Hi everyone,

This is the last call to sign up for Orioles tickets! We are going to buy the tickets on Friday, so let us know if you want to join. I am excited to see you all (and also the surprisingly good Orioles!) Registration form is below.

Our August Shabbat Dinner will take place in Remington (2700 Remington Ave.) The same location we hosted our June dinner. If you could let us know if you are coming, and sign up to bring something that will be a big help in making final plans for the dinner. If the weather is nice we can use the outdoor space as well.

Finally, if you know people who might want to attend these events, or get more involved in our BAYITT community, please forward them this email or let me know who they are. Coffee is on Beth Am :) 

Look to next week's email for more info about High Holy Day tickets, and more coming up this fall. 

See you soon! 

Rav Tyler

Beth Am Synagogue | 2501 Eutaw Place | Baltimore | 21217

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