Good morning!

We promised some 2023 champion stories for the rest of December, and we have some in these pages. The most familiar name among these four Late Model champions is Skylar Holzhausen, the son of upper-Midwest legend and 40-year veteran Steve Holzhausen. Skylar (whose #78 is shown; Roy Ophime Photography) added to the legacy of his family and his crew chief at LaCrosse Fairgrounds Speedway in West Salem WI.

Skylar shares a similar day job in the Badger State with another 2023 Late Model champion: Kevin Gambacorta at Stafford CT. You can read about Gambacorta and Alabama track titlists Bryce Carver and Lee Hansard by scrolling down and clicking on the large-type link with today's date below. There's another shot of Hansard and his crew at the bottom of this email.

We'll be back Friday with some more 2023 title campaign pieces. Thanks for reading!

Late Model Digest - December 13, 2023 (Wednesday Winners)

Below: Sayre Speedway champion Lee Hansard enjoys the plaque from Simple Moments Photography with his crew - his dad Earl Hansard, J.T. Thomas (left) and Keith Wright (right) at the Alabama bullring's 2023 awards banquet. (Shelly Martin photo)

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