Learn about the Baha’i, Jain and Zoroastrian Faiths This Sunday

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit and WISDOM (Women’s Interfaith Solutions for Dialogue and Outreach in Metro Detroit) will present a program about spring holidays of the Baha’i, Jain and Zoroastrian faiths on Sunday, May 22. The
3:00 p.m. program will be available online and in person at the Jain Society of Greater Detroit, 29278 W. 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills.
       Presenters will include Hermione Pickens—Baha’i, Ankit Shah—Jain, and Dr. Ardeshir Irani—Zoroastrian. Rev. Dr. Charles Packer will be the moderator. From 2:30 to 3:00 p.m., participants will be able to tour the Jain Society--shown in the photo above. Light refreshments will be served and a donation of $20 is suggested.
       Please register at https://forms.gle/Dz7mkFqPV5g9hniC9
or visit detroitinterfaithcouncil.com.

Interfaith Program Will Explore Jewish and Christian Holidays

     This year the holidays of Shavuot (Jewish) and Pentecost (Christian) will both occur on June 4. The Song and Spirit Institute for Peace will present a program about these special days on Saturday, June 4 at 7 p.m. at their facility located at 1717 W. 13 Mile Road in Royal Oak.
        The program--Shavuot/Pentecost: A Mystical Sabbath2Sabbath--will include a study session and interactive mystical ritual. It will be held in person and live-streamed at facebook.com/PeaceSalaamShalom. Those who plan to attend in person are asked to register at [email protected]. Vaccination is required to attend in person.

Upcoming Events: Please Save These Dates

         The Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network (DION) will hold its annual community picnic on Sunday, August 7 from noon to 4 p.m. on Belle Isle. Details of this popular city-suburban event will follow.
        A documentary about Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, will be shown at the West Bloomfield Public Library on Sunday, August 28 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit | P.O. Box 252271, West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Phone: [313.338.9777] Email contact: [email protected]