Lincoln County Television & Media Center is your non-profit, public access, community media for and about the citizens of Lincoln County, Maine | |
LCTV News October 19, 2022 | |
Hello Claire,
The Giant Pumpkins and Pumpkinboats left town this week until next year, but they live on in our one-hour Pumpkinfest special. It will premiere this Saturday, Oct. 22, at 7:00pm on and local channel 7. We'll bring you highlights from Weigh-Offs Weekend, Pumpkin Deployment, Artists at Work, the Parade, and the Regatta. Plus the reign of the new Pumpkin Queen, Sarah Wentworth.
We're proud to offer this special as a gift to our community and for everyone who works so hard to make this globally known festival possible.
(Photo: Lisa Conway Macnair)
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Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our successful LCTV Candidates Forum, co-presented with our friends at the beautifully restored Waldo Theatre in Waldoboro.
With thanks to Don Carrigan for his expert moderation, our in-person and online audiences heard from 10 local candidates for the Maine Senate and House of Representatives.
Catch it Friday night at 7:00pm on and local channel 7.
We look forward to the next opportunity to bring our community together at The Waldo.
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If you were part of the huge crowd for Saturday's Medomak Valley vs. Oceanside football game, you already know it was an exciting, down-to-the-wire 35-32 win for the Panthers. We're extremely proud of our HD filming and announcing: Watch Now.
This is the level of quality we plan to bring you for winter basketball ... coming right up.
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Keep reading for what's new this week, plus links to all our shows from last week. Thank you for supporting LCTV - your homegrown, nonprofit, local Community Media station and media center. Please give us a call at 563-6338, send an email, or stop by 29 "Hollywood" Sheepscot Rd. in Newcastle.
Thanks for watching,
Larry Sidelinger
LCTV Board President
P.S. - Support LCTV by making a one-time or recurring secure tax-deductible donation at We receive zero tax dollars. Learn more.
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New LCTV Community Shows this Week
Watch all our first-run shows on and Spectrum/Tidewater 7
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Thursday October 20 - 7:00pm: Wuzzup News Show
This week's Lincoln County News headlines with Larry Sidelinger and Bobby Whear.
Friday October 21 - 7:00pm: LCTV Candidates Forum
Watch the Oct. 18 event filmed at the Waldo Theatre with 10 local Maine Senate and Maine House candidates.
Saturday October 22 - 7:00pm: 2022 Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta Special
Covering all the fun from this year's event.
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2022 Pumpkinboat Regatta
The beloved tradition returns, with carved-out pumpkinboats racing in the harbor. This one-hour show captures all the action.
Watch Now
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Wuzzup News Show - October 13
Hosts Larry Sidelinger and Bobby Whear deliver their take on last week's Lincoln County News headlines. Plus TV Toby!
Watch Now
Watch all Wuzzup News Shows
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Sponsorship Opportunities | |
LCTV relies on support from our community to bring you local shows, high school sports, and special events.
We also welcome LCTV Community Partners who show support on an annual basis.
To learn more, please visit our Sponsorship page or reach out to Lang Sheppard at
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That's all the news for now from "Hollywood" Sheepscot Rd.
See you soon!
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Our work keeps our citizens informed and shares Lincoln County's people, places and events of interest.
Your support connects our friends, family, and visitors here in Lincoln County and around the world.
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Lincoln County Television broadcasts on Spectrum/Tidewater 7 and as Lincoln County’s non-profit public access and community television station. The station presents government meetings, educational programs, community events, and original weekly, monthly and special shows for Lincoln County residents of all ages. Follow LCTV on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and
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Lincoln County Television & Media Center
29 Sheepscot Road,
Newcastle, Maine 04553
(207) 563-6338
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