Thursday May 9 by 5 pm is the last day to submit a comment to Planning and Zoning
We've made it really quick and easy -- will only take you a minute or two! Just add your name and address to an email below and send!
We are at a cross roads
--a choice between yet another large CBH development in NW Boise, including a three story apartment complex, or a chance to let our vision of a scenic corridor take root along this spur of the Oregon Trail.
Which of these choices would truly sustain Boise in the decades to come?
If you only can do one quick thing to help right now, please find a topic or two among the six below most important to you.
Click on the corresponding
Email Boise
button and a short message on that topic should appear in your email client ready to send. Just
add your name and address
at the bottom and SEND to city planners. Then forward this email to others you think should know.
If you have a little more time, please click on the
Get Letter
button and a longer letter on that topic should appear in your browser. Cut & paste into an email, add your name and address, and either send it in as is, or add your own thoughts, change it up, and make it your own! Make sure to get these comments in by May 8. Address them to, and reference PUD19-00012.
Sending in letters at this point is important even if you have commented earlier.
Let's all show up to the next hearing to support better growth policies:
Boise Planning and Zoning: Monday 6pm May 13
Boise City Hall
Boise City Council:
Thank you!