University Evangelical Lutheran Church
and Campus Ministry

The Lampstand - June 2021
Our Mission

UELC's Mission:
To Embrace and Share the Love of God in Jesus Christ, as the Holy Spirit Empowers us.

UELC's Guiding Principles:
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour; therefore, we are to:
  • Worship God in inspiring, diverse, and creative ways
  • Be a community engaged in spiritual practices that attune us to the Holy Spirit's guidance for our living
  • Welcome all people in their diversity to worship, learn, and serve with us
  • Be a safe place to learn, explore, and debate
  • Be generous stewards of the gifts God has given each of us to bless others and care for the natural world
  • Continue outreach to, and further develop connections with, the academic communities of Alachua County
  • Affirm human rights and work for social justice
Pastor's Corner

I am on vacation, but I sent out links each week for Sunday services in the Pinelands conference churches. I look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom on Wednesday June 16th at our Prayer and Fellowship time at noon.

Peace, Pastor Terrance
Council President's Report

Dear UELC Congregational Family,

have wonderful news! The council has decided we will “test the waters” by resuming in-person worship on July 11! This date was selected based on Pastor’s return from vacation and consideration for potential travel over the July 4th holiday. 

Thank you to all who completed and returned the UELC survey last month. The council is deeply indebted to Rachel Cook for all her efforts to manage the survey and collate the responses. The decision to return to in-person worship was based upon the overwhelming positive survey responses which indicated most members were in favor of returning to in-person worship services and with acknowledgment of the CDC guidance indicating vaccinated individuals may now safely gather in an indoor setting.

The council has recommended that we still practice social distancing and will kindly request worshipers wear masks when we return to in-person worship. These measures will be taken for the benefit of those attending service who may not be eligible for vaccination either due to a young age or a medical condition where vaccination is not recommended. 

There will be several logistical hurdles we will also need to navigate. For example, we no longer have a local pianist employed. One option may be that the recorded music, in the format that we have been using for the YouTube service, will be utilized in the sanctuary until such time that all the details can be coordinated to hire a new pianist. Another important issue centers around how we might continue to offer a meaningful worship experience for those members who are not able or comfortable with returning to church at this time. Maintaining the current YouTube service in addition to in-person worship will not be possible due to the time involved with creating the video production each week. We will likely be experimenting with recording the live service and posting to a video platform or some other compromise that will hopefully address this need. 

I cannot wait to see everyone on July 11th!

Best regards,
Becky Borgert 
COVID-19 Vaccination Registration - Alachua County Residents 18+

This provides a link to register for COVID-19 vaccination if you are 18 years or older:

Church Announcements

Wednesday Midday Prayer will resume on June 16.
UELC People

JUNE Birthdays 

6/11  Rachel Cook
6/13 Peter Fauerbach
6/21  Donna Day
6/22  Anna MontMarquette
6/22  Victoria Stutzman
6/24  Sharon Grant
6/25  Lois Wilkowske
6/27  Kjell Ryerson

We isolate now
So when we gather again
   No one is missing

Continued Prayer Concerns

Prayers for healing: Lois Wilkowske, Schirmer family, Ron and Beverly Gronwall, Les O'Brien, Cecilia Noss, Hal Noss
Worship Committee

Crystal Jacob, Minister of Music for UELC Worship Committee
Treasurer's Report to the Congregation 
Offering Direct Deposits

It is Sunday morning and you are on your way to church. Part way there you remember you have not written a check for the offering plate.
It is another Sunday morning and you are sitting in the sanctuary you write a check and slowly you attempt to remove your check from your check book as quietly as possible.
It is another Sunday at church and you realize that your offering check and envelope remain at home on your dresser.
These are some of the ways that the use of direct deposit helps UELC to receive consistent income to pay its bills.
If you wish to learn more about the use of direct deposit, contact Jim Yale to get set up. 
Family Promise Update

Amy Schirmer -

LIFTvT continues during June with the series on the Images of the Church.
Young Adult Ministry

Campus/Young Adult Ministry weekly meetings on Thursdays, 5:30-7:00.

Young Adult and Student Ministry continues to meet by Zoom and are studying the Bible.

For inquiries contact Krissi and Dan Norford (
The Bee has Been Busy!

Loretta Fauerbach and her friend again made 90 masks that were given to the students at Parker Elementary before the end of the school year.
Adult Forum

Adult Forum is not meeting for now.

Contact Dan Norford for more information:
Village of Hope

Lazarus Project Sponsorships
Thank you to all who are sponsoring a student at the Village of Hope in Haiti. UELC now has a total of 15 sponsorships for the current year.

There is still time to renew or begin a new sponsorship. The cost to sponsor one child is still $480 a year. This can be paid annually, quarterly, or monthly at $40 a month. 

Checks should be made out to University Lutheran Church and put in your offering envelope with the notation “Lazarus Project” on the special gift line and also on the memo line of your check.  Checks should be mailed to either the church or to Jim Yale. Your contribution will be reflected on your UELC statement of giving.

Sponsorships enable the Village of Hope to provide each child with a Christian education, uniforms, two meals each school day, and dental and medical care.  

For additional information contact Janet Janke, Lazarus Project Coordinator at University Lutheran Church, at or 372-8610.
Our Pastor and Staff

Pastor Terrance Jacob
Pastor, Congregation and Campus Ministry

Crystal Jacob
Minister of Music (Direct Choir and music-related ministries)

Moses Choi

Evelyn Simmons
Administrative Assistant