In this issue:

Remote Produce Safety Grower Training

Adapting and Responding to COVID-19

Crop Insurance Listening Session

Food Safety Farmer Focus Groups
Last call to register!!
On-farm food safety practices are vital in the produce industry. Many farms are now required to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. The Produce Safety Alliance created a grower training to educate growers on the Produce Safety Rule. Upon completion of this training, participants receive a certificate satisfying the requirement 112.22(c) in the Produce Safety Rule.
Who should attend:
Anyone who grows, harvests, packs and handles fresh fruits and vegetables.  Registration is limited to 20 participants.  Sign up soon to reserve your spot.
What is required to receive a certificate:
You must attend  both   days of the training. Additionally, you must have the following:
  • Internet access
  • Zoom Video Conferencing software*
  • Web camera
  • Microphone
When is the registration deadline:
Registration closes at 11:59 pm on August 2nd Training materials will be mailed to your residence. Registration closes 3 weeks before the training to accommodate ordering materials and mailing them to you.
*Once you receive the registration link, you will be prompted to download the  free  Zoom software. You do not have to create an account to participate.

**P articipant attendance and engagement will be monitored. Participants are only eligible for a PSA/AFDO Certificate of Course Completion if they are present for all modules of the course**
How are communities successfully adapting and responding to COVID-19? What are innovative ways leaders are helping communities navigate the pandemic maze? What are the common obstacles communities have encountered along the way?
Leaders from five Arkansas communities will virtually gather on August 4 th at 11:00 AM to share how their communities are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they continue to adapt, innovate, and grow to meet the demands of these uncertain times.

“Adapting & Responding to COVID-19: A Conversation with Community Leaders” will feature representatives from Sheridan, Camden, Fairfield Bay, Alma, and Corning and will be facilitated by members of the Community, Professional, and Economic Development unit and the Breakthrough Solutions program. The event aims to provide a space for community leaders, members, and stakeholders to share successful ways to navigate COVID-19, reflect on roadblocks they encountered along the way, share lessons learned, and explore ways to strengthen response processes for the future.

Participants are encouraged to engage with community representatives, ask questions, and apply the reflective framework to their own experiences so they may examine and strengthen response strategies and feel prepared to support their own communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Registration for the virtual conversation is free!
Virtual Listening Session
Feasibility of Insuring Local Food Production

Join USDA's Risk Management Agency in a conversation about improving existing crop insurance coverage options and possibilities for new crop insurance programs for farmers and ranchers selling to local food markets.

If you are an Arkansas farmer or rancher , join the conversation on August 26th at 12 pm . Information on how to join the Zoom session is below.

Zoom information:
Password: local
Meeting ID: 873 7287 2344
Food Safety Farmer Focus Groups

Each hour-long, virtual focus group is co-facilitated by a farmer who shares about their farm operation and systems with regards to the produce safety topic of the focus group. This is followed by a round-table discussion which serves as an opportunity for farmers to workshop challenges and share solutions with one another. We recognize the expertise that each farmer brings to the conversation so each participant will receive a $50 stipend and a copy of our food safety guidebook: A Small Farmer's Practical Guide to Food Safety .

Focus groups are happening today through August 20th.

To join a focus group, register at .
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