Palmetto Middle School and The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County’s Immunization Program would like to inform you that most children are due for their booster vaccine by the time they are eleven years old.
Students entering seventh grade will not be permitted into school (including virtual school) without their booster vaccine.
Parents who wait until summer to take their children for the Back-to-School vaccine requirements will have difficulty scheduling an appointment with their pediatrician. During those months, many private healthcare providers’ offices, as well as the county health department clinics, are overcrowded with the back-to-school rush for immunizations.
The mandatory requirement for 7th grade entry includes:
- One tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)
- Second dose of Varicella (VZV) if not previously received
There are other vaccines recommended for your child which include: meningococcal, human papilloma virus and hepatitis A.
Therefore, we are asking you to take your 6th grade child to his/her healthcare provider or one of the health department clinics as early as possible so that he/she will be prepared before the next school year begins.
If your child does not have a pediatrician, the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County offers free immunizations to all children less than 19 years of age.
To schedule an appointment call: