Legacy HOMES Committee Meets for Final Push before Launching Program
LHA's Legacy HOMES committee held a retreat at North Bay Regional Center on January 17th. They discussed the final steps to officially launching this program that will offer individuals and their families a viable way for someone to continue living in the family home beyond the lifetimes of their parents-if that is their preference.
Topics of the January retreat included drafting an intra-agency agreement for participation in the Legacy Homes program, vendorization with the Regional Center system, legislative solutions to enhancing the program, Crescendo software utilization and marketing, ensuring services are in place, and finally, partnership needs.
A big thank you to the LHA committee members Barry Benda (Brilliant Corners), Kris McCann (BAHC), Mary Eble (NBHC), and Norma Delgado (HOME) who coordinated the day's events that brought together additional LHA board members and stakeholders to collaborate on this important initiative.