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Large Black Sire
"Obsidian" Reg. Large Black


Large Black Sire
"Obsidian" Reg. Large Black


Large Black Sire
"Obsidian" Reg. Large Black
Blackworth Sire
"Blackjack" Blackworth Cross  
Blackworth Sire
"Blackjack" Blackworth Cross  

Hi Everyone! 
We are expecting 2 litters of registered Large Blacks and 3 litters of Large Black X Tamworth cross (aka Blackworth) weaner pigs this April.  I am making the best pigs of these litters available for sale.  As always, our piglets are certified organic.

Below are photos of the 5 bred sows and the sires of each litter.  One of our sires is for sale as well. (see bottom)  If you have any questions or would like to reserve the pick of the litter, please call or email me.

Thanks very much!
Tobias Hatfield
Owner Full Circle Bison Ranch 
541-846-1351  or email

P.S. Check out this link to our remodeled website now devoted to Large Black pigs, Blackworth crosses, and organic acorn finished pork!
Litter #1 - 50/50 Large Black X Tamworth
"Reddy" Tamworth Sow
Tamworth Sow
"Reddy" is our best Tamworth
sow.  This will be her third
litter.  She has great maternal instincts.  Her first litter consisted of 11 healthy piglets and her 2nd litter had 15 healthy piglets.  She has never lost a piglet yet!  The Sire is "Obsidian", our registered Large Black boar.  He is of the Noble Sam line.  The litters he has sired are large in numbers with robust piglets.  The hybrid vigor of these piglets will be strong, making for efficient fast growth and excellent pastured pork.
Due Date: March 31, 2011
Weaner pigs: $350 each
Comes with proof of organic status

Litter #2 - Registered Large Blacks - Prudence/Noble Sam

"Annie" Registered Large Black

Large Black Sow

This Prudence Large Black gilt

"Annie" has been bred to our Noble Sam Boar "Obsidian".  Their piglets will have a low CI of only 11% and will make quality registered Large Black breedstock.



Due Date: April 11, 2011 

Weaner pigs: $375 each 

Includes registration and proof of organic status

Litter #3 - Registered Large Blacks - Prudence/Noble Sam

"Raven" Registered Large Black
Large Black Sow

This Prudence Large Black gilt "Raven" has been bred to our Noble Sam boar "Obsidian".  Their piglets will have a low CI of only 11% and will make quality registered Large Black breedstock.


Due Date: April 15, 2011

Weaner pigs: $375 each
Includes registration and proof of organic status

Litter #4 - Tamworth X Large Black 50/50 cross

"Tiger Lilly" Blackworth Cross 

Blackworth SowThis will be our gilt, "Tiger Lilly's" first litter.  She is a Blackworth, the result of crossing our best Tamworth sow with our Large Black "Magestic" boar.


The sire of this litter is "Blackjack". He is a Blackworth boar pig. The result of crossing a massive Tamworth boar with our biggest Large Black sow.


These Blackworth piglets will make some great breedstock with exceptional maternal genetics, ideal for outdoor farrowing and a pastured pork operation. 


Due Date: April 7, 2011
Weaner pigs: $325 each
Comes with proof of organic status

Litter #5

"Beauty" Blackworth Cross

Blackworth SowThis will be "Beauty's" first litter as well.  She was the largest Blackworth gilt out of 8 litters. The sire of this litter is "Blackjack".  He is a Blackworth boar pig. The result of crossing a massive Tamworth boar with our biggest Large Black sow. 


These Blackworth piglets should be very large and robust and make excellent breedstock.

Due Date: April 7, 2011
Weaner pigs: $325
Comes with proof of organic status

Blackworth Proven 1-year old Breed Boar

"Blackjack" Blackworth Cross Boar 

Blackworth Breed BoarBlackjack is our number 1 Blackworth breed boar, the largest pig selected from eight crossbred litters.  He is the result of crossing a massive Tamworth boar with our biggest Large Black sow.  He has been hand fed since weaning and is very docile.  Blackjack will make an excellent sire for a pastured pork operation.

$750 or best offer
If you have questions or wish to reserve a pig, please call me at 541-846-1351 or email
Thank you, 
Tobias Hatfield

Owner, Full Circle Bison Ranch