These top members are less invested in stock funds than the top 300. They also hold a higher ratio of S-fund to C-fund than the top 300.
Average Allocation of the Top 300 AutoTracker Members:
(includes premium members)
G: 3.4%, F: 0.7%, C: 41.2%, S: 54.1%, I: 0.6%
Compare to previous reports
The average G-fund allocation rose by 1% yesterday while stocks were up. This means some profit was taken by some of these top members. Still, the top of the standings remains nearly fully invested.
As a Last Look subscriber, you can access the TSP Talk AutoTracker standings, that include other Premium Members. You will need to have your own AutoTracker account as well. You can sign up for free here if you don't.
Fund Morning Performance
30 minutes before the TSP trade deadline:
The S&P 500 (C-fund) is up 0.3%
The DWCPF (S-fund) is down 0.4%
The ACWX (I-fund) is down 0.6%
The bond ETF BND (F-fund) is down 0.4%
Click Here for Real Time Quotes of the C, S, I, and F-fund Tracking Indices.
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