February 2023 Public Safety Newsletter


This is the next installment of Larchmont's monthly Public Safety Newsletter! Every month, pertinent information from the Larchmont Police and Fire Departments will be curated for the residents of our amazing village. Safety tips, events, and other highlights will be displayed. If you require any additional information you may call the Larchmont Police Station at 914-834-1000 or the Larchmont Fire Station at 914-834-0016. 

In the case of an Emergency please call 911

Larchmont Police Department

Nightly Neighborhood Routine

Remove your keys from your vehicle – Lock-up your vehicles and home – Put on exterior lights


The members of the Larchmont Police Detective Division diligently analyze prevailing crime trends in an effort to deter future crime. This analysis has shown that the crimes which occur most frequently in our community are crimes involving theft of property, specifically theft of or theft from within vehicles. 


We urge the members of our community to practice the Nightly Neighborhood Routine; remove your keys from your vehicles, lock-up your vehicles and your homes and put on exterior flood lights where possible. Taking these preventive measures makes our community safer by repelling those who attempt to steal property. This will make our neighborhoods less attractive venues for would-be wrong doers.  


The month of January has seen a marked reduction in the number of these property crimes being committed within our community. This reduction can be attributed to a renewed community partnership between the Larchmont Police Department and the Larchmont Community. The members of our police department would like to thank our residents and business owners for their commitment and effort towards combating this regional crime trend. We are at our best when we work together!

Coffee with a Cop


We are continuing our popular Coffee with a Cop events soon! Upcoming dates will be posted when they are next scheduled!

Hiring of Police Officer Eduardo Lopez

The Larchmont Police Department welcomes our most recent addition to our ranks, Officer Eduardo Lopez. Officer Lopez has transferred here from the NYPD and is currently in the process of being field trained. In his short time here, he has already made himself at home within our esteemed Larchmont community. Please join us in welcoming Officer Lopez if you have the opportunity to meet him in person!

Larchmont Fire Department

Please Keep Hydrants Clear

» Even though our winter has been mild so far into 2023, a winter storm can strike at any time. When it does, please assist your Larchmont Firefighters by clearing 3 feet around your nearest hydrant. If you have any questions, please contact the firehouse business line at 914-834-0016 Extension 5.

Burn Awareness Week

  • A scald injury can happen at any age. Children, older adults and people with disabilities are especially at risk.
  • Before placing a child in the bath or getting in the bath yourself, test the water by moving your hand, wrist and forearm through the water. The water should feel warm, not hot, to the touch. 
  • Hot liquids from bath water, hot coffee and even microwaved soup can cause devastating injuries. Scald burns are the second leading cause of all burn injuries.


  • Install smoke alarms inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement.
  • On levels without bedrooms, install alarms in the living room (or den or family room) or near the stairway to the upper level, or in both locations.
  • Smoke alarms installed in the basement should be installed on the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs leading to the next level.
  • Smoke alarms should be installed at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance to minimize false alarms when cooking.
  • Mount smoke alarms high on walls or ceilings (remember, smoke rises). Wall-mounted alarms should be installed not more than 12 inches away from the ceiling (to the top of the alarm).If you have ceilings that are pitched, install the alarm within 3 feet of the peak but not within the apex of the peak (four inches down from the peak). - See picture below
  • Don’t install smoke alarms near windows, doors or ducts where drafts might interfere with their operation.
  • Never paint smoke alarms. Paint, stickers or other decorations could keep the alarms from working.
  • For the best protection, interconnect all smoke alarms. When one smoke alarm sounds they all sound. Interconnection can be done using hard-wiring or wireless technology.
  • When interconnected smoke alarms are installed, it is important that all of the alarms are from the same manufacturer. If the alarms are not compatible, they may not sound.
  • There are two types of smoke alarms – ionization and photoelectric. An ionization smoke alarm is generally more responsive to flaming fires, and a photoelectric smoke alarm is generally more responsive to smoldering fires. For the best protection, both types of alarms or combination ionization-photoelectric alarms, also known as dual sensor smoke alarms, are recommended.
  • Keep manufacturer’s instructions for reference.

Child Car Seat Inspections

The Larchmont Police Department is once again performing child car seat installations and inspections!

If you would like to have one performed, please email carseats@larchmontpolice.org with your contact information and an officer will be in communication with you!

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