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A Chance to Win $1000!

NASP, in partnership with UNMC MMI, is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Lottery.

It is our hope that this lottery will encourage people who are currently on the fence to get the vaccine, as well as reward those who have already taken that step to protect our community and the people we support.

Learn More and Register HERE
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MANDT Training

When someone is in crisis, knowing how to respond and how to deescalate the situation can save lives. On that note, Angel Guardians Inc. (AGI) is thrilled to announce community members will be given the tools to do just that thanks to an award of $77,985 by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.

Click here to request training for you or your organization

Madonna School and Community Based Services' Adult Service clients are all warmed up for Special Olympics Nebraska bowling!

The tournaments look a little different this year due to Covid restrictions, but we are so happy everyone can still compete. Have a great season everyone!

University of Minnesota Policy Research Brief:

Wage Compression Among DSPs

The Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota has issued a new policy research brief entitled Wage Compression Among Direct Support Professionals. The brief highlights the impact of wage compression among DSPs and how it contributes to the recruitment and retention crisis in the direct care workforce. In particular, the study demonstrates that current average hourly wage increase among DSPs falls short of the average 3-5% annual increase for U.S. workers.

The research brief also contains policy recommendations including calling on the CMS to require states to set rates sufficient for recruiting and retaining DSPs, ensuring wage increases for DSPs are not limited solely to signing bonuses, advocating for cost of living increases for home and community-based services, and more.

Read the Brief Here

Supported Employment

NEON created the National Plan to Increase CIE based on input from and experience of national provider organizations (NPOs) and their participating local providers organization (LPOs) members. The National Plan will guide the NPOs as they work with their respective affiliate members to increase CIE. The National Plan is also intended to provide information and recommendations useful to policy makers, funding entities, and in-the-field activities in the overall national effort to increase CIE.

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Reminder: Training for participation in the data collection for the Supported Employment Outcomes Study.

February 16th 9:00-10:30am CST

Please ensure appropriate staff from your organization attend this webinar training. 

Thank you!

Join Zoom Meeting

Legislative Efforts and Information

Bills submitted by NASP request:

LB893 - Request to make the 15% rate increase (across the board) permanent.

Thank you to the five NASP provider agency representatives who gave powerful testimonies at the hearing for this bill on January 31st.

LB1172 - Appropriate ARPA funds for DD services that require staff.

The hearing for this bill will be February 22nd. NASP will be represented by Ollie Webb, Autism Center of Nebraska, Integrated Life Choices, and Region V.


  • Thank Senator Stinner for sponsoring LB893:

(402) 471-2802 -

  • Thank Senator Hilkemann for sponsoring LB1172:

(402) 471-2621 -

  • Contact members of the Appropriations Committee and request their support of these critical bills:

Chairman John Stinner (contact info above)

Sen. Robert Clements: (402) 471-2613 -

Sen. Myron Dorn: (402) 471-2620 -

Sen. Steve Erdman: (402) 471-2616 -

Sen. Robert Hilkemann (contact info above)

Sen. Mark Kolterman: (402) 471-2756 -

Sen. Mike McDonnell: (402) 471-2710 -

Sen. Tony Vargas: (402) 471-2721 -

Sen. Anna Wishart: (402) 471-2632 -

  • Submit Letters of Support for the record by Feb. 22nd for LB1172

* We will discuss the importance (and format) of these letters of support at our monthly NASP meeting Feb. 15th *

On Our Radar:

Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh [D-06] has ushered LB376 through its second of three hearings for a bill that was stone walled last year. The bill seeks to provide home-based services for children with disabilities in an effort to keep them out of institutional care settings. The bill which had significant opposition last year due to the anticipated cost to the state, is being met with greater support this session. The bill would enable 850 families access to home-base support would provider up to $10,000 in support per child annually.

NASP in the News

Rising costs for care of vulnerable Nebraskans may be at odds with tax cut hopes

Click here to read the Omaha World Herald article

Getting crafty at Autism Center of Nebraska


Build Back Better

Last week Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) checked himself into a hospital after suffering a stroke and underwent emergency surgery to reduce swelling in his brain. Senator Luján will remain in his home state of New Mexico to recover for the next several weeks.

Because the U.S. Senate is evenly divided between 50 Senators that caucus with the Democrats and 50 Republican Senators, Senator Luján’s temporary absence will mean that Senate Democrats only have 49 seats and thus will lack a working majority. This current shift will impact that policy priorities that Senate Democrats hoped to advance quickly, including advancing a U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, as well as plans to move forward a revised Build Back Better legislative package.

Even as timing for advancing a modified Build Back Better Act remains uncertain, ANCOR remains committed to advocating for the inclusion of the Home and Community-Based (HCBS) program as part of that legislation. To take action and urge funding for the HCBS program, contact your Senators today!

Region V cheering the Nebraska Women's Basketball Team on to a victory


The Case for Inclusion 2021 Special Report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community-based disability services and provides a blueprint for a more sustainable disability services system.

Download the Report

ANCOR's Weekend Reading List

There's One Population That Gets Overlooked by an 'Everyone Will Get COVID' Mentality

Lesley McClurg, NPR


The Least of These: Paying Care Workers Fairly

Editorial Board, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


PA Can – and Must – Stop the Collapse of its Disability System

Editorial, GoErie/USA Today

How Technology Can Help People With Disabilities Become More Independent

Hannah Herner, Tennessee Lookout


Love is in the air!

Shop all things Valentine at Goodwill Industries of Greater Nebraska


FREE training available on Voter Rights, Accessibility, and Impact!

Provided by NASP's wonderful LEND/CLL Trainee, Hailey Humphrey, in partnership with Civic Nebraska and The Arc of Nebraska. Please support Hailey's learning experience with NASP by participating :).

Ensure your staff and the people you support understand HOW and WHY to vote, as well as the ADA accommodations they should expect at their polling places.

This is a very important year in local politics as we'll be electing a new Governor.

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