President's Message

In February I talked about the potential of vaccines being delivered and the possibility of getting back to a new normal. I am pleased to see that now it appears that Skidaway Island may have the largest percentage of people vaccinated, and things are starting to get back to the way it was prior to the pandemic. I am delighted to report that the Winter Social, which was changed from a dinner dance to a wine tasting, was a great success. It was fun seeing folks that we hadn’t seen since March of 2020, and the club did a marvelous job of presenting us with fabulous wines and magnificent food pairings. The weather was beautiful as we started to see spring finally reveal itself.  

Our next fundraiser is a new version of Games Day scheduled for Friday, April 30th. Men and women will be playing this year with tables of four, either indoors or outdoors. In addition to games of poker, bridge, etc., there will be outdoor putting and corn hole contests from 1 – 3 pm. 

Our Marketplace is scheduled for Saturday, May 8th. Rib Rubin and his team have planned a day of fun for the entire family. The Marketplace will only be open to Landings residents, friends and guests. It will be a fun, festive, family event with shopping, food, drinks, music and games for kids! I am pleased to see the quality of items being donated this year. Please join us and discover many unique items. We want to thank the residents for their generosity in donating so many wonderful items. Remember Marketplace Intake is scheduled for May 1 and May 3, 2021 from 9:00 am - 3:30pm at the Palmetto Clubhouse parking lot.

The purpose of all of our efforts is to raise money for students and groups that touch each of us in the Landings. We are planning on an Awards Ceremony on May 18th, where we will hand out our hard-earned funds for the many deserving organizations within our community. In addition, we will be presenting scholarships to many of our Landings employees and/or children. It will be a very rewarding event.

Finally, we will conclude this year with a party on May 20th. Our closing social will be a Prom-themed night. We will be introducing the 2021/2022 Landlovers’ Board while having a delightful evening of food, wine, and dance. 

I hope to see you all at the remaining events!

Warm regards,