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Happy Thanksgiving from REI to You!
We are so grateful to have you as a part of our network

Last Call to Help a Distressed Michigan Community through Innovative Collaboration!
Co-Learning Plan applications are due on December 6, 2019 so don't hold back!

Sam Butler on Marrying Community Benefits and Development Practice
Sam Butler recently completed a Co-Learning Plan titled Marrying Community Benefits and Development Practice which explores the concept that in order for community benefits to be effective in Michigan, they need to be embedded early in the development process.

Pathways for Lifecycle Building Practices
Michael Moreno and Nathaniel Hooper researched the efficacy of using Tiny Homes to meet the affordable housing needs of Michigan communities.

Mark your Calendars for the 2020 Innovate Michigan! Summit!
The 2020 Innovate Michigan! Summit will be held on September 3rd, 2020 in the Kellogg Center at Michigan State University.

Opening the Doors to Local Investment
Angela Barbash discusses community-based investment and how it can help open doors for our communities.