January 27, 2021
Eden Health District COVID-19 Bulletin
Flashback: One Year Ago
"Some infectious disease experts are warning that it may no longer be feasible to contain the new coronavirus circulating in China. Failure to stop it there could see the virus spread in a sustained way around the world and even perhaps join the ranks of respiratory viruses that regularly infect people."
Helen Branswell, health reporter, STAT, 1/26/20
Teen baker raises thousands with macaron sales to donate to local nonprofit
At 16, San Jose native Shrobana Sengupta wants to make sure that families in need had the tools to survive. "During this pandemic, it's given me, and probably a lot of people, a lot more time at home and instead of spending it just watching TV and just wasting that time," Sengupta said. "I really just wanted to use it and help other people." So, the Presentation High School student got to work.

Sengupta says that she learned the core values of giving back and volunteerism from her school and her mother. After spending time as a volunteer at San Jose nonprofit Sunday Friends, she knew where she wanted to make an impact.

"Around September or October, I started a fundraiser for Sunday Friends," Sengupta said. "I've been volunteering with the Sunday Friends since middle school and I've seen upfront all the good work they've been doing for these families. So, I really wanted to aid with that and give 50 families 50 laptops by raising $15,000. The way I've been raising the money is mainly through donations and by selling these macarons."
Sengupta sells her handmade macarons through her Instagram page and website. Since the fundraiser began, she has more than $6,000 of her $15,000 goal to help the families involved with Sunday Friends.

“I knew macarons were known to be very difficult to make, so I kind of took it up as a challenge. I knew that $15,000 is not easy to raise just on my own for so long, so I would be really, really happy to be able to help all these families and give them the computers and help them out.”

Source: ABC 7 News
By the Numbers
Bay Area: 363,936

California: 3,216,309

U.S.: 25,531,924
Alameda County

Cases: 71,851

Deaths: 906

Test Positivity: 9.1%

Hospitalized Patients: 418

ICU Beds Available: 71
Bay Area: 3,917

California: 38,279

U.S.: 427,432
Contra Costa County

Cases: 55,337

Deaths: 492

Test Positivity: 11.1%

Hospitalized Patients: 236

ICU Beds Available: 27
Sources: Johns Hopkins UniversitySF Chronicle, NY Times and dashboards for California and Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
Bay Area News
NBC Bay Area News, January 26, 2021
The surge in Covid-19 cases in Alameda County is receding, a health official told county supervisors Tuesday afternoon. "Newly reported cases have stabilized in recent days," Alameda County Health Officer Dr. Nicholas Moss said. Moss said that he's in agreement that Alameda County should be in the purple tier. He was also optimistic. "We have the potential to move to the red tier in a matter of weeks," he said. The county is getting about 10,000 first doses of the coronavirus vaccine each week while 145,000 people make up the population of health care workers and those in skilled care facilities who are currently eligible to be vaccinated.  "We have a very large health care workforce here," Colleen Chawla, director of the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency told supervisors. 

Upcoming Vaccine Safety and Distribution Town Halls
(Further information on how to obtain the vaccines in the Bay Area are at the bottom of the Bulletin).
City Press Release, January 26, 2021
The City of San Leandro will be providing $400,000 in additional grants to San Leandro businesses that applied to the Alameda County CARES Grant Program. On January 20, 2021, the San Leandro City Council unanimously voted to allocate $400,000 in general fund reserves to help suffering businesses. These funds will be awarded to businesses who previously applied to the Alameda County CARES Grant Program, but did not receive a grant. The funds will provide $5,000 grants to 80 businesses. These funds are in addition to the $150,000 allocation the City contributed towards the Alameda County CARES Grant Program in December, which was matched by the County to provide $300,000 in earmarked funds to San Leandro businesses.

LA Times, January 26, 2021
A Bay Area hospital has had its supply of COVID-19 vaccine cut off after offering doses to teachers who were not in the state’s priority group. Good Samaritan Hospital in Santa Clara County will no longer receive COVID-19 vaccine after county officials learned that the hospital gave teachers from a nearby school district a chance to jump the vaccination line, which prioritizes healthcare workers and people primarily 75 and older.
Vaccine & Health News
Wall Street Journal, January 26, 2021
The Biden administration on Tuesday said it would boost the supply of coronavirus vaccines sent to states by about 16% for the next three weeks and will purchase enough additional doses to vaccinate most of the U.S. population with a two-dose regimen by the end of the summer. Senior administration officials said the federal government is working to purchase an additional 100 million doses each of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, increasing the total U.S. vaccine order by 50% to 600 million from 400 million. Officials said they expect the additional doses to be delivered over the summer. The purchases will provide enough supply to vaccinate 300 million Americans in a two-dose regimen over the summer.

Authoritative Voices on Danger Posed by New Virus Variants

Science, January 26, 2021
News from U.S. manufacturer Moderna that its COVID-19 vaccine is still “expected to be protective” against a virus variant first detected in South Africa came as a relief to scientists and the public. But the 25 January announcement included a caveat: Antibodies triggered by the vaccine appear to be a little less potent against the new variant, named B.1.351, than the one the vaccine was developed for. So researchers were perhaps even more relieved to hear the company will start development of booster shots tailored to B.1.351 and other variants

Wall Street Journal, January 26, 2021
Scientists are settling on a road map that can help critical sectors of the economy safely conduct business, from meatpacking plants to financial services, despite the pandemic’s continued spread. After nearly a year of study, the lessons include: Mask-wearing, worker pods and good air flow are much more important than surface cleaning, temperature checks and plexiglass barriers in places like offices and restaurants. And more public-health experts now advocate wide use of cheap, rapid tests to detect cases quickly, in part because many scientists now think more than 50% of infections are transmitted by people without symptoms.

USA Today, January 27, 2021
They say two heads are better than one, but can the same be said for masks? The answer is yes, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert.
US and California Data: Last 90 Days
Covid Tracking Project, 1/26/21 (solid lines are 7-day averages)
United States
California News
Mercury News, January 27, 2021
Frustrated by the sluggish pace of California’s COVID-19 vaccine program, state officials are taking charge with a streamlined new system they say will deliver shots to residents more quickly than the fractured and localized model they have now.

California’s new system, announced Tuesday, aims to centralize vaccine distribution at the state level, where a new team will work with providers to send out doses and better track how quickly they get into arms, according to Gov. Newsom and other state leaders. The goal is to make the distribution more efficient and to see in real time how the different providers are doing in reaching out to their communities and making sure people get access to shots. The state is promising to ensure that low-income and communities of color have priority access to the vaccine.

LA Times, January 27, 2021
Just weeks into California’s rocky rollout of the coronavirus vaccine, evidence is emerging of inequities in who is getting the medicine, prompting growing demands that vulnerable communities receive more attention. Los Angeles County officials said Tuesday they are concerned about low vaccination numbers among healthcare workers in South L.A. and other communities of color, while advocates for essential workers worry that California’s new vaccine priority plan slows their ability to get inoculated despite the dangers inherent in their jobs.

The county Department of Public Health released demographic data Tuesday showing a significantly lower rate of vaccinations for healthcare workers who live in South L.A., home to large populations of Black and Latino residents, compared with other regions.

CalMatters, January 26, 2021
Educators, childcare workers, food and farm workers and first responders will join Californians age 65 and over who have priority to qualify for the coronavirus vaccine, state officials announced. After that large group is vaccinated, the next priority group will be based on age — and middle-aged Californians are likely to be next in line.  

The new statewide standard takes effect mid-February and will apply to all 58 counties in an effort to accelerate California’s low vaccination rate. It’s unclear how long it will take to vaccinate this new group, but the announcement dovetails with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s effort to reopen schools and small businesses.
California’s leaders hope the new system will simplify a confusing and chaotic county-by-county vaccine rollout that has deeply frustrated millions of Californians vying for still-scant supplies.

Sacramento Bee, January 26, 2021
These are the key changes in the move from the stay-at-home order to the purple reopening tier, according to the California Department of Public Health:

▪ Restaurants may reopen for outdoor dining.
▪ “Personal care service” businesses including barbershops, hair salons, nail salons and more may reopen, with modifications.
▪ Retail stores’ indoor capacity limits are increased from 20% to 25% of their usual limits.
▪ Hotels and lodging are no longer required to have non-essential, out-of-state travelers stay in a mandatory quarantine period upon arrival.
▪ Outdoor campgrounds may reopen with modifications.
▪ The state’s curfew barring non-essential businesses from operating from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. has expired.
US News
Associated Press, January 27, 2021
As many as 90,000 Americans are projected to die from the coronavirus in the next four weeks, the Biden administration warned in its first science briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic, as experts outlined efforts to improve the delivery and injection of COVID-19 vaccines. The hourlong briefing Wednesday by the team charged by President Joe Biden with ending the pandemic, was meant to deliver on his promise of “leveling” with the American people about the state of the outbreak that has already claimed more than 425,000 U.S. lives.

CNN, January 27, 2021
January has already become the worst month for US Covid-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic. As of Tuesday, there have been more than 79,000 coronavirus fatalities, topping the previous record set in December by more than a thousand, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The grim milestone underpins the growing demand from state officials for more vaccines so that Americans can be inoculated more quickly.
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden's Covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients told governors that allocations would increase by around 16% starting next week.

Associated Press, January 27, 2021
Several states are loosening their coronavirus restrictions on restaurants and other businesses because of improved infection and hospitalization numbers but are moving gradually and cautiously, in part because of the more contagious variant taking hold in the U.S.

While the easing could cause case rates to rise, health experts say it can work if done in a measured way and if the public remains vigilant about masks and social distancing. “If the frequency goes up, you tighten it up. If the frequency goes down, you loosen up. Getting it just right is almost impossible,” said Dr. Arnold Monto, a public health professor at the University of Michigan. “There’s no perfect way to do this.”

NPR, January 27, 2021
Today, most consumers still aren't able to buy N95 masks, because the supply available to retailers remains very limited. Even hospital workers are still being asked to ration and reuse their supplies of N95s, and the CDC website says, "N-95 respirators should not be used [by the general public] because they should be conserved for healthcare personnel."

Meanwhile, consumer demand for N95s and medical-grade, surgical-style masks keeps growing as the Biden administration emphasizes the use of masks by the public to slow the spread of the coronavirus — especially as new variants of it spread rapidly around the world.

The story of N95 production over the last year in many ways reflects shortages seen throughout the U.S. medical supply during the pandemic — from ventilators and exam gloves to syringes and vaccines. The demand is global and sustained, putting pressure on a fragile supply chain that remains stressed and unable to keep up.  

Bloomberg, January 27, 2021
Asian Americans who lost their jobs during the pandemic have found it harder than most to get them back.
The 5.9% unemployment rate among the roughly 10 million-strong Asian workforce in December was below the national rate. But in the final 3 months of 2020, almost half of jobless Asians had been out of work for at least 27 weeks -- a bigger share than White, Black or Hispanic Americans.
The reasons are largely economic and geographic. Many work in industries particularly vulnerable to business closures, and almost one-third of Asian Americans live in California, one of the states hit hardest by pandemic restrictions.
CA Education News
EdSource, January 27, 2021
After years of steadily rising numbers of homeless youth in California, schools saw a significant drop during the last school year in the official tally of homeless students — leading some advocates to warn that thousands of students may have gone uncounted during the pandemic and are not receiving services they need.
Homeless students are among the groups most likely to experience learning loss during the pandemic, according to a report by the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, so the lack of services may have long-lasting impacts on their academic careers.

EdSource, January 26, 2021
The first California study measuring declines in learning during the first months of the pandemic parallels findings nationally: There has been a significant drop in test results in the early grades, with low-income students and English learners showing the least progress in learning.

LA Times, January 26, 2021
The urgency to salvage the semester throughout the state was underscored by new research showing the depth of student learning loss and by frustrated parents who organized statewide to pressure officials to bring back in-person instruction.

Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell, who chairs the state’s Assembly Education Committee, expressed frustration that educators are not being prioritized by the L.A. County Health Department even as teachers in Long Beach are scheduled for vaccines this week. Although Long Beach is part of L.A. County, it operates its own independent health agency.
US Education News
NY Times, January 26, 2021
When to keep schools open, and how to do so, has been an issue plaguing the response by the United States to the pandemic since its beginning. President Biden vowed to “teach our children in safe schools” in his inaugural address.
On Tuesday, federal health officials weighed in with a call for returning children to the nation’s classrooms as soon as possible, saying the “preponderance of available evidence” indicates that in-person instruction can be carried out safely as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained. But local officials also must be willing to impose limits on other settings — like indoor dining, bars or poorly ventilated gyms — in order to keep infection rates low in the community at large, researchers at the CDC said in the journal JAMA and in a follow-up interview.

USA Today, January 27, 2021
A Kaiser Health News analysis of federal and state Occupational Safety and Health Administration data found more than 780 COVID-19-related complaints covering more than 2,000 public and private K-12 schools. But those pleas for help likely represent only a small portion of the problems, because a federal loophole prevents public school employees from lodging them in 24 states without their own OSHA agencies or federally approved programs for local and state employees. Still, the complaints filed provide a window into the safety lapses: Employees reported sick children coming to school, maskless students and teachers less than 6 feet apart, and administrators minimizing the dangers of the virus and punishing teachers who spoke out.
Man survives lightning strike, then beats Covid-19
They say lightning never strikes the same place twice, but maybe bad luck does.

Hawaii resident Aumauinuuese Puni was struck by lightning back in April. He was on the roof of a building in Waikiki, where he worked, and was doing a Facebook Live streaming the view from Diamond Head during some rainy weather.

At the start of his livestream, he briefly mentioned the possibility of being struck by lightning while standing out in the open. Shortly after, Puni found himself in that exact situation when lightning struck his body, causing him to drop his phone.

Puni said he felt the impact for at least 15 minutes after and his sneakers were scorched.
Then this month, a family member’s co-worker was exposed to a person who tested positive for Covid-19. The entire family got tested and found that they all had contracted the virus, even Puni. The 51-year-old tested positive on Jan. 9 and soon found himself in the hospital battling Covid-19 complications. He was released after several days.

Now recovering at home, Puni urges everyone to do their part to stay safe and healthy.

Source: KHON TV News
International News
NY Times, January 25, 2021
Israel, which leads the world in vaccinating its population against the coronavirus, has produced some encouraging news: Early results show a significant drop in infection after just one shot of a two-dose vaccine, and better than expected results after both doses.

Public health experts caution that the data, based on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, is preliminary and has not been subjected to clinical trials. Even so, Dr. Anat Ekka Zohar, vice president of Maccabi Health Services, one of the Israeli health maintenance organizations that released the data, called it “very encouraging.”

NY Times, January 26, 2021
Hong Kong has long been one of the most unequal places on Earth, a city where sleek luxury malls sit shoulder-to-shoulder with overcrowded tenements where the bathroom sometimes doubles as the kitchen. In normal times, that inequality is often concealed by the city’s glittery surface. But during the coronavirus pandemic, its cost has become unmistakable.

More than 160 confirmed cases were found in the neighborhood of Jordan from Jan. 1 to the end of last week, out of about 1,100 citywide. The government responded by locking down 10,000 residents in a 16-block area. More than 3,000 workers, many in hazmat suits, descended on the area to conduct mass testing.

The Guardian, January 27, 2021
Two more returnees who stayed at the same New Zealand hotel at the same time as Sunday’s coronavirus case have tested positive after finishing their quarantine. The two people are asymptomatic and had already completed their managed isolation at Auckland’s Pullman hotel and returned two negative tests, the Department of Health said.

It is yet to be confirmed if they are recent or historic infections and further testing is urgently being carried out.
The cases are now in isolation at home while investigators track how they contracted the disease – and their activities since their release.

Reuters, January 27, 2021
The country’s principle strategy - to manufacture 100 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine locally - has been plagued by repeated delays. That effort isn’t expected to yield a finished product until March at the earliest. AstraZeneca last week sent 2 million emergency doses to help Brazil get started. Meanwhile, Brazil’s Health Ministry has yet to sign deals with other vaccine makers.

The delays leave Brazil’s 210 million residents vulnerable to one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks on the planet. Brazil has tallied more than 218,000 COVID-19 fatalities, second only to the United States, and vaccinated less than 0.5% of its population.
Alice Lu-Culligan and Akiko Iwasaki, NY Times, January 26, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll on women’s careers, finances and home lives. Although the vaccines may represent a solution, as scientists studying coronavirus infection and immune responses in women, we are now hearing from young women who say they might skip the shots out of fear for their fertility or nursing child.

Many women are being bombarded with social media posts that falsely claim that coronavirus vaccines cause infertility. They do not want to take chances. These women need reassurance of the benefits of getting vaccinated, and they need clear explanations of why declining the vaccine would be a bigger gamble.

Professor Joseph Allen, Washington Post, January 26, 2021
N95 masks are cheap — pre-pandemic they cost about 50 cents — and easy to manufacture. Yet our country has failed to invoke the Defense Production Act to produce enough masks for health-care workers and other essential workers.

Caitlin Owens, STAT, January 27, 2021
An increasing number of Americans say they want to get the coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible, per new KFF polling. By the numbers: 41% of U.S. adults now say they'll get a vaccine as soon as it's made available to them, an increase from 34% in December. Another 6% said they have already been vaccinated. The share of adults who said they want to wait and see how the vaccine is working for others before getting it dropped, from 39% in December to 31% this month.

Vaccine enthusiasm increased across racial groups, but Black and Hispanic adults are still significantly more likely than white adults to say they want to wait and see before getting the vaccine, and enthusiasm is highest among white Americans.

David Heath and Gus Garcia-Roberts, USA Today, January 27, 2021
At the start of the pandemic, no one could have foreseen how controversial a COVID-19 vaccine would become – that the country would soon be stewing in anti-science and anti-vaccine sentiment, awash in misinformation and cleaved by mistrust.  

Then-President Trump credited his Operation Warp Speed for the fast development of the vaccine, and marshaling the resources of public health agencies no doubt played a critical role. So did committing $9 billion for human trials and manufacturing the vaccine even before it was tested, banking on a green light from the FDA. But the real credit for the rapid turnaround belongs to a series of uncelebrated discoveries dating back at least 15 years – and a constellation of unsung scientists. 
East Bay Focus
by day as of 1/26/21
by day as of 1/26/21
Over the last seven days, Alameda County officials have reported 2,723 new coronavirus cases, which amounts to 166 cases per 100,000 residents.
Over the last seven days, Contra Costa County officials have reported 2,628 new coronavirus cases, which amounts to 232 cases per 100,000 residents.
Top 10 Locations of Cases in Alameda County, as of 1/26/21
Oakland: 22,177

Hayward: 11,256

Fremont: 6,264

Eden MAC: 4,911

San Leandro: 4,347

Livermore: 3,656

Union City: 3,294

Berkeley: 2,551

Newark: 2,324

Castro Valley: 2,080
Top 10 Locations of Cases in Contra Costa County, as of 1/27/21
Richmond: 8,640

Antioch: 7,572

Concord: 6,703

Pittsburgh: 5,541

San Pablo: 4,424

Brentwood: 2,933

Oakley: 2,451

Walnut Creek: 2,315

Bay Point: 2,296

San Ramon: 1,701
East Bay Resources

Where to get a Covid-19 Test

Vaccine Distribution Plan

Reopening: List of Businesses and Activities

Food Pantries
Bay Area Vaccine Distribution Focus
SF Chronicle, January 21, 2021

• Alameda County is currently vaccinating health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities, and will move on to individuals 65 and older and frontline essential workers soon. People can fill out this form to be notified when it’s their turn. The county’s latest update on vaccine eligibility says: “For those who are age 65 and older and are interested in getting vaccinated, we encourage you to please reach out to your health care provider to see if they have vaccine available at this time. Otherwise, we anticipate being able to start vaccinating this group in the coming weeks.”

• Contra Costa County: This online form currently allows health care workers and individuals 65 and older to request vaccination appointments.

• San Francisco: The public health department and private providers — including UCSF, Kaiser and Sutter — will help open the city’s first mass vaccination site at City College on Ocean Avenue near Interstate 280 today. Those eligible for a vaccine, such as health care workers and those 75 and older, will be contacted by their provider and invited to the site, which is appointment-only. San Francisco residents can go to www.sf.gov/vaccinenotify and submit contact and eligibility information, and then be notified via email when it’s their turn to get vaccinated.
East Bay Times, January 22, 2021

• Kaiser Permanente: After earlier saying it would schedule appointments for those 65 and up and providing a phone number, the HMO has scaled back. According to the vaccine page on its website, Kaiser now is saying it will mail a letter or send an email to patients 75 and older to schedule an appointment. It no longer provides a phone number for people to proactively make an appointment. Kaiser is allowing health care workers, long-term care patients and staff and emergency medical services workers to set up an e-visit to book a vaccine.

• Sutter Health's vaccine website says it is scheduling appointments for health care workers and those age 75 and up, prioritizing patients at the highest risk. Sutter patients can call 844-987-6115 to schedule an appointment or sign into their My Health Online portal to reserve a time online.

• Stanford Health Care's coronavirus site says it is vaccinating its primary care patients, but eligibility varies by county. Residents of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties who are at least 75 years old can be vaccinated at 2585 Samaritan Drive, San Jose. Beginning Friday, Jan. 22, it will also offer vaccinations at the Arrillaga Center at 341 Galvez Street on the Stanford campus. As of Thursday, Stanford patients 65 and up in Alameda and Contra Costa counties can schedule an appointment to get vaccinated at 6121 Hollis Street in Emeryville. Eligible patients can make an appointment via the MyHealth portal or by calling 650-498-9000.
Eden Health District Community Advisory:
Employees With Covid-19 May Return to Work Without Obtaining a New, Negative Test Result After The Isolation Period Ends

Workplace guidelines for individuals who have tested positive for Covid-19 have been updated and a negative test is no longer required to return to work after the individual has completed a 10-day isolation period and no longer have a fever and their symptoms have improved.

In an effort to provide clarity, the CDC and Alameda County Public Health Department recommend that employers should not require an employee to provide a negative Covid-19 test result if the employee has met the criteria to end home isolation.

What is Recommended

If an employee has tested positive for Covid-19, but not had a severe illness from Covid-19, the employee should stay home and isolate for at least 10 days from when the employee took the Covid-19 test.

  • On the 11th day, if the employee no longer has a fever without taking fever-reducing medication and other symptoms of Covid-19 have improved, the employee may leave isolation and return to work without obtaining a new, negative Covid-19 test result or note from the employee’s healthcare provider.

  • If on the 11th day, the employee still has a fever or her/his symptoms have not improved, the employee should stay in isolation until she/he recovers.
Special circumstances and notes:

1) If an employee had severe illness from Covid-19, defined as being admitted to a hospital and needing oxygen, the employee’s healthcare provider may recommend she/he stay in isolation for possibly up to 20 days after symptoms first appeared.

2) Loss of taste and smell caused by Covid-19 may persist for weeks or months after recovery. If an employee has only these symptoms, the employee may return to work after the isolation period ends.

Why it is Unnecessary For Employees To Get Tested Again After They Recover From Covid-19

The CDC states: “If you have recovered from your symptoms after testing positive for COVID-19, you may continue to test positive for three months or more without being contagious to others. For this reason, you should be tested only if you develop new symptoms of possible COVID-19. Getting tested again should be discussed with your healthcare provider, especially if you have been in close contact with another person who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.”

What is Isolation?

Isolation is used to separate people infected with Covid-19 from those who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home until it’s safe for them to be around others. At home, anyone sick or infected should separate from others, stay in a specific “sick room” or area, and use a separate bathroom (if available).

Mask On Eden Area
Working in collaboration with the Alameda County Public Health Department, the Cities of Hayward and San Leandro, and the Castro Valley and Eden Area Municipal Advisory Councils, the District has printed “Mask On” posters for each city and community in the Eden Health District area. The posters are free and intended for businesses, health clinics, schools, churches, public agencies and nonprofit organizations to display in their entrances.

The public is welcome to download and print or share “Mask On” posters from the District’s website. Posters are available in English, Spanish and Chinese languages.
Your feedback is welcome. Please share the Bulletin.
The Eden Health District Board of Directors are Mariellen Faria, Chair, Pam Russo, Vice Chair, Roxann Lewis, Treasurer, Gordon Galvan and Varsha Chauhan. The Chief Executive Officer is Mark Friedman.

The Eden Health District is committed to ensuring that policy makers and community members receive accurate and timely information to help make the best policy and personal choices to meet and overcome the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We publish the Bulletin on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, unless the day falls on a public holiday.

Please share our bulletin with your contacts. Please click here to subscribe.

We welcome your feedback on our bulletin. Please contact Bulletin editor Stephen Cassidy.