Prohibition on Internal Combustion Leaf Blowers
Referenced codes below can be found in the Village of Larchmont Code
180-3 – No internal combustion leaf blower shall be operated in the Village of Larchmont at any time after January 1, 2022. Until such date, no internal combustion leaf blower may be operated in the Village of Larchmont without a properly functioning muffler.
180-7 – Violations and penalties, responsible parties.
A. Responsible parties. The following parties shall have committed a violation of this law if it is not complied with:
(1) The party operating the leaf blower; and
(2) The party who employed the person to operate the leaf blower at the time of violation; and
(3) The party who owns the property where the violation occurs.
B. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to fine upon conviction thereof, not exceeding $250 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, and $1,000 for the third offense and any subsequent offenses. Conviction for violation of this law shall be deemed a violation, not a misdemeanor nor a felony.
A leaf blower which is powered by an internal combustion engine/motor. An electric leaf blower being used while plugged into an operating generator which is powered by an internal combustion engine shall be deemed an internal combustion leaf blower.