Move-In starts next week for the 2025 Toronto International Boat Show!
We look forward to seeing all Exhibitors soon, at your designated move-in day and time.
This will be one of our last “Pre-Show Newsletters,” with a handful of important items for you to know in advance.
We are SO EXCITED and READY to welcome everyone back together at North America's Largest Indoor Boat Show and are looking forward to a successful event!
The TIBS Show Office at Enercare Centre is fully operational from Tuesday, January 14th, through the show and until the end of Move Out on Tuesday January 28th. If you need any assistance, please reach out to us either directly, through our Floor Managers or the Show Office, in Salon 103 or call: 905-951-0009
There are over 500 Exhibitors and 300 Seminars, plus over 70 hours of on the water activity on the World’s Largest Indoor Lake for Boaters! Please share our posts from the Show’s social media accounts, to help let your customers know what’s happening @TorontoBoatShow
Safe travels and we look forward to welcoming you in person to North America’s Largest Indoor Boat Show!
Toronto Boat show social media link tree
Follow us on Social Media and Share with Your Audiences.
If you have any Move In Questions please contact Move In Coordinator:
Shawn McConnell cell 416-574-9826 I
The Toronto Boat Show Team