Exhibitor Newsletter Sponsored by: | |
Happy New Year!
We hope you were able to spend some good time over the holidays with family & friends prior to the busy show season fast approaching.
We know there's been a lot of information sent your way from us! The intention is not to overwhelm but to inform and provide you with information and tools to ensure the most successful Toronto Boat Show experience possible!
Move In Schedules are finalized, sent out to you, and the general information & parking maps can always be viewed in the Exhibitor Kit and questions asked to Move In Coordinator Shawn McConnell I Phone (416) 574-9826 s6mcconnell@gmail.com.
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Last Day to SAVE on Show Services | |
Exhibitors that have not reserved their show services including sign hanging - it is imperative that you order TODAY. Not only to receive discounted pricing, but to ensure services and products are available in time.
Most forms are interactive and can be submitted online (see below links).
Deadline for Advance Rate is January 3rd, TODAY!
QUICK LINKS from Exhibitor Kit for online ordering:
Booth Décor CLICK HERE
Carpet, Furniture (chairs, tables), Labour, Modular exhibits, Plants & Signage
Electrical & Lighting CLICK HERE
Exclusively Showtech!
Enercare Services CLICK HERE
Booth Cleaning, Catering Menu, Internet, Signage Installation & Telecoms, Parking Passes
Important: Exhibitors that have not reserved their Sign Hanging - it is imperative that you pre-order your sign needs. The sign hanging crews cannot guarantee your sign will be hung in time for the opening day if your order is not received by January 3rd.
Order Show Days Parking Passes by January 13 CLICK HERE
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LAST CHANCE: Book Hotels at Great Rates Today | |
Customers Are Looking for Your Boats | |
List Your Boats Today!
Consumers use our website to Search Boats on Display in advance and plan their Boat show visit.
Our online showcase allows boat buyers to search by boat brand, view pricing and schedule appointments with dealers during the show.
Make sure your Boats are among those listed online as attendees research their next boat purchase!
The Toronto Boat Show website feature our 'Online Inventory Showroom'. boatdealers.ca are operating the showroom as the "Official Boat Listing Service" of the show.
If your are a Dealer or Manufacturer that are displaying boats at the show make sure to take advantage of this opportunity to generate interest before and after the show.
Please email TIBS@BoatDealers.ca the following:
· Booth Number(s) and Company Listing Name (as in print guide)
· Other Participating Dealers
· Information on the boats your dealership are bringing to the show
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New Products and Product Search on the Website | |
More New Products are launched at the Boat Show than anywhere in Canada!
It's not too late to add Your New Products and Expand your Digital Listing!
Make it Easy for your Customers to Find You and Your Products!!
We encourage all exhibitors to add your company's selling propositions including Show Specials, images, videos, brochures, locations, links to your website, tags and social channels to be used as your “Online Exhibitor Booth” helping to target interested consumers.
Attendee’s type in what they are looking for: products, services, brands, general phrases.
All exhibitors are strongly encouraged to focus on key words and descriptions in their listing so that consumers can easily find you and connect.
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Submit Insurance by the Deadline of January 6 | |
Insurance Information
A reminder that the 2025 exhibitor spaces include $2 million commercial general liability coverage at the show (does not include property and product). It also includes the appropriate additional insureds added, provided by ExhibitorInsurance.com.
The amount of $159 for the coverage is included in your space contract.
Exhibitors that have their own insurance, AND provide their certificate that meets the show & venue’s requirements (including additional insureds) by January 6, will receive a refund from Canadian Boat Shows of $159 following the show.
For Exhibitors, Working Dealers and Exhibitor Appointed Contractors that have their own insurance: Ensure certificates meet the criteria outlined in COI SAMPLE and upload via the link below to a portal managed by Exhibitorinsurance.com, the official 2025 insurance supplier.
Certificates are reviewed quickly by Exhibitorinsurance.com and exhibitors will be contacted via email if there are any changes to be made.
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Safety Guidelines, Display Guidelines, Structural Guidelines for Stairs, Railings and Platforms | |
The Exhibitor Kit provides full information on the Display and Structural Guidelines and Health & Safety procedures for the 2025 upcoming show.
Regulations change every year, so all exhibitors please make sure you review all updated information and adhere to the current regulations.
If you are planning to build new stairs and new platforms over 10 m2 (107.6 sq.ft) or greater for the upcoming show, please adhere to the provided recent regulations in place for the 2025 show & onwards issued by the City of Toronto.
Due to the nature of Boat Shows there are several safety and booth configuration concerns which regularly repeat themselves at each year’s show. By addressing these issues prior to the show, when planning your exhibit, you can save your organization valuable time on-site (you will not spend your time fixing any infractions required by the designated safety inspector). Please read through the following list which outlines the most common of such infractions. The safety guidelines are only a summary of the basic requirements of the 2024 Ontario Building Code and should not be construed as the Code itself. Each design will be inspected individually for safety.
If you have any questions or concerns about your display that is not listed please feel free to contact us.
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Exhibitor Name Badge Lanyards | |
Exhibitors will be provided lanyards for their name badge Sponsored by CTOW
Lanyards will be delivered to your booth spaces and can picked up in the Show Office Salon 103.
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Media Day - Friday, January 17 | |
(Show closed to the public on Friday,
Show opens Saturday January 18 at 10am)
Each year Toronto Boat Show's PR Agency, Centric PR will look through submitted new products to make a selection for Media - 'What's New?'. Exhibitors who have benefitted from the show's PR efforts in the past are aware of how effective show publicity can be for their business.
All products will not gain media attention, but Centric PR will make best efforts to gain exposure to as many unique products and services as possible.
If you are submitting New Product entries continue to do so, but if you have a special unveiling, planned launch, VIP in attendance, interactive demonstration for the media on Friday, January 17th – we want to HELP maximize your potential exposure!
Let us know your plans by sending email with press release info to Katya Sundukova
marking it 'Media Day' in the subject line:
katya@canadianboatshows.com or call 905.951.4050 if you have any questions
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Late Night Thursday - Take Note of Show Hours | |
Please take note of the New Show Hours on:
Late Night Thursday - Extended Hours for Shopping Until 10pm!
Thursday, January 23
11am – 10pm
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Shopping experience that is relaxed and not rushed for the attendees.
Contests, Live Music and More!
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Buy a Boat & Win! For Your Customers & Sales Team | |
The Buy/Sell A Boat & WIN program returns as an important tool to help close the sale.
An added incentive for the consumer to buy at the show, this program offers the boat-buyer the chance to enter to WIN $10,000 toward the cost of their boat purchased at the show - however, large or small!
Ballots are completed at point of purchase, with either the dealer or consumer dropping the ballot off at the Show Office (Salon 103).
Each day, a draw awards $100 to a dealer's salesperson who sold a boat that day.
The program also gathers boat sales statistics for business stories, providing positive exposure for the industry. Thanks to the 2025 Sponsor RBC.
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Over 300 Seminars and Events at 6 stages | |
NMMA Canada Industry Breakfast:
Tuesday, January 21, 8:30 am - 11: 00 am
Over 300 seminars with Topics Ready to Excite, Motivate & Inspire The Boaters!
Main Stage: Heritage Court
Studio EX: Hall B
Salon 107: Hall B
The Boat House Ask The Experts : Hall C
Sailor’s Hub : Hall D
Great Canadian Fish Tank: Cottage Country
Special events:
Women’s Day : Salon 107 - January 19
Discover Camping & Boating: Main Stage - January 18,19
Sailors Day: Sailor's Hub - January 25
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Important Deadlines and Quick Links | |
Scam Alert - Exhibitors Beware! | |
It is unfortunate but a reality that fraudulent emails and calls reach Exhibitors with misleading information.
These annoying and frustrating emails and calls happen to almost every major trade and consumer show in North America. Please ignore them.
These parties claim to represent the Toronto Boat show but have NO relationship with the Toronto Boat Show.
We ask you to remain cautious and do not enter into agreements, contracts or release information to any callers asking:
- to buy or sell database of consumers or other exhibitors
- to help you book show hotels
- ask you about the number of staff you have or how many staff members will be attending the show
- for release of information about the number of boats and their logistics to and from the show
- for credit card information for show guide listing or ads
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2025 Show Newsletters
The Toronto Boat Show newsletters are the main source of communication. They come from this email address: chare@canadianboatshows.com so please add to your contacts and acceptable lists of emails.
Some exhibitors report that they don’t receive the newsletter, or it lands in their junk folder. We suggest to please check your junk or clutter folders periodically.
If you have not been receiving our Newsletters, please let us know to add your email address to the distribution list. If anyone else from your company should be receiving the newsletters, please send us their email.
All exhibitor newsletters are located on the show's website, so you can also keep up to date on communications if your email filters don't consistently display them in your in-box.
Click Here for past newsletters.
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