Interested in running for office, community leadership, or getting involved in Utah politics and public service?
Join our nonpartisan training for women in southern Utah and surrounding communities who want to go into public service, step into community leadership, or get involved in Utah politics as candidates or campaign managers. Learn from local leaders, current elected officials in Utah, and campaign experts. Register now.
LaRene Cox, Washington County School Board Member & President of the Utah Federation of Republican Women
Miriah Elliott, Ivins City Council Member
D’Mia Lamar, SUU Student Body President
Nancy Hauck, Associate Provost of Community & Global Engagement at DSU
Becki Bronson, Public Relations Expert
Henrie Walton, Director of Institute of Politics and Public Affairs at DSU
Don Willie, Campaign Expert
McKenna Mathie, DSU Pre-Law Club President
...and more!
General Registration - $25
Students - $10
Includes light breakfast, full lunch, and a discount registration to the Real Women Run Winter Training in Salt Lake City.
Travel scholarships available upon request for anyone traveling from outside of St. George – contact (limited amount - first come, first served). Thank you to the Three Corners Women's Giving Circle for supporting these scholarships.