Council President's Report
Dear UELC Congregational Family,
have wonderful news! The council has decided we will “test the waters” by resuming in-person worship on July 11! This date was selected based on Pastor’s return from vacation and consideration for potential travel over the July 4th holiday.
Thank you to all who completed and returned the UELC survey last month. The council is deeply indebted to Rachel Cook for all her efforts to manage the survey and collate the responses. The decision to return to in-person worship was based upon the overwhelming positive survey responses which indicated most members were in favor of returning to in-person worship services and with acknowledgment of the CDC guidance indicating vaccinated individuals may now safely gather in an indoor setting.
The council has recommended that we still practice social distancing and will kindly request worshipers wear masks when we return to in-person worship. These measures will be taken for the benefit of those attending service who may not be eligible for vaccination either due to a young age or a medical condition where vaccination is not recommended.
There will be several logistical hurdles we will also need to navigate. For example, we no longer have a local pianist employed. One option may be that the recorded music, in the format that we have been using for the YouTube service, will be utilized in the sanctuary until such time that all the details can be coordinated to hire a new pianist. Another important issue centers around how we might continue to offer a meaningful worship experience for those members who are not able or comfortable with returning to church at this time. Maintaining the current YouTube service in addition to in-person worship will not be possible due to the time involved with creating the video production each week. We will likely be experimenting with recording the live service and posting to a video platform or some other compromise that will hopefully address this need.
I cannot wait to see everyone on July 11th!
Best regards,
Becky Borgert