Educating & Inspiring Montanans
to Rise in Defense of Our Security,
Our Liberty & Our Values
If There Was Ever a Time
Hello Patriots!
This is an important year for the Patriots. We simply MUST reclaim seats at every level from School Boards and local positions of influence, through all our states’ elected positions and up to the U.S. Senate. Failing to do that will ensure that the Republic-destroying social progressives and globalists will continue their march to annihilate our world as we know it.

We at Last Chance Patriots urge everyone to do something. If you have the energy and the stomach for it, run for elected office at whatever level you feel you can make a contribution. Such an undertaking requires money and time, something that many of us lack. You might consider serving in your community or school district: those positions are not as demanding but can be very, very influential and meaningful. 

If you cannot serve at those levels or make a long-term commitment, you could serve as an election judge or poll watcher in both the Primary and the General elections in November. Election integrity is a critical issue and you can help to assure that our elections are managed and overseen properly. You can also work to support candidates whom you believe have the values and fortitude to fight for us and for the future.

The point is that each of us can do something. We have been calling out our “Last Chance” for a number of years but things seem to be reaching a cataclysmic level in 2022. If there was ever a time for everyone who values our Constitution as the foundation for our way of life to put on their armor, it is now. 

No excuses; each of us can do SOMETHING and the fact is that it will take every single one of us to take a stand, draw a line, say “Hell no!” and hold firm.

Let’s do this, Patriots!

by Linda Sauer

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day,
that my child may have peace."
Thomas Paine 

Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camp ...
The discord is getting more discordant by the day.

Just recently, for instance, the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and deploy the National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”

In other words, lock up the unvaccinated and use the military to determine who gets to be “free.”

These tactics have been used before.

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks."
Samuel Adams

Mark Cuban, of Shark Tank fame and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, is opening a new online pharmacy to save you money. Click the image above to read the story of how it came about and how much you can save. Just sharing what we hope is great news. This is not an advertisement and we get nothing from it. Just FYI.
Will We Continue to Be Sheep?
What else do we need to know? We are in our third year of lockdown and masks. We have a vaccine that has to be shoved down our throats by hook or by crook for a virus that over 99.7 percent of us are going to survive if we do nothing. Yet here we are following like sheep.

Do we need more information to understand this is moving towards tyranny? It is a manufactured crisis for one purpose. To control the populations of the world and usher in a totalitarian world government. That's it. Not hard to understand. Let me tell you a short story about an experience I had just this week.

I dropped my wife off at the door of an eye clinic in Kalispell for her follow-up after cataract surgery. I pulled over into the parking lot to wait. On my back window, I have a Trump head decal as if he's riding with me. I break out my iPad to continue reading Peter Schweitzers new book, Red Handed and there is a tap on my window.

I look up to a lady, probably mid-fifties, crying. I roll down my window and she says, "Do you have a minute? I am a wreck and need to talk to someone. I saw your passenger (Trump) and knew I could talk to you." For the next several minutes she told me she'd been kicked out of the eye place because she couldn't wear a mask. She tried and got sick, threw up and they rudely tossed her out.

What made it worse, her husband has Alzheimer's and is struggling to understand what is going on. They didn't care and now she was out here and he is there alone. I had been tossed from the same facility a couple of months ago so I knew that she wasn't kidding.

It turns out I carry a couple of specialty masks for just such occasions. I suggested she go back in with one of my masks and make a statement. Once I showed her the mask she should wear she cheered right up. It was a nice blue with white letters that read, "This mask is as useless as Joe Biden." I told her with that statement they won't say a word to you if you wear it sideways.

Off she went to be with her husband. She came out a while later on Cloud 9. People got pictures with her and urged her on. She actually waited on my wife to come out so she could give her a hug. She told me how appalled she was that American's are just taking this lying down. And they are.

We are cowering like sheep at the sound of the wolves. But these wolves don't want us, they want the whole ranch and then some. We have a virus that the government tells us doesn't spread if you are sitting in a restaurant but it does when you stand up. It's a virus that requires you to stay home from church but it attacks not one of the thousands who attend a football game every Saturday. They want our smallest kids wearing a mask but illegal border crossers, well, they don't spread the germs.

When I was working in business and an employee wasn't performing up to what was expected, a wise man once taught me to ask this question. Are they not performing because of a deficiency of knowledge or a deficiency of execution? If it is a deficiency of knowledge then you can train and education them. If it is a deficiency of execution, well that is totally up to them to fix.

You decide. Is your lack of action a result of a deficiency of knowledge or a deficiency of execution? Either way, the fate of our children and grandchildren depends on your response.

May the good Lord bless us all with the courage of our convictions.

by Ed Kugler

"The American Revolution represented the informed
and mature convictions of a great mass of independent, liberty-loving, God-fearing people who knew their rights,
and possessed the courage to dare to maintain them." 
Calvin Coolidge

Canadian Trucker Convoy Headed to the Ottawa
Madness Under the Big Sky
People tend to play the 'but that will never happen here' game. That kind of thinking will one day prove deadly. Here is a look at a few signs coming close to home:

  • Great Falls: Think that crime wave you're reading about across our nation's cities is about them? Think again. Click the link to read about the massive increase in homicides under the Big Sky. Billings will soon be Baltimore. Click Here

  • Lame Deer: The Northern Cheyenne tribe is working to remove their President for corruption. Click Here

  • Billings: Billings School Board votes to keep controversial books addressing LGBTQ+ issues. Click Here In other Billings news, they have transgender problems. Click Here

  • Kalispell: People coast to coast are being denied healthcare because they are not vaccinated. Read the story of one man in the Flathead. Click Here

  • Missoula: Drowning in their own 'wokeness', Missoula no longer has a homeless problem, they are working to fix the 'houseless people'. Click Here
Stop Election Fraud
or We're Doomed?
A group of patriots has established the Montana Election Integrity project. They need our help. Their mission is to "Create a statewide grassroots movement around election integrity, as well as identify weaknesses in our voting systems and county processes and fix them!"

Go to the link below and educate yourself about election integrity in Montana and then Volunteer. Sadly, our elected public officials refuse to acknowledge the existence of election fraud in the 2020 election, the epitome of 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil'. So, it is up to you. 

"Liberty means responsibility.
That is why most men dread it." 
George Bernard Shaw

Vaccine News
Montana GOP Winter Kickoff Report
I was a somewhat reluctant attendee at the Montana GOP Kickoff last weekend. It wasn’t as predictably unpleasant as I had expected. I traveled with friends, met some great people, reacquainted with others whom I had met when traveling Montana with Last Chance Patriots. Overall I would give the event a B-.

The workshops were OK, nothing spectacular. In my opinion, the best speakers were Montana AG Austin Knudsen, Congressman Rosendale, and Congresswoman Kat Cammack (R) FL. I got a little tired of the repeated litany of failures of the Biden Administration. Do they really think that politically active citizens who would attend such an event are unaware of the downward spiral of the Administration? No, we do not. And yet we were reminded over and over again of each debacle we have seen since 1/20/2021. 

What we need is to be given some hope that things can be turned around and how they plan to do it. The very last thing on the schedule was short speeches by each of the four candidates for Montana’s new Congressional District. That gave me hope because I saw Dr. O receive several spontaneous applause interruptions and I saw the entire audience stand to applaud him when he finished. No other candidate received that level of appreciation and enthusiasm. Dr. O is a man of integrity with experience as a State legislator and he doesn’t have any baggage. He will not be arriving in D.C. with “connections” to the swamp and I for one am confident that he never will. Go, Dr. O!

On the way home I saw a billboard for Ryan Zinke that said “Montana’s Seal”. Gee, I thought that was the Seal who shot Osama bin Laden, Rob O’Neil from Butte.

What do you think, Patriots? Send an email or drop us a line.

by Linda Sauer

"The highest glory of the American Revolution was this:
it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles
of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
John Quincy Adams

Refugee Resettlement Update
The State Department’s Refugee Processing Center website, which LCP has been using to gather refugee data specific to Montana for several years, has become much less user-friendly and transparent in the past 18 months.

We can no longer query the database but must now accept their standard reports. Looking at the report by State and Nationality for FY 2021, the report shows 44 refugees were resettled in Montana, 18 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and 26 from Syria. The report for FY 2022 through December 31st shows zero.

Now we all know because it has been glowingly reported in several Montana newspapers, that Montana has received an undisclosed number of Afghan refugees. These have been admitted either under SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) status which would be granted to those Afghans who were vetted and proven to deserve refuge in the U.S. because of their efforts to aid the American military during the Afghan conflict or under the auspices of “humanitarian parole” granted carelessly to unvetted refugees who just showed up begging to go to the U.S.

The State Department website has separate reports for SIV refugees but does not, for reasons which should be obvious, identify the locations to which any of the Afghans were taken in FY2021 and the reports only include those of SIV status, not the “parolees”. Again, we know that there were some resettled in Montana between August and October 31, 2021, because of local news reporting.

Most disturbingly, the reporting about an alleged rape of a young Montana woman by an Afghan refugee certainly got the attention of Montanans, but we have no idea if the accused rapist was SIV or parolee. The website’s standard report for FY2022 through December 31st lists SIV refugees by nationality and the state to which they were taken. Zero were reported for Montana. That leaves us to surmise that the Afghan refugees which have arrived here since November 1st (as reported happily by the local newspapers) are all unvetted parolees.

Our Montana congressional rep, Matt Rosendale, has been very vocal about his concerns with regard to the unvetted refugees that have been settled in Montana. Of course, he has been heavily criticized and called names for his position.

Unfortunately, we haven’t heard much from our Governor since late October, right after the rape. At that time, he called upon the Biden Administration to halt the resettlement of “unvetted Afghan refugees”. The Administration responded by declaring that the alleged rapist had been “extensively vetted” and since then we’ve heard nothing from the Governor. Not good enough, Governor! It is your job to protect the safety and welfare of Montana citizens. Time to step up and join Mr. Rosendale in sounding the alarm.

To be perfectly clear, LCP is in favor of helping Afghans and their families who risked their lives to support our military. However, the vetting process must be scrupulously and consistently applied to each and every refugee. Considering the number of Afghans who have arrived in the U.S. with extended families, it simply defies logic that a well-administered vetting process has been applied.

Furthermore, the fact that any number of refugees have been granted “humanitarian parole” which is a code for “unvetted” is unacceptable. And just like the illegals crossing the southern border who are released and disappear into our country, what makes these parolees any more likely to be tracked and assessed at a later date? This is dangerous and stupid. Anyone surprised?

By Linda Sauer
Things That Make You Go 'WTF'
Upcoming LCP Event in Polson
Last Chance Patriots will sponsor a presentation in Polson on February 17 at 6 PM. The event will be held at the Red Lion Inn Conference Center. The Red Lion did everything they could to not have the event, including raising their prices quite high. We went out on a limb here to come one and all and bring your friends. It will be eye-opening.

The presentation will examine problems with the 2020 election process. Jim Gomolka will present 'An Engineer's Analysis of the 2020 Election in Montana.'

In this presentation, Jim will explain, in an easy-to-understand way, Dr. Douglas Frank's analysis, proving that our 2020 elections in Montana were manipulated. Jim will also explain how our flawed Montana laws fail to guarantee secure elections. Most importantly, Jim will suggest actions that we can and must take in order to secure our elections which are so essential to freedom.

Our government 'of the people' requires participation 'by the people'. The compelling evidence in this presentation has been reviewed by our County Commissioners who chose to look 'into a couple of things but not to order an audit. Come and hear why concerns about the 2020 election are not going away. Bring your neighbors! This is a totally non-partisan presentation. You don't want to miss this one.

Again, here is your chance to make a difference. Come and bring someone. Jim's presentation is non-partisan and every citizen regardless of political affiliation should be concerned and get something from Jims' analysis.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Our President Said What?
Tyranny Today