Legislative Efforts and Information
Bills submitted by NASP request:
LB893 - Request to make the 15% rate increase (across the board) permanent.
Thank you to the five NASP provider agency representatives who gave powerful testimonies at the hearing for this bill on January 31st.
LB1172 - Appropriate ARPA funds for DD services that require staff.
The hearing for this bill will be February 22nd. NASP will be represented by Ollie Webb, Autism Center of Nebraska, Integrated Life Choices, and Region V.
- Thank Senator Stinner for sponsoring LB893:
(402) 471-2802 - jstinner@leg.ne.gov
- Thank Senator Hilkemann for sponsoring LB1172:
(402) 471-2621 - rhilkemann@leg.ne.gov
- Contact members of the Appropriations Committee and request their support of these critical bills:
Chairman John Stinner (contact info above)
Sen. Robert Clements: (402) 471-2613 - rclements@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Myron Dorn: (402) 471-2620 - mdorn@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Steve Erdman: (402) 471-2616 - serdman@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Robert Hilkemann (contact info above)
Sen. Mark Kolterman: (402) 471-2756 - mkolterman@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Mike McDonnell: (402) 471-2710 - mmcdonnell@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Tony Vargas: (402) 471-2721 - tvargas@leg.ne.gov
Sen. Anna Wishart: (402) 471-2632 - awishart@leg.ne.gov
- Submit Letters of Support for the record by Feb. 22nd for LB1172
* We will discuss the importance (and format) of these letters of support at our monthly NASP meeting Feb. 15th *
On Our Radar:
Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh [D-06] has ushered LB376 through its second of three hearings for a bill that was stone walled last year. The bill seeks to provide home-based services for children with disabilities in an effort to keep them out of institutional care settings. The bill which had significant opposition last year due to the anticipated cost to the state, is being met with greater support this session. The bill would enable 850 families access to home-base support would provider up to $10,000 in support per child annually.