October 13th- End of Quarter 1, Half Day (11:45 AM Dismissal), Day care & hot lunch will be provided if needed

October 26th- Coffee & Community- Staff & Parents

October 31st- Parent Teacher Conferences TK-8th-Half Day (11:45 AM Dismissal): Day Care & hot lunch will be provided if needed.

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Tardy Policy

When an elementary or middle school student accrues 5 tardies at the beginning of the school day in an academic quarter, the family will be billed $10.00. If subsequent tardies occur, families will be billed $10.00 for each additional tardy in the same academic quarter. This policy will be effective starting Monday, September 18th and our first quarter ends Friday, October 13th.

Surgery Time

Fourth grade practiced their addition, subtraction, rounding, and place value skills by becoming doctors for the day! Students got to rotate to different stations and perform some math surgery to get in some good practice with these math skills. The kids had a blast (and so did Ms. Ell)! 4th grade is so full of brilliant mathematicians! 

Apple Day

In Kindergarten, we had our annual Apple Day! We learned about the life cycle of an apple tree, tasted apples and practiced graphing to find our favorite. We also practiced our letter sound with a fun ABC apple game, practiced number recognition with an apple tree game, made caramel apples, and ended our day with apple bobbing, and some delicious apple cider and apple crisp. It was perfect!

Second Grade Slime Lab

Second grade has been studying properties of matter and had an amazing time with their slime science lab. Through their investigation, they found that slime behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, meaning that if strong force is applied it will behave like a solid, but if gentle force is applied it will behave like a liquid. It was messy and FUN!

Dear WVCS Families,

As we begin a new school year, I want to address a matter of utmost importance – the safety and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff. Recent years have seen a troubling rise in security concerns nationwide, and we are committed to taking proactive measures to protect our learning environment.

Last year, we conducted a comprehensive school safety survey, and from the insights gained, we've identified a pressing need for additional security measures, including the hiring of a trained and licensed armed security guard. Our primary objective is to create a secure and safe learning environment for our students, and to achieve this, we seek your generous support.

Firstly, it's important to emphasize that while we are planning to implement various physical safety measures in January, the funds for these enhancements will come from a separate account. We intend to present this proposal to you in December to allow for potential tax benefits.

Secondly, the planned safety enhancements are extensive, including wireless-controlled door locks, video ID access controls, immediate electronic access to police, the presence of a security shack for guest sign-ins, and after-hours entry controls. These critical enhancements will require a total investment of $300,000 over the next three years.

Thirdly, we want to clarify that the armed guard is not part of the proposal presented to foundations or grant proposals. The funds required for the armed guard position will come solely from private donations. We are committed to full transparency regarding the cost of the armed guard position and are open to exploring alternatives if you are aware of another company that can provide equal or better service at a competitive price for the hours of 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM.

We are reaching out to our school families, encompassing preschool through 8th grade, for assistance in covering the costs of the armed guard. We believe that, collectively, we can achieve our goal if each family can contribute an additional $35.00 per month. To facilitate this, we kindly request that contributions be made in $100 increments, and we will seek new donations every three months. These funds will be used to cover a minimum of three months' expenses for the armed guard position.

The safety and security of our students and staff remain our utmost priority. Together, we can take proactive steps to ensure a secure learning environment for all. We deeply appreciate your consideration and support in this crucial endeavor.

If you would like to contribute to this important cause, please visit our school office to make a donation. Donations can be made in the form of cash or check. If you prefer to donate with a credit card, please reach out to Mrs. Herget at [email protected] to explore online donation options.

Your ongoing support and commitment to the safety and security of our school community are genuinely appreciated.

Thank you for standing with us in this vital endeavor.


Derek Swales

School Administrator

West Valley Christian School

Hot Lunch- October

Playground Update

Our new playground is looking amazing! We are so excited to see the finished product.