News and Events for Larchmont Residents
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Happy April, Larchmont!

April brings the realization of Spring, with warmer weather, holidays, and celebrations of Earth and nature. We've dedicated this month's newsletter to highlight Village news and upcoming events fitting with these themes, and hope that Larchmont residents take the time this month to learn more, explore and appreciate the Earth and the environment.

Village News and Updates

Village of Larchmont Recognized as Tree City USA by Arbor Day Foundation for the 42nd Year in a Row

The Village of Larchmont has been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA for the 42nd Year in a Row. This accomplishment could not have been realized without the hard work of community resident volunteers, the Village's Parks & Trees Committee, and our Department of Public Works.

Traffic & Pedestrian Signals Incandescent bulbs replaced with LED

The Village has just completed switching all of its traffic and pedestrian signal lights from incandescent bulbs to LED bulbs. This switch will help both reduce the Village's energy expenditures and take one more step in reducing energy emissions produced by Village operations!

Larchmont Climate Smart Communities Task Force

The Larchmont Village Board established the Larchmont Climate Smart Communities Task Force at the Village Board meeting on January 23, 2023, and have appointed its Climate Smart Communities Task Force Coordinator, along with a Task Force Chair and membership from diverse backgrounds and specialities. This group will be tasked with coordinating the Village's environmental efforts and initiatives, with the assistance of the Larchmont Environmental Committee, the Village Board, and Village Administration, to advance the Village's recognition as a Climate Smart Community. More news to come as achievements are made!

Larchmont continues progress on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Our electric vehicle charger initiative continues to make progress, with one charger installed at Addison Lot and two more planned around the Village. The next one is planned to be installed at Wendt Avenue Lot 10!

The initiative to bring in electric vehicle charging stations has been several years in the making, introduced by the Larchmont Environmental Committee and supported by the Larchmont Village Board. Electric vehicle chargers have become a popular way for local governments, shopping centers, and other entities to support sustainability efforts through promoting electric vehicles. As an environmental leader among local governments, the Village of Larchmont embraces and promotes this initiative. The Village received a grant through the Zero-Emission Vehicle grant program from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to purchase and install this EV charger. Having this charger in the middle of the Boston Post Road Business District will help further attract environmentally-conscience visitors to shop and dine in Larchmont.

How to Use: For convenience, electric vehicle parkers using the charging stations pay for the charge and parking entirely through the EV machine, so there's no need to walk over to the parking meter to pay! Only electric vehicles can park during the day, and vehicles must be actively plugged into the charger while parked. Check out this instructional video from Chargepoint on how to use the EV charger!

Spring Clean Up Leaf Blower Allowance Ends April 30th

The Larchmont Environmental Committee would like to remind Larchmont residents and their landscapers that electric leaf blowers usage for Spring Clean-Up continues through April 30th. Using leaf blowers of any kind from May 1st through October 14th is prohibited. Gas-powered leaf blowers are not permitted at anytime. Visit the village website for tips on sustainable leaf maintenance

Blow Less • Breathe Easy • Enjoy the Quiet • Nourish the Soil

Larchmont Flint Park Day Camp 2023 Registration Open Now!

Registration – Online Only

Camp Dates: 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023 – Friday, August 11, 2023

Cost: $1,250.00 for six-week program

Time: 9 AM – 3PM

Click Here: Registration

Registration is on a first-come/first serve basis.

Once the Village of Larchmont receives your payment,

an application will be emailed to you to complete and return. Please check your spam.

If you have any questions, please contact

Larchmont Flint Park Day Camp and Lifeguard Job Opportunities Available Now!

Parks & Trees Committee Survey: Help Determine the Future of Playhouse Park

The Village's Parks & Trees Committee would appreciate your input as we look to optimize Playhouse Park, the small park located at Palmer and Parkway across from Hunan Larchmont. Please help us make Playhouse Park useful and enjoyable to all by taking this brief 1-2 minute survey. Thank you for your time!

The link to the survey is here:

Current and Upcoming Events

Larchmont Arts on the Avenues throughout April

Mamaroneck High School Hosts TEDx on Environmental Impact with local community members, students and CNN anchors

Mamaroneck High School students have organized a TEDx Talk about the Environmental Impact in Our Community. This event will feature the following: Kyle Clark (BETA Technologies CEO and Founder: an electric aerospace company), Bryan Martin (Deepwater Wind CEO and Founder and facilitated US's offshore wind industry), Bill Weir (CNN's Chief Climate Correspondent), Erica Hill (CNN Anchor), Stephen Moser (Architect specializing in sustainable design), Frances Ashforth (Famous contemporary artist incorporating nature and the environment into her works), Mark Manley (MeCycle CEO and Founder), and several student-led groups!


Ticket sales/reservation link:

Website link:

Earth Day Celebration at Constitution Park

Earth Day is coming! Come celebrate with some wonderful organizations in our community who are working to make a difference in taking care of our villages, town and earth. On Saturday April 22nd, 1 - 4 pm (rain date April 23rd) the Larchmont Environmental Committee is hosting an Earth Day Celebration in Constitution Park, showcasing our tri-municipal Environmental Committees, along with the work of Sheldrake, the Marine Education Center, Save the Sound, Victory Gardens, L-M Pollinator Pathway, Sustainable Westchester, L-M Healthy Yards Project, Food Scrap Recycling, GridRewards, some of our own MHS OCRA students and more. There will be activities for kids, live music from the Larchmont Music Academy, vegan food, and opportunities to learn about local environmental action. Bring your used batteries to test and recycle. We'll also be collecting used crayons for the library’s recycling project.

Larchmont Farmers Market 2023 Summer Season returns beginning Saturday, April 22nd

Larchmont Library Hosts 8th Annual Larchmont Spelling Bee on Sunday, April 23rd

Westchester County's CompostEd program offers Food Waste Compost Demonstrations on Sunday, April 23rd

On Sunday April 23rd, join Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities for a tour of the Compost Education Facility (CompostEd) in Valhalla. Participants can expect to learn about the benefits of organics recycling, the science behind composting, and how residents can participate in organics diversion programs in Westchester County and compost at home! Tours offer a hands-on immersive experience that is fun, educational and sure to leave participants thinking more about composting.

CompostED is an educational compost facility created to teach residents, municipalities, and students about the benefits of organics and food waste recycling. Up to 2 tons of food scraps are diverted from the waste stream every week through CompostED, where it is transformed into high quality compost used to grow food for the food insecure and beautify public spaces. Due to limited Parking,

registration is required

To register for the tour go to:

Additionally, the County Executive’s office of sustainability will be distributing backyard composters. The composters must be pre-purchased and picked up between 10-2 pm. For more information go to:

Yoga in the Parks returns to Constitution Park, Fridays at 11:00 AM from April 14 - June 30

Larchmont Arbor Day Celebration and Tree Planting Ceremony with Mayor Sarah Bauer, Constitution Park, Friday, April 28th at 3:15 PM

Free Composing Event at Maxwell Avenue Recycling Center on Saturday, April 29th

Outdoor Dining Returns for 2023

Spring marks the return of our outdoor dining! Several local restaurants and vendors have already applied for and received their permits, and the outdoor dining fixtures have begun to spring up! Please be sure to go out and support our local restaurants and merchants throughout 2023!

Sustainable Westchester offers GridRewards program to incentivize reduced energy usage

Residents, Business and Houses of Worship in Larchmont can earn cash by reducing electricity at key times with GridRewards! Sustainable Westchester’s GridRewards program is a free app that tells you when and how to reduce your energy usage. Participate in energy-saving actions to earn cash payments, reduce your electricity bill year round, and have a huge impact on carbon emissions. GridRewards is compatible with Westchester Power or any electricity supply. 

Where does the money come from?

The utility will pay energy users to reduce electricity at peak demand times to reduce stress on the grid and avoid running the most polluting, carbon intensive, power plants.

How to get started: Learn more at and download GridRewards at and begin your carbon reduction journey!

How do I participate? 

GridRewards is open to most anyone with a Con Ed utility bill. Residential customers, nonprofits and businesses can use GridRewards to reduce electricity and earn cash back. Plus, use your referral code to give $10 and get $10 with each friend that signs up and participates. Download the app and link it to your ConEd account today! The deadline to register is April 28, 2023.

Questions? Contact Lauren Brois at 914-302-7300 x112 or email

American Red Cross: Sound the Alarm, Save a Life - Free At-Home Smoke Alarm Installation

This Spring, between April 12th and May 17th, the American Red Cross will join with community leaders to Sound the Alarm. Save a Life. During that time, they will advance their life-saving home fire campaign, which has installed over 200,000 FREE smoke alarms in vulnerable communities across Greater New York. They install one smoke alarm in every bedroom and on every floor of your home and share critical fire safety tips with residents.

Sign up for a free home installation by filling out the form here.

Join the Red Cross on Saturday, May 6th for a Major Install Day (an all-day of action with dozens of volunteers fanning out into communities) for a kick-off / pep rally / press conference with volunteers. This year it will take place at 9:00 AM at the New Rochelle Town Hall, 515 North Avenue, New Rochelle NY 10801.

Sprint to Flint 2023: Looking for Volunteers

The Larchmont Sprint to Flint, a local 1 Mile and 5KM fun run and walk, will be held on Friday June 9 this year and is looking for volunteers to help organize the race in 2023! A variety of volunteer roles are available, and involve a commitment of a few hours a month (increasing to a few hours a week in the weeks leading up to the race). Please reach out to Rachel at if you are interested to help with this great community event! 

-       Assistant Race Director (Support in administration/organizing the event, including being responsible for liaising with potential sponsors and helping to secure important funding and support for the event)

-       Marketing Coordinator (Helping to market the event to the local community, including liaising with local media)

-       Schools Ambassadors for local schools, including Murray, Chatsworth, Central (helping to spread the word about Sprint to Flint within local schools!)

-       Volunteer Coordinator (starts from May 2023 - Helping to source and manage volunteers for the week leading up to and including the day of the event)

Village Calendar

For times and locations of meetings, please visit the Village Website.

04/07 Village Hall Closed - Good Friday

04/08 Larchmont Egg Hunt at Constitution Park - sponsored by Larchmont Professional Fire Fighters Association

04/10 Village Board Work Session

04/11 Parks and Trees Committee Meeting

04/11 Traffic Commission Meeting

04/12 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

04/17 Village Board Work Session

04/17 Board of Trustees Meeting

04/18 Planning Board Meeting

04/19 Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting

04/19 Recreation Committee Meeting

04/20 Larchmont Environmental Committee Meeting

04/22 LEC Earth Day Celebration at Constitution Park

04/26 Architectural Review Board Meeting

05/01 Village Board Work Session

05/02 Traffic Commission Meeting

05/03 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

05/04 Climate Smart Communities Task Force Meeting

Minutes for previous Board of Trustees meetings can be found HERE.

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