Important Dates
 Friday, February 8
No School

Friday, February 15
Read Your Heart Out

Daily Schedule
School Start/End Times:
Mondays: 7:45 a.m. to 1:10pm
(No Early Childhood or 4K classes)

Tuesday-Friday: 7:45 am to 2:42 pm

**Please note that students should not arrive to school prior to 7:30am.
When entering the building... for any other purpose other than pick up or drop off, please report directly to the office. Everyone entering our building must sign in and wear a visitor badge. We need to work together for the safely our little ones.
Wow!! I know that the lion reference is usually saved for March but I really feel as though January is going out like a lion. Snow and freezing temperatures have caused us to call school several days. This is always hard for students and staff, as getting into a routine is difficult. I hope Mother Nature settles a bit as we head into February.
Report cards will be coming home in February. Because of the snow/cold days, sending home will be a bit delayed to allow staff to complete quarter two reporting. Report cards are one form of communication from the teacher to you. If you find that you have questions about something on the report card, I would encourage you to contact your child’s teacher. This includes questions for specialists.
Our Read Your Heart Out event is scheduled for February 15. I am so excited for this event and to also celebrate Black HIstory month. A shout out to Mrs. Schuster for coordinating this event.
I want to wish everyone a positive start to the second semester. It’s hard to believe that the school year is at the halfway point. We continue to work hard to grow and make progress. This includes students, staff, as well as me. I will be sending you a progress report regarding our School Improvement Plan progress. Please know that you can contact me at any time with questions.
Have a great February!!

Cathy Prozanski
Greetings from Music!

What a joy it continues to be to teach your children! We spent a busy month of January preparing for Fine Arts Night, which was a beautiful evening of music, art, camaraderie, and joy. Students worked hard to learn songs in three languages, and they demonstrated so much growth throughout the learning process. It's amazing to work with such bright, capable, curious musicians!

Musician of the Month
Each month we learn about a new musician(s), and it's great fun to explore different musical styles through listening, moving, watching, and reading. Most recently, we learned about Ada Rios and the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay. Their stories are inspiring and incredible; the children live in rural Paraguay, in a village built on a landfill, and all of their instruments are made from items that were found in the landfill. Check out their story and music, as well as any of the others we've studied so far this year.

September  - Trombone Shorty

Tiny Desk Concert on NPR -

October  - Ibeyi


November  - 2Cellos


December  - Perpetuum Jazzile


January  - Ada Rios & Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay


And in February,  J ohn Legend will be our featured musician!

Looking ahead
As we move into February, we will be singing about MLK, Jr., performing during our school-wide assembly for Read Your Heart Out, and learning about music as a form of peaceful social protest. And, thanks to the generosity of the PTG and a special grant from MMSD, we will be bringing Opera for the Young back to Lapham! Students will begin learning the music and story of Super Storm!, and we will all take part in a professional opera performance at Lapham on Friday, March 8. More details to come!

Please reach out anytime with questions or concerns. We welcome visitors, and if you play a musical instrument, we'd love to have you share your skills with us!

Lapham-Marquette Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

The Lapham-Marquette PTG supports our schools with funds for classroom grants; community gardens and outdoor classrooms; free, enriching after school clubs; staples and clothing for kids in need; and much more.
The auction, which typically takes place in April, is the PTG's LARGEST ANNUAL FUNDRAISER and is critical in supporting the PTG programs.

A lead volunteer or a volunteer committee is needed to take on organizing the 2019 event. The volunteer/volunteer(s) will:
  • Solicit auction donations from area businesses and individuals (a long list of past donors and their contact information is available).
  • Secure an event venue, food, and entertainment.
  • Organize volunteers to help the night of the event.
There is a detailed template from past years' events for the next volunteers to follow including timelines, donation forms, budget, and volunteer schedules. There is also an existing committee of past volunteers ready to help. Work should kick off to organize the event in January.

For more information on helping with this very important PTG event, contact
Elizabeth Tucker at .

The Lapham-Marquette Variety Show is an annual favorite of kids and parents alike! The PTG is looking for parent volunteers to help organize this year's show. Please contact the PTG ( ) if interested in working with other parents to help make this fun event happen!

International Food Fair is coming back!
The International Food Fair is a celebration of our community and our various cultural backgrounds. It's a time we come together to share food and company. We need volunteers to help make this fun event happen. Please email Jessie Chmell at  if you are willing to volunteer to bring a dish, set up, clean up, make flyers, etc. Thanks so much!

Stay connected with the PTG by following us on  Facebook,  joining our  mailing list  or by visiting our website:  Lapham Marquette Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

As we begin to transition to colder weather, there are a few reminders we want to be sure everyoneis aware of:
  • All students will be outside for recess during the day if the temperature is within district guidelines. When temperatures reach below zero is when we have indoor recess
  • Doors to enter school in the morning will open at 7:30 a.m.  
  • Please make sure that your child has warm clothing and if you need assistance with that, let us know so we can help
For more information about MMSD's procedures related to winter weather, please use this  LINK

February is National Dental Health Month!             
Lifelong habits begin at home. Make dental health part of your daily routine and share these reminders with your whole family:

  •  Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, especially after breakfast and before bedtime. Drinking water after eating also helps to clear your teeth of food particles.
  • Floss every day. An adult should help children under the age of eight to floss. Older children should be ready to floss on their own.
  • Limit the number of times you eat snacks, especially the sticky ones.
  • Visit a dentist regularly for a routine check up and a cleaning.
  • Don't forget to change your tooth brush regularly, and after an illness.

Sweet snack facts:
Eating a lot of snacks with sugar may cause cavities.
Every time you eat sugar, plaque in your mouth mixes with the sugar to make acid. The acid hurts the teeth and causes decay over time. This can be painful!
Be mindful of the sugar content of what your family is drinking! 

  • A 16 oz. bottle of orange juice has 8 tsp sugar
  • A 12 oz. can of Coke has 10 tsp sugar
  • A 14 oz. bottle of Nesquik Chocolate Milk has 14 tsp of sugar
Water is the healthiest choice. Zero sugar. Endless benefits.
Contact the Health Office if you need assistance finding a dental home for your family. 

Laura Wade, RN and Nancie Cotter, NA

Lapham Elementary School | (608) 204-4140 |