week so that we can all welcome summer sunseekers in time for the last weekend of June - with physically distanced open arms of course!

You will notice that the beach rules have changed, largely because of both COVID and the unprecedented high water levels of Lake Huron. We will be welcoming people to the beach but please be aware that tents of any sort are now prohibited. If you are looking to shade yourself, you are able to use umbrellas only. As well, we will not be allowing sports equipment or games to take place on the beach at this time.  The risk of close contact with others is too great to allow wayward Frisbees and balls amongst beachgoers. Our magnificent sunsets, however, have not changed and I will be enjoying the first one after the beach opens.

COVID has changed us. It’s changed how we interact with people, it’s changed the way we shop and move about and it has also changed how public spaces are operated. Please be patient with each other and with our staff as we enter into Phase 2 of re-opening.

In these times, with so much out of our control, we can control how we treat one another. Please remember this, as we continue to navigate these uncertain times.

Stay healthy, safe and positive.

Mayor Bill
Passing of Councillor Rick Goodhand

The flags are flying at half-mast to mourn the loss of long-time Councillor Rick Goodhand. After a courageous battle with cancer, Councillor Goodhand passed away on Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

Councillor Goodhand was elected to his second term on Lambton Shores Council in 2018; he served as Ward 5 Councillor from 2014-2020. Prior to amalgamation, Rick represented the former Town of Forest from 1982 to 1991. Five of those years, while serving as Deputy Reeve, he was a member of Lambton County Council 1986-1991.

During his years of dedicated service, he contributed to various committees including Lambton Area Water Supply System and the Lambton Shores Accessibility Committee.  Councillor Goodhand’s commitment to the community was shown by his service throughout the years. Our sincere condolences are with his family and friends; our community has lost a fine leader.
What is changing this Friday as we move to Stage 2?
In Stage 2, additional restrictions will be loosened while emphasizing public health advice, workplace health and safety guidance, and personal and collective responsibilities. More businesses and services will be permitted to open, as well as some community, recreational and outdoor spaces. Everyone must continue to do their part in the ways required to help stop the spread of COVID-19. As part of Ontario’s responsible approach, protections for vulnerable people must remain a top priority throughout the next stages of reopening.

Stage 2 will allow more people to get back to work safely while not overburdening the critical services that support families, workers and Ontario’s economy. Businesses, organizations and public spaces permitted to open or increase service during Stage 2 are strongly recommended to review and implement workplace health and safety guidance available and easy-to-access at  Ontario COVID-19 Safety .

Restaurants, bars, food trucks and other food and drink establishments (e.g., wineries, breweries and distilleries) can open for dining in outdoor areas only. Establishments must take appropriate measures to ensure physical distancing of at least two metres between patrons from different households.
Liquor sales licensees who wish to temporarily extend the physical size of their existing licensed patio, or temporarily add a new licensed patio within the approved period are authorized to do so if certain criteria are met. For municipal approval of temporary patios, please complete the registration form .
Updates for Lambton Shores Residents
Please visit our COVID-19 Information Hub for up-to-date information on municipal services. You will find links to information for community and business supports. You will also find reliable COVID-19 information sources.

Household Hazardous Waste
The County of Lambton, in conjunction with Clean Harbors Canada Inc., host several Household Hazardous Waste collections events each year. The events give Lambton County residents an opportunity to properly dispose of potentially dangerous waste from their homes and protect our environment at the same time. If hazardous products are thrown in with the regular garbage, it can injure sanitation workers and cause long-term environmental problems. More information

Mulch is now available at our Compost site for Lambton Shores' residents during the site’s regular operating hours of Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please bring your own shovel and container as you will have to load your own mulch. We ask that you follow the direction of the site operator, be patient and respectful to everyone onsite as we continue to practice physical distancing by allowing only one vehicle in at a time. Note: Compost will not be available at this time.

Lambton Public Health Telephone Survey
Lambton Public Health will be conducting a COVID-19 related telephone survey to randomly selected adults in Lambton County in the coming weeks. Ipsos Public Affairs will be completing the calls on behalf of Lambton Public Health and calling from a 416 area code. For more information on this survey .
Gypsy Moths
While it is now evident that large numbers of gypsy moth may have existed last year, the extent of the outbreak was not fully realized, or reported, until the past few weeks. The significant outbreak of gypsy moth caterpillars are a result of egg masses that were laid last year. We understand that the relatively mild winter may have contributed to the large hatch, and that natural predator levels have not yet knocked back the population.  The caterpillars are unquestionably affecting people’s ability to enjoy their yards, and the defoliation may very well impact the health of some trees. 
Most people recognize that the damage of this year cannot be reversed, but that every effort should be made to control the pest in advance of next year. Please find attached a fact sheet published by the Conservation Authority that outlines a few homeowner actions. Also attached is a fact sheet related to natural predators of the pest that you may find of interest. There is some good information on the City of London website. 

In response to the infestation, we understand that some individuals are looking for wide-spread aerial spraying to take place next year. This approach will need to be considered in conjunction with neighbours and community associations as well as with the experts of other significant land stewards in the area such as the Pinery, Nature Conservancy, Conservation Authority, and the County. The BT product that is used is most effective while the caterpillars are small and leaves are new. The time to plan an effective aerial spray program is well before the caterpillars hatch, including the needed lead time to order product and get the necessary application approvals. 
In advance of 2021, staff will be providing more information to Council and the public. In the meanwhile, we strongly suggest everyone be as diligent as possible in reducing the caterpillar population on your property and then removing any egg masses you may see later in the year.  This includes on all buildings, wood piles, lawn furniture, and trees where you can safely remove them.  
Things To Do
Although physical distancing and gathering restrictions remain in place, there are still ways to participate in community activities! Visit the links below for more information. Please visit the Lambton Shores events page as additional virtual (and non-virtual) activities become added.

Stop the Spread Business Information Line
Businesses who have questions about closures of at-risk workplaces or how emergency measures impact their business or employment can call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659. Help is available from Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 a.m.―5:00 p.m.
Supporting Local Businesses
Many other local businesses are adapting operations to continue to serve the Lambton Shores community. The  Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism  has compiled a list of Chamber member business information. Other business listings can be found online through the  Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership  and the  Forest BIA . Please connect directly with businesses to confirm availability and services offered.  

For local restaurants visit  Shoreline ToGo .

To find out more about local business services and hours visit  Shop Lambton Map .
COVID-19 Enforcement
Will I get a ticket?
You could. All measures or restrictions are in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Now isn’t the time to test these orders.
We encourage everyone to voluntarily comply with all Provincial Emergency Orders which are short-term restrictions. Our preferred method to deal with contraventions are through education, awareness and compliance. However, OPP or Municipal Law Enforcement officers will apply discretion on whether to launch any enforcement actions such as:

  • Offences relating to non-essential businesses that remain open in contravention of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. (EMCPA).
  • Offences relating to gatherings of more than five people in contravention of the EMCPA.
  • Offences relating to the illegal use of closed facilities, parks or beaches.

Complaints for less serious incidents can be reported online at or by calling the OPP non-emergency line at 1-888-310-1122. 
Lambton Public Health
The best place to access reliable health information
For reliable up-to-date information on COVID-19 visit the Lambton Public Health Page.
Staying in Touch
While offices may be closed to the public, municipal staff are still available by telephone or email. To reach us, visit our Staff Directory.
The Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway,
Forest, ON, N0N 1J0
519-243-1400 | 866-943-1400