April 2018
2018 LHA Spring Housing Thought

Thank you to those in attendance at LHA's semi-annual Housing Thought Leaders Meeting that brought together association members, partners, affiliates, and guests for networking, brainstorming, and collaboration to help solve the housing crisis for people with developmental disabilities.

Sessions included an update and participant discussion on LHA’s Statewide Strategic Framework, which is our initiative to affect systemic change for housing individuals with I/DDs.  Also, a presentation was made on the coming roll-out of the Legacy Homes Program that will offer families a life-long housing option for their loved ones with developmental disabilities. 

A big thank you to Senator Beall for stopping by to receive our Housing Hero award. This honor was also given to LHA's very own Patti Uplinger for her years of dedicated service to our association. Lastly, we were so appreciative of DDS Director Nancy Bargmann for opening up our Friday session with words of encouragement for the important work taking place at LHA.
Legacy Homes Resolution Approved by California Senate
Legacy Homes resolution was presented by Senator Beall on Thursday, 4/12/18, and was unanimously approved. LHA members Mary Eble and Norma Delgado were in attendance to witness this important event.  Mary's nephew, a Regional Center client and beneficiary of a Legacy home, was also in the chambers as Senator Beall mentioned his name and recognized HCEB and NBHC as two LHA members who already have Legacy donations.

This is a big win for LHA and the population we serve. Several LHA members have been working on this effort for some time, with a special thanks to Patti Uplinger and the Legacy Homes Committee for all of their hard work in bringing this resolution to fruition. With the recent soft-launch of our Legacy Homes Program we hope that this exposure will help to create buzz for this exciting and meaningful tool to create housing stability for people with I/DD.
SSF Survey Scheduled for Distribution in May

The Lanterman Housing Alliance is set to release its landmark survey to identify how people with developmental disabilities are living in California and what are their current needs. Upon receipt of this important survey, LHA thanks you in advance for your prompt completion and forwarding of this survey to colleagues in the industry and Regional Center consumers in your area. Learn more about LHA's Statewide Strategic Framework here .
811 PRA - Round II Expanded Beyond LA County

As part of the amendment to the NOFA Round II, it is now statewide instead of being limited to Los Angeles County. DDS has received a few applications in Anaheim and Desert Hot Springs under Round II and both applications are being reviewed and clarified at this time.

Round II, Notice of Funding Availability – please see page 12 at Eligible Projects and Units for project requirements which include, in part, that projects must be a multifamily project, must apply for at least 5 units for subsidy, project must have TCAC, CalHFA, or HCD funding and must not have more than 25% of the units set aside for people with disability (“25% rule”). View the NOFA here .
Assembly Adopts March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Today, the California State Assembly under the leadership of Assemblymember Jim Frazier adopted House Resolution 89 with 65 co-sponsors declaring March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Assemblymember Frazier also called on all of his colleagues to introduce one bill each in the next legislative session that would improve the lives of Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Read House Resolution 89 .
Advocate This Week to Increase Funding for the HOME Investment Partnership Program

The HOME Coalition is encouraging HOME advocates to take action this week to speak up for increased funding for the HOME Program in fiscal year (FY) 2019 appropriations. 

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides formula grants to States and localities that communities use - often in partnership with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

Congress recently passed the FY 2018 appropriations omnibus, which increased HOME funding to $1.362 billion. This increase was a significant step in the right direction. Given the growing need for affordable housing and the longstanding success of the HOME Program, the HOME Coalition is urging Congress to restore HOME funding to at least $1.5 billion in FY 2019.

The HOME Coaltion is circulating a national sign-on letter urging Congress provide at least $1.5 billion for the HOME Program in FY 2019. The Coalition encourages national, state and local organizations to sign the letter. The deadline to sign on is COB Friday, April 20. Read the letter and sign on now .
- May 10 | 2-3:00 PM

Phone Line:
- (712) 775-7031
- Code: 505851#

- Agenda


- Integrated Health and Living Project

- Kristin Martin, President
[HOPE, Inc]
- Darin Lounds,
Vice President
- Steve von Rajcs,
[California Housing Foundation]
- Yvonne Delgadillo,
[Allied Argenta]

If you or your organization is interested in joining LHA, please visit our membership page here .
LHA is looking for in kind support to assist in LHA operations, including: accounting, marketing & communication, administrative assistance, and event coordination. If you are interested please contact below.
Ian Nevarez, LHA Administrator
(888) 542-4005