August 2024 e-Newsletter

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Important News & Updates

Lower Gwynedd Comp Plan

The Lower Gwynedd Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has completed a draft community vision statement based on preliminary data research, the community survey, and the public open house. The vision statement is intended to broadly demonstrate what Lower Gwynedd Township is now, and what it hopes to be by 2045.

Please take a few minutes to review the draft vision statement and let us know your thoughts!

Join us this fall at a community open house on October 28th from 4pm-6pm to learn about the comprehensive plan and share your vision for Lower Gwynedd.  

Green Light Go Grant:

Lower Gwynedd Township has been awarded funding through the PennDot Green-Light-Go Grant Program in the amount of $324,640 for the upgrade of two traffic signals along Welsh Road at Welsh Road & Evans Road as well as Welsh Road & Darden. The Green-Light-Go Program is aimed at increasing safety and mobility across Pennsylvania’s communities by relieving congestion and improving traffic flow.

Spring House Intersection

The Spring House Intersection project is wrapping up. The first two weeks of August will be spent finalizing the signal improvements, installing the final pavement markings and crosswalks, and completing the final grading and seeding work. Final inspections are scheduled for mid-August and the intersection will be fully operational by the first day of School on August 26th.   

Ingersoll House & Barn Auction

From a $425,000 listing to a $710,000 sale: The Ingersoll House and Barn, a historic gem dating back to the 1700s running atop an ancient spring sold at auction on July 29th.

Road Program-Update

As part of the Lower Gwynedd Township Annual Road Program the Township schedules certain roads to be repaired and resurfaced. While most of the road program is complete, the ultra-thin friction course will be scheduled later this summer into the Fall. The manhole work was completed earlier this summer. We apologize for the inconvenience the raised manholes create. The following roads are slated for the ultra- thin friction course:

  • Alene Road
  • Hamilton Road
  • Davis Road
  • Hays Lane
  • Lamplighter Lane
  • Lamplighter Circle
  • Vestra Road

Upcoming Events

Tree Giveaway-Save the Date

The Township's 3rd Annual Tree Give Away will be held on October 5, 2024.  Registration opens on September 1, 2024.

August Meetings

 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
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