January 23, 2020 | JNCL Announcement
Missed out on registering for Language Advocacy Day? Registration has been re-opened!

Hurry, extended registration closes tomorrow, January 24th!

Join the Joint National Committee for Languages and language advocates from around the country to  let representatives know that  "multilingualism is the future."  

January 23, 2020 | JNCL Announcement
If you are coming to Capitol Hill to advocate for languages, this webinar is for you! Join the policy experts from the Joint National Committee for Languages as we explain what you can expect as you navigate the  Halls of Power  in Washington, DC.

Upcoming Webinar Dates:

  • Tuesday, January 28 at 4pm EST
  • Tuesday, February 4 at 4pm EST

If you can't attended the remaining webinar dates, visit the Language Advocacy Resource folder on the JNCL website to view the webinar recording and explore other valuable advocacy resources.

January 23, 2020 | JNCL Announcement
Did you know the demand for multilingual employees doubled over the last five years? Join us and our partner DC Language Immersion Project for the fourth Multilingual Education Fair of DC on Saturday January 25th from 10am to 3pm. Let’s make multilingualism one of the DC area’s greatest assets!

Bring your family to the 2020 Multilingual Education Fair of DC to explore resources by 150 exhibitors and participate in free workshops.

On your way to featured programing, don't forget to stop by booth 73 to visit with America's Language Lobbyists!

January 23, 2020 | ACTFL Legislative Alerts
Language Advocates of Virginia,
Over the past few years, a dozen or more states have introduced legislation that would allow the subject of “computer coding” to count toward satisfying world language credits at the high school level . In a disturbing trend taking place around the country to recognize coding as a world language in the K-12 curriculum. 

Virginia lawmakers are now debating the possible substitution of world language credits with computer programming courses as outlined in HB1123, which many view as an undermining of students’ readiness and cultural compatibility to compete in a global society. 
We need your help—your voice—to send a message.

January 30, 2020 | 2pm EST
As we enter 2020, today, more than even, the law-making process impacts our business. The ways it impacts our business affects every aspect of the day to day operations. Effective involvement with our law makers allows us, as citizens and business owners, to impact and at the very minimum, bring awareness to our industry. 

In this webinar, we will discuss on high levels, what we can do, how we can do it and how to measure our efforts.  


Application Deadlines March 1st
The American Association for Teachers of German is pleased to announce several professional development opportunities for the summer of 2020:

  • 3-week Mit Deutsch in die Zukunft seminar,
  • June 14-July 4, 2020 in Leipzig, Germany
  • 2-week Austrian seminar Einfach unvergesslich! Erinnerungsorte und kulturreflexives Lernen im DaF-Unterricht
  • July 10-July 21, 2020 in Vienna and Klagenfurt
  • One-week seminars in Düsseldorf: 
  • Methodentraining fach- und berufsbezogenes Deutsch July 20-24, 2020
  • Methodentraining Deutsch als Fremdsprache, July 27-31 or August 17-21
  • 4-week Internationaler Lehrerfortbildungskurs at Heidelberg University
  • August 3-28, 2020

Notice ID: 91990020R0006
Agency: Department of Education
Office: Contracts and Acquisition Management
Location: N/A
Response Date: March 3rd
THURSDAY, January 23, 2020 ISSUE
Disclaimer: The articles and news sources included in NewsBrief are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by JNCL-NCLIS. The views and opinions expressed in the articles in this NewsBrief are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company .